RANGER ACTIVITIES DIVISION MORNING REPORT Attention: Directorate Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC Ranger Activities Division Information Network Day/Date: Monday, December 2, 1991 INCIDENTS 91-636 - Big Cypress (Florida) - Rescue Around 4:30 p.m. on November 29th, S.C., 18, and R.A., 43, both of Miami, were hunting in the park's Loop Unit when R.A. mistook S.C. for a game animal and accidentally shot him in the back with #4 shotgun pellets from a range of 50 feet. R.A. ran three and a half miles to Highway 41 to get help. He contacted a ranger there at 6:20 p.m.; the ranger then notified local law enforcement, EMS and air rescue agencies. Since the hour was late, an air rescue unit from Metro Dade was also summoned. Severe weather soon closed in on the area and the first air rescue unit canceled its mission. The Metro Dade helicopter continued to the Oasis ranger station and landed there with the assistance of rangers, who set up ground lighting. The Metro Dade unit declined to fly further, however, due to further worsening of the weather. When the crew learned that it would take five hours to walk in, retrieve S.C., then carry him out, they reversed that decision and decided to make an attempt to reach him. Ranger D.B. Wangerin joined the crew on the flight in. They found S.C. within 15 minutes, but lost him while attempting to find a place to land. After touching down, Wangerin and a crew member searched for S.C. while the crew kept the engines running so that the helicopter wouldn't sink in the mud. S.C. was soon found and brought back to the helicopter, which by this time was running low on fuel. The pilot called for a ground crew with emergency lights and asked them to set up at Oasis. The helicopter lifted off just after 8:30 and immediately flew into total white-out conditions. The pilot brought the helicopter down to tree-top level in his efforts to find Oasis, but was unsuccessful. A subsequent attempt to find a nearby jetport was also fruitless. Just as both engine fuel warning lights came on, the crew spotted a clearing near the visitor center and residential area in Shark Valley in Everglades and the pilot was able to land without incident. Fuel trucks were summoned and topped off the helicopter's tanks. The helicopter then flew to a nearby hospital, where S.C. was admitted. At the time of the report yesterday, S.C. was in critical condition. [Telephone report from Steve Smith, RAD/SERO, 12/2] 91-637 - New River Gorge (West Virginia) - Poaching Arrest On November 14th, rangers conducting a surveillance operation for poaching activity observed a vehicle being operated in a suspicious manner and attempted to make a car stop. The driver, E.R.K., refused to stop and fled the scene with rangers in pursuit. E.R.K.'s vehicle left the road on a sharp curve, hit a tree and was totalled. R.A., Jr., a passenger in the vehicle, ran into the woods; E.R.K. was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and failure to stop. No weapons were found in the vehicle, but several new scopes were found. Rangers surmised that R.A., who was still not known by name, took a weapon with him when he fled, an assumption later confirmed by investigators. They also found that both the weapon and scopes were stolen. The investigation into the incident continues. [Telefax from Bill Blake, CR, NERI, 11/22] [More pending incident reports will appear tomorrow...] CALENDAR Calendar appears in the morning report every other Monday. If you know of a conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and implications, please provide the specifics to Bill Halainen in Ranger Activities. Entries are listed no earlier than four months before the event. An asterisk (*) indicates a new entry; a plus (+) indicates a revised entry - subsequent comments explain the revision. Brackets at end of entry indicate source of information: December 6 - 7 - Overview of Archeological Protection, Fort Worth, TX. For application procedures, contact Dr. William Butler at FTS 327-2875 or 303- 969-2875. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC] December 9 - 10 - "Monitoring the Effects of Forestry Activities on Streams in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska", EPA workshop, Seattle, WA. Registration fee of $20. For further information, call Rick Edwards, EPA, 206-553-8511 or FTS 399-8511. [Kathy Jope, RAD/PNRO] December 9 - 13 - Law Enforcement for Managers, FLETC, Glynco, GA. Funded by LEEDC/FLETC. For application procedures, contact your regional training office. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC] December 11 - 14 - Annual convention, National Campground Owners Association, San Diego, CA. NPS employees have been offered the members' registration rate of $210 per person for the entire convention, or $75 per day for the days when seminars will be given. Lodging and some meals will be extra. The educational program will focus on operations and maintenance; the trade show will feature the latest in equipment and services. Call 703-471-0143 for registration information, or Priscilla Baker at 202-208- 4917 or FTS 268-4917 for further information. [Priscilla Baker, Tourism] December 16 - 17 - "Monitoring the Effects of Forestry Activities on Streams in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska", EPA workshop, Eugene, OR. Registration fee of $20. For further information, call Rick Edwards, EPA, 206-553-8511 or FTS 399-8511. [Kathy Jope, RAD/PNRO] January 6 - 10 - Natural Resource Communications, California State University, Chico, CA. For further information, call Dr. Jon K. Hooper at 916-898-5811. [Kathy Jope, RAD/PNRO] January 9 - March 25 - Basic Law Enforcement for Land Management Agencies, FLETC, Glynco, GA. Funded by LEEDC/FLETC. For application procedures, contact your regional training office. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC] January 13 - 17 - "Critical Issues: Museum Security and Fire Protection", Williamsburg, VA. The objectives of the course are to incorporate museum practices into physical security and structural fire protection programs and to reinforce cooperative working relationships that ensure improved overall museum collections protection. Funded by benefitting accounts. For further information, contact Connie Hudson Backlund, Mather EDC, FTS 925-6402 or 304-535-6402. January 13 - May 6 - Seasonal Law Enforcement Ranger Academy, Colorado Northwestern Community College, Rangely, CO. For further information and application, contact Steven Whittmore at 303-675-3306. [Steve Whittmore, CNCC] * January 22 - 23 - Introduction to Global Positioning Systems and Geographic Information Systems for Natural Resource Managers, College of Forestry and Natural Resources, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. $100 registration fee prior to January 10th; $125 thereafter. Enrollment limited to 100 people. For further information, contact the Office of Conference Services at 303-491-7501. [Steve Cinnamon, MWRO] January 27 - 31 - Archeological Resource Protection Training, Glen Canyon, Page, AZ. Funding by LEEDC/FLETC subject to availability of FY 92 funds. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC] + January 28 - March 27 - Land Management Investigator Training, FLETC, Glynco, GA. Previously listed as Basic Law Enforcement for Land Management Agencies. Funded by LEEDC/FLETC. For application procedures, contact your regional training office. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC] STAFF STATUS Division Chief: No leave or travel scheduled. Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection: Marriott on AL (12/2); entire staff at planning meeting, Mather EDC, Harpers Ferry, WV (12/5-12/6). Branch of Fire and Aviation: Gale serving as incident commander for 50th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, U.S.S. Arizona Memorial, HI (11/25-12/9); Broyles at smoke health hazard conference, Missoula, MT (12/3-12/5). Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities Telephone: Branch of R&VP - FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039 Branch of F&A (WAS0) - FTS 268-5572/5573 or 202-208-5572/5573 Telefax: Branch of R&VP - FTS 268-6756 or 202-208-6756 Branch of F&A (WASO) - FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977 CompuServe: Branch of R&VP - WASO-RANGER Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO-FIRE-WO SEAdog: Branch of R&VP - 1/650 Branch of F&A (WASO) - 1/655