MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           Ranger Activities Division Information Network

Day/Date:  Thursday, February 6, 1992


92-29 - Mammoth Cave (Kentucky) - Successful Canine SAR

The eleven-day-old search for a specially trained companion dog that was
lost in a serious accident culminated successfully on February 3rd when she
was found approximately three miles from the accident scene near the Sand
Cave parking lot in the park.  The dog, named Nicole, is one of only 21
members of a new breed called Charlee Bears which have been bred and trained
to provide emotional support to their owners.  Nicole's owner, J.M.,
58, lost a leg to vascular disease five years ago and must spend much of her
time in a wheelchair.  The family was en route from their home in
Brookfield, Wisconsin, to Florida when her husband, 59, fell asleep at the
wheel on Interstate 65.  Their van rolled over and struck a rock embankment,
throwing all three family members (none of whom were wearing seatbelts) and Nicole
from the vehicle.  T.M., 30, suffered spinal injuries and is paralyzed
from the waist down; Mr. M's neck, pelvis and one leg were broken;
J.M. suffered a ruptured bladder and broken pelvis.  Local police and
firefighters, joined by truckers and other volunteers, searched for the dog,
but she was able to elude them.  On February 2nd, she was spotted on the
East Entrance Road on three occasions by park employees, but they were
unable to catch her.  The dog's breeder, who had worked for ten years to
develop Charlee Bears by crossing Portuguese water dogs and wheaten
terriers, was notified of the sightings and flew down from Maine to help in
the search.  He found Nicole at the parking lot; when he called to her, she
came to him.  [Telefax from MACA, 2/5]


Yellowstone (Wyoming) - Elk Winter Range Studies Report

A major report on grazing on the northern Yellowstone elk winter range which
contains the results of nearly 30 studies conducted on that subject will be
given to Congress this spring.  The findings of the studies contained in the
report, entitled "Effects of Grazing by Wild Ungulates in Yellowstone", were
initially presented at the First Biennial Scientific Conference on the
Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem last September.  These studies, some still in
progress, conclude that bunchgrass, swale, and sagebrush grasslands of
Yellowstone's northern winter range are not overgrazed, and that, in fact,
production was enhanced by ungulate grazing in all but drought years. 
Although overgrazing is supposed to reduce root biomass and increase dead
bunchgrass clumps, neither of these effects were observed.  These reports
largely confirm earlier studies, which were begun in the 1960's and were
enhanced by Congressional direction and funding in 1987.  These studies
determined that the northern range is not overgrazed by any measure.  While
many of the grazing questions have been answered, continuation of grassland
research will be recommended along with more research on willows and
riparian areas.  [Briefing statement, YELL, via Lissa Fox, Wildlife and
Vegetation, WASO]


Division Chief: Brady on travel (2/5-2/7).

Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection: No leave or travel scheduled.

Branch of Fire and Aviation: Hurd at IFCC meeting, Washington, DC (2/4-2/6);
Spruill at interagency aviation meeting, BIFC, Boise, ID (2/6-2/7); Erskine
at Alaska fire center (2/6-2/7); Norum and Berg at park and wilderness fire
management course, Marana, AZ (2/3-2/7); Gale at Southwest Area dispatch
workshop, Flagstaff, AZ (2/4-2/5) and on annual leave (2/6-2/14); Mattingly
and Cook instructing at training session in Fredericksburg, VA (2/3-2/7).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  Branch of R&VP - FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - FTS 268-5572/5573 or 202-208-5572/5573

Telefax:    Branch of R&VP - FTS 268-6756 or 202-208-6756
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977

CompuServe: Branch of R&VP - WASO-RANGER
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO-FIRE-WO

SEAdog:     Branch of R&VP - 1/650
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - 1/655