RANGER ACTIVITIES DIVISION MORNING REPORT Attention: Directorate Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC CC: RAD Information Net Day/date: Monday, March 25, 1991 INCIDENTS 91-80 - RESOURCE MANAGEMENT No reports today. OPERATIONAL NOTES 1) The Service's new intake trainee program has been announced and is open for applications until April 8th. The program involves intensive developmental assignments and travel; a mobility agreement must be signed as part of the application. Participants enter at the GS-5 level and complete the three-year program as a GS-9. Positions are multidisciplinary and located throughout the National Park System. Questions concerning the vacancy announcement and application process should be directed to Harry Baldauf, WASO, at FTS 268-5228 or 202-208-5228. Questions concerning the curriculum may be addressed to Chris Perry, Employee Development Officer, Intake Program, WASO, at FTS 523-5280 or 202-523-5280. [Chris Perry, EDD/WASO] CALENDAR Asterisk (*) indicates new entry; plus (+) indicates revised entry subsequent comments explain the revision. Brackets at end of entry indicate source of information: April 1-5 North Atlantic Regional Chief Rangers Conference, Ocean Edge Resort, Brewster, MA. For further information, contact Ginny Rousseau (617-223-5070). [Ginny Rousseau, RAD/NARO] April 1-12 Law Enforcement Spanish Training Program, FLETC, Artesia, NM. Funded by benefitting accounts. For application procedures, contact your regional training office. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC] April 9-12 Western Regional Chief Rangers' Workshop, Days Inn, Scottsdale, AZ. Funded by benefitting accounts. For reservations, contact the Days Inn (602-947-5411); for further information, call Dwayne Collier at 602-640-5256 or Herb Gercke at 415-556-1866. [Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO] April 14-18 Fire Management for Managers, NARTC, Marana, AZ. The session will be held concurrently with the USFS course on fire management for line officers, and there will be several joint sessions. Open to superintendents, ARD's for operations and regional chief rangers. For further information, contact Paul Broyles, Branch of Fire Management (208-334-1080 or FTS 554-1080). [Paul Broyles, FIRE] April 14-18 Departmental Safety and Occupational Health Seminar, Bahia Resort Hotel, San Diego, CA. Sponsored by the NPS. Registration fee of $65. All fulltime and collateral duty safety personnel are encouraged to attend. For further information, contact William Davis, Chief, Branch of Loss Control, WASO, at FTS 343-7014 or 202-343-7014. [Bill Davis, Safety, WASO] April 15-June 26 Basic Law Enforcement for Land Management Agencies Training, FLETC, Glynco, GA. Funded by LEEDC/FLETC. For application procedures, contact your regional training office. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC] April 15-26 Physical Fitness Coordinator Training, FLETC, Glynco, GA. Funded by benefitting accounts. For application procedures, contact your regional training office. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC] April 15-19 Archeological Resource Protection Training, Albuquerque, NM. Funded by LEEDC/FLETC. For application procedures, contact your regional training office. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC] * April 16-19 MAR/NCR Fee Collection Training, Dunes Manor, Ocean City, MD. For further information, contact Ginny Paci in MARO at FTS 597-7135 (215-597-7135) or Bill Crocket in NCRO at FTS 296-7065 (202-619-7065). [Ginny Paci, RAD/MARO] April 16-25 Advanced Physical Security Training, FLETC, Glynco, GA. Funded by benefitting accounts. For application procedures, contact your regional training office. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC] April 17-19 "Environmental Compliance: Tools for Protecting Parks", Colorado Springs, CO. A three-day course "designed to help participants develop core skills and practical understanding in compliance, with a focus on NEPA." Sponsored by WASO Environmental Quality and the Environmental Law Institute. For further information, contact Frank Bono at Albright or Kheryn Klubnikin, Environmental Quality, WASO. [Kheryn Klubnikin, EQ/WASO] April 24-26 Mountain Lion/Human Interaction Symposium and Workshop, Holiday Inn Holidome, Denver, CO. Sponsored by the NPS and several other state, provincial and federal agencies. Abstracts are due by December 15, 1990. For more information, call Steve Chaney (303-969-2856 or FTS 327-2856) or Robert Tully at 303-297-1192. [Steve Chaney, RMRO] April 28-May 3 National Park and Wilderness Fire Management, NARTC, Marana, AZ. For further information, call NARTC (FTS 762-6414 or 602-670-6414). May 6-17 Driver Instructor Training, FLETC, Glynco, GA. Funded by benefitting accounts. For application procedures, contact your regional training office. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC] May 6-17 Physical Fitness Coordinator Training, FLETC, Artesia, NM. Funded by benefitting accounts. For application procedures, contact your regional training office. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC] May 13-24 Law Enforcement Spanish Training, FLETC, Glynco, GA. Funded by benefitting accounts. For application procedures, contact your regional training office. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC] May 14-15 Western Region Peer Counselor Training, Tucson, AZ. Funded by benefitting accounts. For applications, contact Herb Gercke at 415-556-1866. [Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO] May 20-July 17 Seasonal Law Enforcement Ranger Academy, Colorado Northwestern Community College, Rangely, CO. For further information and application, contact Steven Whittmore at 303-675-3306. [Steven Whittmore, CNCC] May 20-22 Third Annual Conference of the society for Ecological Restoration, Orlando, FL. For further information, call (813) 355-5065. [Jen Coffey, RAD/WASO] May 29-June 1 "The Biology and Management of Martens and Fishers: A Symposium", Laramie, WY. Sponsored by the NPS and several federal, state and provincial agencies. For more information, contact the Department of Zoology and Physiology, University of Wyoming, at 307-766-2357. [Sue Consolo Murphy, YELL] May 30-August 12 Basic Law Enforcement for Land Management Agencies Training, FLETC, Glynco, GA. Funded by LEEDC/FLETC. For application procedures, contact your regional training office. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC] June 10-21 National Wildfire Investigation Training, Boise, ID. Funded by benefitting accounts. Contact your regional fire coordinator to see if your attendance qualifies for FIREPRO funding. For application procedures, contact your regional training office. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC] June 25-September 6 Basic Law Enforcement for Land Management Agencies Training, FLETC, Glynco, GA. Funded by LEEDC/FLETC. For application procedures, contact your regional training office. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC] (Calendar appears in the morning report every other Monday morning. If you know of a conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and implications, please provide the specifics to Bill Halainen in Ranger Activities). STAFF STATUS Division Chief: Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Halainen and Marriott on annual leave (3/25-3/29). Branch of Fire: Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities Telephone: FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039 Telefax: FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977 CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire) SEAdog: 1/650