RANGER ACTIVITIES DIVISION MORNING REPORT Attention: Directorate Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC CC: RAD Information Net Day/date: Monday, July 15, 1991 INCIDENTS 91-284 - Canyonlands (Utah) - Aggravated Assault At approximately 10:10 p.m. on the 13th, ranger Dana Kline received a report of shots fired in the Squaw Flat campground in the Needles District. The shots, which forced the occupants of two campsites to seek cover, were apparently fired from a pickup truck with a cabover camper which was subsequently seen speeding from the area. San Juan County sheriff's deputies were advised and a roadblock was established on the main access road 34 miles from the park's boundary. The truck was intercepted, and the driver, H.M., 70, of Payson, Arizona, was arrested for driving under the influence. A .22 caliber revolver with three spent cartridges and three live rounds in the cylinder was recovered from the interior of the camper during the impoundment inventory. Rangers Kline and Tony Schetzsle conducted the followup investigation. They found that H.M. had been drinking and arguing with a female companion while in the campground. While intoxicated, he walked from the campsite and discharged his revolver in the direction of other campers, then left the park. There were no injuries in the incident. H.M. is being held in the county jail. Formal charges will be filed today. [Telefaxed report from Tony Schetzsle, CR, CANY, 7/14] 91-285 - Jefferson National Expansion (Missouri) - Armed Robbery A couple who had just left a river boat and were walking to the parking garage were confronted and robbed by two men on July 11th. One of the men produced a sawed-off shotgun from a tote bag and threatened to kill both the man and the woman unless they gave him all their money. The suspects then fled on foot with over $700 in cash and the couple's credit cards, drivers licenses and other items. Rangers and St. Louis police officers were notified. A joint search of the grounds and surrounding area was conducted without results. The case is still under investigation by both agencies. [Deryl Stone, CR, JEFF, via CompuServe message from Tom Thompson, RAD/MWRO, 7/11] 91-286 - Lake Mead (Nevada) - Fatal Air Crash On July 10th, J.P., 45, of Fontana, California, flew into the airstrip at Temple Bar to deliver the pilot who was to fly out the plane belonging to S.N., who was killed in the boating accident which occurred on the lake on July 8th (912-71). J.P. took off to return to Kingman, Arizona, later that afternoon. Just after leaving, he called the airstrip to report that he was having difficulties with his aircraft. Nothing more was heard from him. Rangers began a search and soon located his crashed aircraft about a quarter mile south of the strip. J.P. was dead at the scene. There were no other occupants in the plane, and there was no fire. The FAA and NTSB are investigating the accident. [John Jones, Dispatch, LAME, via CompuServe message from Carl Christensen, RAD/WRO, 7/11] 91-287 - Yosemite (California) - Successful Rescue Just after 5:00 p.m. on the 8th, rangers in the Valley District received a report that an unidentified visitor had slipped and fallen over a cliff between Upper and Lower Yosemite Falls. The park helicopter immediately flew SAR personnel and equipment to a landing zone near the scene. The victim, F.M., had fallen 20 to 25 feet into the water, but had managed to drag himself up onto a boulder in the middle of the stream. He complained of severe pain in one of his legs. Rescue personnel packaged the victim in a prerigged Stokes litter and employed a shorthaul extraction with the helicopter. F.M. was brought to the valley floor, then transported to the park's medical clinic, where Zrays confirmed that he had a fractured femur. Investigation of the incident revealed that F.M. had wandered several hundred feet from the established trail onto slippery, water-polished granite rocks and had then fallen into the stream. [Jim Tucker, YOSE, via CompuServe message from Carl Christensen, RAD/WRO, 7/11] 91-288 - Virgin Islands (Virgin Islands) - Drowning M.C., a 36-year-old resident of Texas who was living aboard his boat in Coral Bay, drowned sometime late on July 7th, apparently while attempting to recover a dinghy that had come loose from the stern of his 38-foot sailboat. The sailboat had been patched after damage from Hurricane Hugo in 1988 and was en route to a shipyard in Cruz Bay, St. John for additional repairs. Witnesses saw the vessel suddenly change course and enter Drunk Bay, an area of rough, rugged shoreline on the island's south coast. Seas were running from six to seven feet at the time. Evidence suggests that M.C. entered the water to retrieve the dinghy and became trapped between the incoming seas and backwaves generated by the rock shore. The boat ran aground and broke up during the night. Rangers, local authorities and area residents conducted a search of the are on the 8th and 9th. On July 10th, ranger saw M.C.'s body in the bay about 300 yards from the grounded vessel and 100 yards offshore. The body was recovered under very difficult circumstances, including high seas and the threatening shoreline. An investigation has revealed that alcohol was a contributing factor in Craddock's drowning. [Chuck Dale, CR, VIIS, via telefax from John Beck, RAD/SERO, 7/11] FIRE ACTIVITY 1) ACTIVITY LEVEL Planning Level II 2) FIRE SUMMARY State Agency Area Fire 7/14 7/15 Status AK BIA Up. Yukon Zone B564 3,300 3,300 NEC Southwest Area B544 4,710 4,710 NEC Galena Zone B687 T2 3,800 7,500 CN 7/17 FWS Up. Yukon Zone B460 66,840 67,200 NEC Tanana Zone B568 32,570 32,570 NEC B628 31,700 31,700 NEC B569 76,000 119,620 NEC