MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           Ranger Activities Division Information Network

Day/Date:  Monday, June 8, 1992


91-482 - Kennesaw Mountain (Georgia) - Follow-up on ARPA Arrests

On September 8, 1991, T.S. and his son, T., were arrested by
rangers for possession of a metal detector and violation of ARPA provisions. 
After an NPS archeologist surveyed the involved sites, the charges were
upgraded to felonies, and on June 2nd both father and son agreed to a plea
bargain to reduce the charges to misdemeanors.  The plea agreement
stipulated that each of the T.S. would have to pay $573 restitution for
site rehabilitation and stabilization, serve a year's probation, pay a $25
court assessment, and forfeit a Fisher metal detector ($500 value), two
survival knives, a knapsack and other tools.  The judge also added a
criminal fine of $250.  During the same court session, B.R. agreed to
plead guilty to a misdemeanor ARPA violation.  B.R. and her friend A.B.
were arrested on September 1, 1991 for possession of a metal
detector and a violation of ARPA.  These charges were also upgraded to
felonies after an archeological assessment.  Under the plea agreement, B.R.
will serve a year's probation, pay $1,112 in restitution, and serve 100
hours of community service.  The metal detector is still being held as
evidence on a felony charge against Benevento, who is currently wanted on a
felony ARPA charge and for bail jumping.  [Telefax from KEMO, 6/5]

92-246 - Glen Canyon (Utah/Arizona) - Memorial Day Weekend Incidents

Despite heavy afternoon and evening thunderstorms throughout the three-day
period, Memorial Day weekend was again a busy and tumultuous weekend for
Glen Canyon rangers.  The staff of 18 permanent and 12 seasonal rangers,
supported by a Park Police officer with his dog and six rangers from other
Rocky Mountain parks and RMRO, handled 589 incidents in 72 hours, including
27 drug possession and four drug sale cases (with three vehicle seizures), 
10 drunk driving and four drunk boating cases, 45 incidents involving minors
in possession of controlled substances, 24 instances of public intoxication,
16 larcenies, two burglaries, four fugitive arrests, three weapons cases,
eight boating accidents, three motor vehicle accidents, five basic life
support and six advanced life support cases, one rape and one attempted
rape.  Rangers issued 195 citations and made 97 arrests.  On two occasions,
near riot conditions occurred at Hobie Cat and Lone Rock beaches.  At Lone
Rock, rangers had to seek assistance from Kane County and Utah highway
patrol officers, who sent ten units to back up the five ranger units on
scene.  At Bullfrog, a group pelted a four-wheel-drive patrol vehicle,
breaking a window and denting the body.  Night shift had two dispatchers and
a message taker at Wahweap and one dispatcher at Bullfrog; during one four-hour
period, a Page police department dispatcher also helped out at Wahweap. 
Wahweap dispatch made 8,603 radio calls during the weekend.  On Sunday, the
busiest day of the weekend, there was one call transmitted every 30 seconds. 
The training room at Wahweap was kept full as a detention area while persons
were awaiting transport or detoxification, and there were 45 bookings at the
park's new holding facility at the Bullfrog visitor center.  Some notes from
the weekend: Rangers for the first time saw the "colors" of gangs from Salt
Lake City, and arrested several members of a Tongan gang involved in
aggravated assault.  One person conducted armed robberies in which he would
stick his gun in people's faces and steal their caps.  And a subject
hallucinating from LSD jumped through the open driver's window of a state
patrol car, spilling beer all over the insides and damaging the vehicle's
radar unit.  [CompuServe message from Larry Clark, CR, GLCA, 6/3]

92-247 - Hawaii Volcanoes (Hawaii) - Car Clouting Arrests

Starting on May 31st, the park was beset by a series of thefts from visitor
vehicles.  All of the involved vehicles were parked in area where visitors
made short walks away from the parking lot; most of the thefts were
occurring in the late afternoon and vehicles were usually entered by
breaking a window with a rock.  Rangers accordingly began a stakeout of the
lot at Thurston Lava Tube on June 4th.  At 6:30 that evening, they saw
P.J., 19, and B.C., 20, break into a vehicle, remove
property, place it in their vehicle, and drive away.  They were stopped and
arrested as they attempted to leave the lot.  All of the couple's activities
prior to and during the theft were recorded on video.  Rangers recovered
property and cash with a total value of $361 from the observed theft, but
found no property associated with any of the previous thefts.  The pair were
to be arraigned at magistrate's court on June 5th.  [Jim Martin, CR, HAVO,
via cc:Mail message from Carl Christensen, RAD/WRO, 6/5]

