RANGER ACTIVITIES DIVISION MORNING REPORT Attention: Directorate Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC CC: RAD Information Net Day/date: Friday, May 31, 1991 INCIDENTS 91-182 - Hawaii Volcanoes (Hawaii) - Followup on Helicopter Crash The contract Hughs 500 helicopter which crashed in the park was in the process of sling-loading fencing materials from a staging area at 4,600 feet to a work site at 7,800 feet. On a return trip to the staging area, the helicopter's engine failed. The pilot may have tried to autorotate, but did not have enough altitude and crashed at the 6,000 feet. Debris was spread for about 200 feet; the ship itself came to rest against a tree and burned. The pilot's helmet was caught in the wreckage, but he managed to free himself from it and walk away from the ship. His injuries included a slight concussion, fractured vertebrae, a fractured collarbone, and a compound fracture of the arm. An investigation into the cause of the accident is underway. [CompuServe message from Carl Christensen, RAD/WRO, 5/30] 91-188 - Cuyahoga Valley (Ohio) - Drug Arrest Off-duty ranger Blane Dolges noticed a suspicious motorcycle parked near a barn near the western boundary of the park on the afternoon of May 29th. He notified onduty rangers Judy Folts and Cheryl Hess, who investigated and subsequently arrested two individuals - J.M., 20, of Boulder, Colorado, and R.K., 25, of Richfield, Ohio for felonious cultivation of marijuana. Over 68 plants have been found so far; hand-drawn maps of 12 other areas of the park were also found. An investigation is underway with assistance from local police and DEA agents. Investigators believe that at least one of the two men has a prior conviction for marijuana cultivation. [Brian McHugh, CR, CUVA, via telefax from J.J. McLaughlin, RAD/MWRO, 5/30] 91-189 - San Juan (Puerto Rico) - Homicides Two men and a women were killed by what was reportedly automatic weapons fire in a drive-by shooting at San Tomas Bastion on the evening of May 26th. A third male is in critical condition. The shooting is believed to be drug-related, but no further details are presently available. The commonwealth is handling the investigation. [Mark Hardgrove, SAJU, via telephone report from Steve Alscher, RAD/SERO, 5/30] 91-190 - Chattahoochee River (Georgia) - Suicide Rangers found a vehicle belonging to W.P., 37, at Sope Creek on May 23rd and began a search for him. His body was by a ranger on the afternoon of the 26th. W.P. had shot himself. No note was found. [Telephone report from Steve Alscher, RAD/SERO, 5/30] FIRE ACTIVITY 1) FIRE SITUATION Preparedness Level II One geographic area experiencing high fire danger. Numerous Class A, B, and C fires occurring and a potential exists for escapes to larger (project) fires. Minimal mobilization of resources from other geographic areas occurring. The potential exists for mobilizing additional resources from other geographic areas. 2) FIRE SUMMARY State Agency Area Fire 5/30 5/31 Status AK FWS Kenai NWR Pothole T1 8,400 8,400 CN 6/2 NOTES: Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this report). T1 and T2 indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams. Status The following abbreviations are employed: * NR No report received * MS Modified suppression strategy * CN Contained * MN Being monitored * CL Controlled * None No estimate of containment * CS Confinement strategy * Yes Fire has been contained 3) ANALYSIS - Initial attack activity continues in the Southwest. Several areas are reporting very high to extreme fire indices. 4) PROGNOSIS Fire activity is expected to continue in the Southwest. [NIFCC Intelligence Section, 0530 MDT, 5/31] THIS DAY IN NPS SAR HISTORY... No entries for today, but we missed a few earlier this month. All submissions for this section are being prepared by Butch Farabee of Padre Island and are being excerpted from his workinprogress on the history of SAR in the NPS... May 20, 1989 - Ranger Hank Anderson received the Valor Award for rescuing five people from the ocean at Cape Hatteras. May 28, 1978 - The crew of a Lemoore NAS rescue helicopter received the Valor Award the only nonDOI group ever to receive the award for a rescue performed off Cloud's Rest in Yosemite. May 28, 1980 - Grand Canyon rangerparamedic Mike Smith and helicopter pilot Tom Caldwell conducted a night rescue of a heart attack victim from the bottom of the canyon. The victim would not otherwise have survived the night. The story was the subject of a "Drama in Real Life" article in Reader's Digest. STAFF STATUS Division Chief: Dabney on AL (5/31). Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Sisto on AL (5/27-5/31). Branch of Fire: Norum at annual meeting of national advisory group on fire danger rating, Asheville, NC (5/27-5/31); Botti and Burg at FIREPRO steering committee meeting, San Francisco, CA (5/28-6/4). Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities Telephone: FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039 Telefax: FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977 CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire) SEAdog: 1/650