MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date: Wednesday, November 7, 1990


90-404 - National Capital Parks (District of Columbia) - Drug Arrests

Early on the afternoon of November 2nd, Park Police officers culminated a
six-month undercover narcotics investigation with the service of six
narcotics search warrants at two locations in the city. During this
operation, wholesale quantities of crack cocaine were purchased by
undercover officers. As a result of the investigation, two suspects were
arrested and more than six ounces of crack with a street value of about
$15,000 were confiscated. Officers also seized $18,000 in cash, $20,000 in
gold, four vehicles, a machine pistol, two handguns and a shotgun. (Telefax
from Capt. Marvin Ellison, RAD/NCRO, 11/6).

90-405 - Lake Mead (Nevada/Arizona) - Suicide

A maintenance worker for the Nevada Water Commission noticed a camper parked
off the roadway on Lake Shore Drive with a hose running from the exhaust
into the vehicle early on the morning of November 2nd. The responding
rangers found 39-year-old G.T. of Vancouver, Washington, lying
unconscious on the front seat. G.T. was pronounced dead at the scene.
(Dispatch, LAME, via CompuServe message from Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO, 11/5).

90-406 - Rock Creek (District of Columbia) - Kidnapping and Shooting

At 9 p.m. on the evening of the 3rd, Park Police officers were dispatched to
the park to investigate a reported shooting. The found two victims - D.C.,
33, and C.H., 19, both of Washington - who were each
suffering from superficial gunshot wounds to their heads. The pair had been
abducted at gunpoint from a hotel in Lanham, Maryland, taken to the park and
shot. Both were taken to an area hospital for treatment. An investigation
is underway. (Telefax from Capt. Marvin Ellison, RAD/NCRO, 11/6).


No reports today.


1) CompuServe user fees, which amounted to about $60,000 per year
Servicewide last year, will continue to be paid for by WASO this fiscal
year. There was some discussion in October about the possibility of seeking
funding for CompuServe from the field, but the decision has since been made
to continue the past policy of centrally funding it in Information and Data
Systems. [Carl Zaner, IDS/WASO]

2) Those of you in and around the Maryland area should make a note to tune
into your public television station at 9 a.m. on December 1st to see
"Assault on Time", a program which shows "the destructive impact on our
nation's cultural heritage caused by the looting and vandalism of
archeological sites." One of the segments was filmed at Richmond NBP. The
program, which was produced by FLETC, will appear on affiliates of the
Maryland Public Television system. Other NPS areas might consider asking
their public television stations to also broadcast this acclaimed
documentary. [Doug Scovill, Archeological Assistance, WASO]

3) Coulee Dam is requesting information from other park areas who manage
and/or participate with other organizations in the operation of youth camps
in their areas. They are particularly interested in information pertaining
to the permitting instrument employed, special conditions made, fees charged
and so forth. Contact George Phillips at FTS 446-9441. [Darrell Cock, CODA]


- Division Chief: No travel scheduled.

- Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Martin at FLETC (11/6-11/7);
  entire staff at staff retreat at Wolf Trap (11/8-11/9).

- Branch of Fire: Botti at FIREPRO review in SHEN, NERI, FRSP and APCO
  (11/3-11/7); Gale at Frijole Fire review in GUMO (11/6-11/8); Norum
  consulting with SEKI on research and prescribed fire prescriptions
  (11/5-11/9); Rutter, Brown and Wise at FFS training in Seattle

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650