92-248 - Cumberland Gap (Tennessee/Virginia) - Marijuana Eradication

Rangers discovered a plot containing approximately 1,500 marijuana plants on
the boundary in a remote section of the park on May 31st.  The park
subsequently contacted and began investigating the case with Virginia state
police narcotics unit officers.  It was eventually determined that
monitoring the plot in an attempt to arrest the growers would be
impractical, so the plants were pulled and taken away by the state police. 
[Telefax from Bill Springer, RAD/SERO, 6/5]


1) FIRE SITUATION - Preparedness Level 1


State  Agency     Area            Fire                6/5     6/8    Status
 OR    USFS   Deschutes NF     * Red Butte              -     163    CN 6/8
       ODF    Klamath County   * Swan Lake - T2         -     200    NR
       BIA    Yakima Agency    * Ethier                 -     200    NEC

 CA    CDF    Siskiyou RU        Garvey               973     973    CND

 AZ    BIA    Pima Agency        Old Yellow         1,150   1,150    CN 6/10
              Gila River       * Trimble                -   1,000    CN 6/8
       BLM    Phoenix Dist.    * Rockpeak               -     500    CND


- Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this report). T1 and T2
  indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.
- Status - The following abbreviations are employed:

  NR - No report received      MS - Modified suppression strategy
  CL - Controlled              MN - Being monitored
  CS - Confinement strategy    NEC - No estimate of containment
  CN (date) - Expected date    CND - Contained
     of containment

3) FIRE NARRATIVES - No significant activity in any NPS area.

4) ANALYSIS - Initial attack activity is increasing in the West, but
decreasing in the East.  Type 1 crews have been committed to Nevada and the
Northwest, and infrared flights are being flown in the Northwest.
5) PROGNOSIS - No resource shortages expected.

[NIFCC Intelligence Section, 0731 EDT, 6/8]


No field reports today.


1) The Office of Personnel Management has authorized the Department of
Interior to require all persons completing the Standard Form 85P
("Questionnaire for Public Trust Positions") for high risk positions to
respond to questions 18, 19b and 21.  Effective June 6th, those questions
will be completed on all SF-85P's for high risk positions.  [Maj. Jack
Schamp, LES, RAD/WASO]


The following activities will be taking place in Congress this week on
matters pertaining to the National Park Service.  If you would like
further information on any of these hearings or bills, please contact
Dottie in WASO Legislation at 202-208-3636:


House Merchant Marine Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife
Conservation and the Environment [Studds]:

Hearing on HR-3418, to regulate fishing and other maritime activities
in certain waters of Alaska (Glacier Bay).


Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior and Related Agencies [Byrd]:

Hearing on fiscal 1993 budget request for the Department of Interior.

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee [Johnston]:

Mark-up of pending legislation.

House Interior and Insular Affairs Committee [Miller]:

Mark-up of pending legislation.


House Interior and Insular Affairs Subcommittee National Parks and Public
Lands [Vento]:

Mark-up of HR-4382, to modify the boundaries of New River
Gorge NR, Gauley River NRA and Bluestone NSR; HR-3898, to provide for the
addition of the Truman Farm House to Truman NHS; HR-4085, to amend the act
establishing Cape Cod NS; HR-4030, to establish Marsh-Billings NHP; S-1528,
to establish Mimbres Culture NM. 


