MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date: Thursday, December 6, 1990


90-436 - Vicksburg (Mississippi) - ARPA Convictions

Federal indictments were handed down by a grand jury on December 3rd
charging A.R. and N.D., Jr., both of Eaton Rouge, Louisiana,
with violations of the Archeological Resources Protection Act. The pair
will be arraigned tomorrow on one misdemeanor and three felony ARPA counts.
They face maximum penalties of over 28 years in prison and $500,000 in
fines. The indictments stem from a relic-hunting incident which occurred in
the park on May 27th. (Telefax from Jerry Davis, VICK, 12/5).

90-437 - Lake Meredith (Texas) - Search in Progress

A search was begun at Lake Meredith when L.B., 57, of Borger, Texas,
was reported as missing on the evening of December 4th. L.B.'s vehicle
was found in the park at Fritch Fortress; it was locked with the keys
inside. L.B. is a cancer patient. Rangers concluded a land search
yesterday, and will begin dragging the lake this morning. (Pat McCrary,
Superintendent, LAMR, via telefax from Bill Tanner, RAD/SWRO, 12/5).


North Cascades (Washington) - Cougar Relocation

Rangers and resource management specialists successfully immobilized and
relocated a healthy two- to three-year-old cougar from the town of Diablo in
Ross Lake NRA earlier this week. The cougar had been seen regularly in the
town during the previous two weeks and had reportedly eaten several house
cats and pet rabbits. Residents were concerned because the cougar had
become quite bold and was seen daily in the housing area. The cougar was
tracked and treed with the assistance of local hound hunters and the
Washington Department of Wildlife, then immobilized by dart and flown to a
remote area of the park. This was the second relocation of a cougar in the
area in the past two years. North Cascades would like to hear from other
parks who have experienced similar problems and taken actions to manage
cougar-human interactions. Please call Jon Jarvis at 206-856-5700.
(CompuServe message from RAD/PNRO, 12/5).

Cape Cod (Massachusetts) - Tidal Impacts on Archeological Site

Extreme tides, strong southeast winds and hard rains hammered the seashore
on December 4th. Although the heavy surf altered the mid-Archaic
archeological site under excavation and eroded away approximately ten to
fifteen feet of cliff, the site itself was covered with a layer of sand from
the eroding banks of sand above and behind it and was thereby partially
protected. The storm also uncovered several other nearby sites and has
increased the size of the area under excavation. Artifacts found so far
indicate that the spot was used by two groups of people - one from about
3,000 years ago and the other from about 8,000 years ago. Projectile
points, scraping tools and stone chips left from tool-making have been
recovered. The storm also uncovered significant pottery remnants.
(CompuServe message from Dennis Burnett, CACO, 12/5).


- Division Chief: No travel scheduled.

- Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Farabee at all-risk ICS meeting,
  Richmond, VA (12/3-12/7); Henry in aircraft overflight meetings with
  Forest Service and Grand Canyon staff (12/1-12/6); Marriott at curriculum
  review, FLETC, Glynco, GA (12/3-12/7).

- Branch of Fire: Erskine at BLM FMO conference, Billings, MT (12/4-12/7);
  Mattingly at USFS hotshot crew workshop, Colorado Springs, CO (12/5-12/7);
  Farrel at planning meetings in Ranger Activities, WASO, Washington, DC
  (12/4-12/6); Gale at all-risk ICS meeting, Richmond, VA (12/3-12/7);
  Broyles at NWCG fireline safety course, Portland, OR (12/4-12/6).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650