MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           Ranger Activities Division Information Network

Day/Date:  Wednesday, February 5, 1992


92-25 - Little Bighorn (Montana) - Follow-up on Theft

The notebook stolen from the park's visitor center has been identified as a
three inch by six inch black leather notebook which belonged to Lt. Donald
McIntosh, who was killed in the battle.  The notebook has a hole from the
bullet that may have killed McIntosh.  The visitor center was open at the
time of the theft, but the ranger on duty was occupied with an orientation
movie shown to visitors.  A reassessment of exhibit security is being made,
and some objects have already been temporarily removed from display. 
[Associated Press, 2/5/92]

92-28 - Vicksburg (Mississippi) - Theft of Bronze Plaques

On January 22nd, rangers discovered that a pair of two foot by three foot
bronze plaques weighing about 80 pounds each had been removed from their
pedestals within the park.  Local law enforcement agencies and salvage yards
were notified, and local sheriff's deputies recovered one of the tablets
from a Vicksburg scrap dealer two days later.  The dealer identified the two
individuals who sold the plaque to him and both men were subsequently
arrested by the sheriff's department.  Investigation revealed that the
second plaque had been sold to another salvage dealer.  This plaque was also
recovered, but it had already been cut into two pieces with a torch.  The
suspects had been paid a total of $70 for the plaques as scrap; replacements
costs for the damaged plaque has been estimated at over $1,000.  Rangers are
working with the sheriff's department on prosecutions for both theft of the
plaques and for receiving stolen property.  [Sam Weddle, Assistant Chief,
Operations, VICK, via telefax from Steve Alscher, LES, RAD/SERO, 2/4]


No reports today.


1) Law Enforcement Pay Increase - We've received a number of inquiries
asking whether the special pay increase that went into effect for law
enforcement officers in January applies to law enforcement rangers.  These
rates only apply to law enforcement officers who currently qualify for
enhanced annuity retirement benefits under present OPM regulations.  

2) McLaren Birthday - Fred McLaren, a renowned first-generation park ranger
and father of three distinguished rangers, celebrates his 100th birthday
today.  Fred was a district ranger at Rocky Mountain when he retired from
the Service in 1955.  His sons, Dick, Doug and Bert, subsequently joined him
in retirement.  Dick, who died last January, last served as assistant chief
ranger at Grand Canyon, Doug as district ranger at Grand Teton, and Bert as
a ranger at Rocky Mountain.  Well-wishers may write him at 21088 Little
Valley Road NE, Poulsbo, WA 98370.


Division Chief: Brady at fire management for agency administrator meeting,
Marana, AZ (2/5).

Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection: Smith at NIBRS meeting,
Shenandoah, VA (2/5).

Branch of Fire and Aviation: Hurd at IFCC meeting, Washington, DC (2/4-2/6);
Spruill at interagency aviation meeting, BIFC, Boise, ID (2/6-2/7); Norum
and Berg at park and wilderness fire management course, Marana, AZ (2/3-2/7);
Gale at Southwest Area dispatch workshop, Flagstaff, AZ (2/4-2/5) and
on annual leave (2/6-2/14); Mattingly and Cook instructing at training
session in Fredericksburg, VA (2/3-2/7).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  Branch of R&VP - FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - FTS 268-5572/5573 or 202-208-5572/5573

Telefax:    Branch of R&VP - FTS 268-6756 or 202-208-6756
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977

CompuServe: Branch of R&VP - WASO-RANGER
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO-FIRE-WO

SEAdog:     Branch of R&VP - 1/650
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - 1/655