Calendar appears in the morning report every other Monday.  If you know of a
conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please provide the specifics to Bill Halainen in Ranger
Activities.  Entries are listed no earlier than four months before the
event.  An asterisk (*) indicates a new entry; a plus (+) indicates a
revised entry - subsequent comments explain the revision.  Brackets at end
of entry indicate source of information:

June 16 - 18 - Introduction to Satellite Navigation in Resource Management,
Lubrecht Experimental Forest Satellite Navigation Field Evaluation Facility,
University of Montana, Missoula, MT.  For further information, contact the
Center for Continuing Education, University of Montana, at 406-243-4623. 
[Kathy Jope, RAD/PNRO]

June 24 - 27 - "Site Restoration of Wilderness and Wildlands: Beyond the
Basics", workshop on site restoration, Yellowstone National Park, WY. 
Focuses on current practices and practical applications in site analysis,
project planning and design, site preparation, implementation and site
management. Sponsored by SCA.  $150.  For further information, contact SCA
at 206-547-7380.  [Missi Booth Goss, SCA] 

June 23 - 25 - Introduction to Satellite Navigation in Resource Management. 
See above.

June 29 - July 3 - Desert Survival Training and Exercises, Organ Pipe
Cactus, AZ.  Training is for those persons working in arid environments
and/or isolated areas, or those who provide EMS/SAR under these conditions. 
Must be in good physical condition.  For information, contact Aniceto Olais,
CR, ORPI, at 602-387-7661.  [Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO]

July 21 - 23 - Introduction to Satellite Navigation in Resource Management. 
See above.

* August 9 - 14 - Fourth Annual Conference of the Society for Ecological
Restoration, Waterloo, Ontario.  Themes will include park and forest
management, regional landscape planning, environmental education and
community-based restorations.  Guided field trips are planned to restoration
sites.  For further information, contact Nik Lopoukhine, Natural Resources
Branch, Environment Canada, 10 Wellington Street, Hull, Quebec K1A 0H3
(819-997-4900). [Kathy Jope, RAD/PNRO]

* September 13 - 17 - Fourth International Wetlands Conference, Columbus,
OH.  The conference will emphasize the global extent and role of wetlands
and new and traditional approaches to wetland restoration and monitoring. 
For more information, contact W.J. Mitsch, School of Natural Resources, Ohio
State University, Columbus, OH 43210 (Fax:614-292-7162).  [Kathy Jope,

September 14 - 18 - "Teaching with Historic Places", training course,
Montpelier, VA.  Participants will use existing lesson plans as models to
create lesson plans based on historic resources in their parks.  Montpelier
is a National Trust property.  The application deadline is July 1st.  For
additional information, contact Beth Boland of the National Register staff
at 202-343-9545.  [Marilyn Harper, WASO]

September 21 - 25 - "Teaching with Historic Places", training course,
Waterford, VA.  Participants will use existing lesson plans as models to
create lesson plans based on historic resources in their parks.  Waterford
is a NHL district.  The application deadline is July 1st.  For additional
information, contact Beth Boland of the National Register staff at
202-343-9545.  [Marilyn Harper, WASO]

* Fall (dates TBA) - Workshop on neotropical migratory birds, Estes Park,
CO.  The Neotropical Migratory Bird Program ("Partners in Flight") is
developing a workshop for this fall on a variety of topics pertinent to
management, research and conservation of neotropical migratory birds.  To
receive a workshop brochure, write Dr. Tom Martin, Arkansas Cooperative Fish
and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701. 
[Kathy Jope, RAD/PNRO]

* September 15 - 17 - Introduction to Satellite Navigation in Resource
Management.  See above.

* October 5 - 9 - "Ecology and Management of Larix Forests: A Look Ahead",
Grouse Mountain Lodge, MT.  Registration will be limited.  This
international symposium is sponsored in part by the NPS and by the USFS. 
Contact the Center for Continuing Education, University of Montana,
Missoula, MT 59812-1900 at 406-243-4623.


Division Chief: No leave or travel scheduled.

Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection: Marriott and Schamp at meeting,
Washington, DC (6/8-6/12); Lee at government liability workshop, Washington,
DC (6/12); Halainen in meetings with uniform contractor, Washington, DC
(6/8-6/10) and on AL (6/12); Coffey on detail to WASO Wildlife and

Branch of Fire and Aviation: Hurd at NWCG meeting, Lakewood, CA (6/9-6/12).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  Branch of R&VP - FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - FTS 268-5572/5573 or 202-208-5572/5573

Telefax:    Branch of R&VP - FTS 268-6756 or 202-208-6756
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977

CompuServe: Branch of R&VP - WASO-RANGER
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO-FIRE-WO

cc:Mail     Branch of R&VP - WASO Ranger Activities
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO Fire and Aviation