Up. Yukon Zone B562 58,356 58,356 NEC AK Tanana Zone B615 9,840 9,840 NEC Southwest Area B402 T2 12,000 12,000 CN WY NPS Yellowstone Pelican 260 260 CN ID BLM Boise * Jarbidge 200 1,200+ NEC * Water Haul 300 300 CL * Thousand Springs 300+ CN 7/14 * Three Creek Well 6,000+ NEC * County Line 100 NEC Burley * Point Well 300 2,500 CL * Smith Springs 200+ 250 CN NM USFS Santa Fe * Oaks 125 NR NEC NV BLM Elko * Oasis 3,520 CN 7/16 UT BLM Richfield * Rockwell 1,000 CN Alaska also has 10 fires under modified suppression strategy for 161,014 acres and 56 fires under limited suppression for 366,666 acres. NOTES: Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this report). T1 and T2 indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams. Status - The following abbreviations are employed: NR No report received MS Modified suppression strategy CN Contained MN Being monitored CL Controlled NEC No estimate of containment CS Confinement strategy DM Demobed 3) 1990/1991 COMPARATIVE ACTIVITY SUMMARY Fires Acres 1990 (Year-to-date) 37,359 1,430,001 1991 (Year-to-date) 38,422 1,463,186 1990-1991 (% difference) + 3% + 2% 4) FIRE NARRATIVES Yellowstone (Wyoming): * Pelican Fire - According to a report received from the fire overhead team last night, the fire is now completely contained. Two helicopters, two Type I crews and 17 overhead personnel are still assigned to the fire. Temperature, humidity and winds are moderate, and no problems are foreseen. The estimated total cost to suppress the fire has been placed at $550,000. 5) ANALYSIS - Initial attack activity increased over the weekend due to thunderstorms in several areas of the West. There are no new fires in Alaska, but existing fires have had large acreage increases. Demobilization is in progress on all fires in Alaska except B687. 6) PROGNOSIS - Initial attack activity is expected to continue because of thunderstorms and the discovery of holdover fires. No resource shortages are anticipated. [Fire Management Situation Report, NIFCC Intelligence Section, 7/15; ICS209 from Pelican Fire, 7/14] CALENDAR Asterisk (*) indicates new entry; plus (+) indicates revised entry subsequent comments explain the revision. Brackets at end of entry indicate source of information: July 18-21 Managing the Search Function, Kansas City, MO. For further information, contact the National Association for Search and Rescue (703-352-1349). July 19-22 Fundamentals of Search and Rescue, Allentown, PA. For further information, contact the National Association for Search and Rescue (703-352-1349). July 29-31 Southeastern Lyme Disease Workshop, Radisson Hotel, Knoxville, TN. The workshop will address the current status of Lyme disease in the Southeast; topics will include surveillance, epidemiology, ecology, genetics, personal protection, and suppression. Sponsored by the NPS, TVA and Tennessee Department of Health. For further information contact Dr. Edward L. Snoddy (205-386-2276) or Steven Bloemer (502-924-1230). [Jerry McCrea, Wildlife & Vegetation, WASO] August 2-4 Fundamentals of Search and Rescue, Hot Springs, SD. For further information, contact the National Association for Search and Rescue (703-352-1349). August 5-16 Driver Instructor Training Program, FLETC, Glynco, GA. Funded by benefitting accounts. For application procedures, contact your regional training office. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC] August 8-10 Managing the Search Function, Minneapolis, MN. For further information, contact the National Association for Search and Rescue (703-352-1349). August 12-16 Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Boating Accident Investigation Seminar, United States Coast Guard Academy, New London, CT. Hosted by Division of Law Enforcement, Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. The seminar is intended for experienced local, state and federal field officers and marine investigators, and will provide specialized education in properly documenting, analyzing and reconstructing recreational boating accidents. Interested parties should contact Jack Schamp in RAD at FTS 268-4209 (202-208-4209). [Jack Schamp, RAD/WASO] August 13-14 Second Annual Science Conference, Mammoth Cave NP, Kentucky. This colloquium will feature research on area ecology and air quality and provide updates on the park's water quality monitoring program. Both plenary and concurrent sessions will be held. Papers must be submitted no later than July 15th in order to be accepted. For further information, contact Jeff Bradybaugh at 502-758-2238. [Jeff Bradybaugh, MACA] September 6-8 Fundamentals of Search and Rescue, Salt Lake City, UT. For further information, contact the National Association for Search and Rescue (703-352-1349). September 7-9 SAR Planning Section Chief, Soldotna, AK. For further information, contact the National Association for Search and Rescue (703-352-1349). September 19-21 Managing the Search Function, Nashville, TN. For further information, contact the National Association for Search and Rescue (703-352-1349). (Calendar appears in the morning report every other Monday. If you know of a conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and implications, please provide the specifics to Bill Halainen in Ranger Activities). STAFF STATUS Division Chief: Dabney on leave (7/15) and on travel to Canyonlands (7/18...). Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Schamp on AL (7/19). Branch of Fire & Aviation: Hurd at IFCC and branch meetings in Boise, ID (7/15-7/19); Spruill at OAS and branch meetings in Boise, ID (7/16-7/19); Broyles, Norum and Gale at joint USFS/NPS meeting, Denver, CO (7/14-7/18); Botti on AL (7/15-7/26). Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities