MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date: Monday, December 17, 1990


No incident reports received.


No reports today.


Asterisk (*) indicates new entry; plus (+) indicates revised entry.
Brackets at end of entry indicate source of information:

January 10 - March 25 - Basic Law Enforcement for Land Management Agencies
Training Program, FLETC, Glynco, GA. Funded by LEEDC/FLETC. For
application procedures, contact your regional training office. [Carole

January 12 - 17 - Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, Washington,
DC. For further information, contact Jen Coffey at 202-208-6380 (FTS 268-
6380). [Jen Coffey, RAD/WASO]

January 14 - 18 - Critical Issues: Museum Security and Fire Protection,
Washington, D.C. This 40-hour course is designed for regional and park
curators and chiefs of ranger activities divisions. It will include
identification of security and fire threats, making assessments, operating
procedures, sources of assistance, hardware systems and technical
specifications and costs of museum security and fire protection. Contact
your park or regional training officer for an application. For further
information, contact Dave Dahlen at Mather EDC (FTS 925-6215 or 304-535-
6215). [Dave Dahlen, Mather]

January 14 - 18 - Concessions Training for Line Managers, Phoenix, AZ.
Designed for park managers, superintendents, assistant superintendents and
line managers who have concession operations within their parks. For
further information, contact your regional training officer. [Concessions,

* January 14 - May 11 - Seasonal Law Enforcement Ranger Academy, Colorado
Northwestern community College, Rangely, Colorado. For further information
and application, contact Steven Whittmore at 303-675-3306. [Steven
Whittmore, CNCC]

January 22 - Helicopter Operation Specialist and Pilot Workshop, Anaheim,
CA. Tentative. Sponsored by OAS. Please contact Butch Farabee at FTS 268-
4188 for further information. [Butch Farabee, RAD/WASO]

February 4 - April 16 - Basic Law Enforcement for Land Management Agencies,
Glynco, GA. Funded by LEEDC/FLETC. For application procedures, contact
your regional training office. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC]

February 27 - May 8 - Basic Law Enforcement for Land Management Agencies,
Glynco, GA. Funded by LEEDC/FLETC. For application procedures, contact
your regional training office. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC]

March 18 - 29 - Prescribed Fire Burn Boss, Big Thicket, TX. Two-week
training session on the maragement of prescribed burns to meet land
management and operational objectives. The course is designed for personnel
having primary responsibility for planning and implementing prescribed fire
as a management tool. Submit an NWCG interagency training nomination form
to program coordinator David McHugh at Big Thicket no later than December
14th. [Paul Broyles, Branch of Fire]

March 22 - 27 - 56th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources
Conference, Edmonton, Alberta. For further information, contact L.L.
Williamson, Wildlife Management Institute, 1101 14th Street NW, Suite 725,
Washington, DC 20005 (202-371-1808). [Kathy Jope, RAD/PNRD]

March 25 - June 4 - Basic Law Enforcement for Land Management Agencies,
Glynco, GA. Funded by LEEDC/FLETC. For application procedures, contact
your regional training office. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC]

April 14 - Fire Management for Managers, NARTC, Marana, AZ. The session
will be held concurrently with the USFS course on fire management for line
officers, and there will be several joint sessions. Open to
superintendents, park FMQ's, ARD's for operations and regional chief
rangers. For further information, contact Paul Broyles, Branch of Fire
Management (208-334-1080 or FTS 554-1080). [Paul Broyles, FIRE]

April 24 - 26 - Mountain Lion/Human Interaction Symposium and Workshop,
Holiday Inn Holidome, Denver, CO. Sponsored by the NPS and several other
state, provincial and federal agencies. Abstracts are due by December 15,
1990. For more information, call Steve Chaney (303-969-2856 or FTS 327.
2856) or Robert Tally at 303-297-1192. [Steve Chaney, RMRO]

(Calendar appears in each Monday's morning report. If you know of a
conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please provide the specifics to Bill Halainen in Ranger


- Division Chief: Dabney at fire management cadre meeting, Marana, AZ

- Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Kreis on AL (12/19-12/21);
  Coffey on AL (12/21).

- Branch of Fire: No travel scheduled.

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650