MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           Ranger Activities Division Information Network

Day/Date:  Thursday, June 25, 1992


92-297 - North Atlantic Region - Operation Sail

Plans are being implemented in several regional parks to deal with coming
events associated with "Operation Sail", the visitation of over 200 tall
ships to New York, Boston and other locales in commemoration of the Columbus

* Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island - Six additional rangers have been detailed
  to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island for the period from July 1st to
  the 7th, and another 18 will be brought in for the period from July 3rd to
  the 5th.  They will be augmented by about a half dozen US Park Police
  officers.  Very large crowds are expected on the 3rd and 5th, but the two
  sites will be closed on July 4th because of the closure of all of New York
  Harbor for the parade of tall ships that day.  Over 40,000 private boats
  are expected to anchor in the harbor to watch the event.  Rangers and Park
  Police officers will be providing crowd control for the large number
  of visitors expected on the 3rd and 5th, and will maintain security when
  the islands are closed on the 4th.

* Manhattan Sites - The park has asked for additional rangers at Castle
  Clinton during the event.  About 1.2 million people are expected in lower
  Manhattan on the 4th to witness the parade, attend two nearby concerts and
  watch an hour-long fireworks display over the harbor.  

* Gateway - Park Police officers will be sent to assist rangers in the
  park's Sandy Hook unit on the 4th.  Sandy Hook will be a major viewing
  area for both the parade and the fireworks display.

* Boston - Eighteen additional rangers and Park Police officers will be
  brought in to augment park staff for the arrival, mooring and parade of
  the tall ships.  The ships will leave New York on July 5th and arrive in
  Boston during the following week.  Two of the ships - the Amerigo Vespucci
  and the Esmeralda - will be berthed in the park section of Charlestown
  Navy Yard.  Since they will be the only two which will not be charging
  admission to visitors, the park expects that there will be large crowds in
  the yard.  The Constitution will leave the yard on the morning of July
  11th to lead a day-long parade of tall ships, and will be brought out
  again on the 16th to lead the ships from the harbor.

Updates on these events will be provided as they occur.  [John Lynch,
RAD/NARO, 6/24]

92-298 - Cape Cod (Massachusetts) - Special Detail to Enforce Closures

Six rangers will be detailed to augment park staff at Cape Cod during the
period from July 1st to July 6th in anticipation of possible problems
associated with ORV route closures on beaches in the north end of the park
during piping plover nesting.  Indications are that some ORV users may
engage in demonstrations or other illegal activities.  [John Lynch,
RAD/NARO, 6/24]

92-299 - Glen Canyon (Utah/Arizona) - Boat Fire; Concession Employee Burned

Late on the afternoon of June 22nd, off-duty Hite Marina employee M.S.,
17, and M.C., 23, were severely burned when their boat
caught fire after fueling at Bullfrog Marina on Lake Powell.  The 18-foot
runabout, owned and operated as a rental by ARA Leisure Services, the park's
concessioner, had just been fueled and was being driven away from the gas
dock when the fire broke out.  When M.C. bent behind the windshield to
light a cigarette for M.S., an explosion occurred and the boat caught
fire.  Although both were able to get out of the burning boat into the lake,
M.S. suffered second and third degree burns to her feet and legs and
M.C. sustained first, second and third degree burns over most of her body,
including her face.  M.C. was flown to the University of Utah burn center
by a Classic Lifeguard helicopter and is listed in critical condition. 
M.S. was taken by ground to a Grand Junction, Colorado, burn unit and is
in serious condition.  The boat fire was extinguished by a concession fire
boat.  The cause of the fire is being investigated by the park.  M.S. is
the granddaughter of J.S., the manager of Hite Marina.  [Larry Clark,
CR, GLCA, 6/24]


1) FIRE SITUATION - Preparedness Level II


State  Agency     Area           Fire                6/24    6/25    Status

 CA    USFS   Modoc NF          Timber - T2         1,385   1,385    CND    
              Klamath NF        Ben - T2              250     250    CND    
                                Bald                  100+    100    CND
              Inyo NF         * Aberdeen                -   1,500    NEC

 OR    USFS   Winema NF         Cherry Crk. - T2      150     331    CN 6/26
              Deschutes NF      Hole-in-Ground - T1   300     498    CN 6/25
              Fremont NF      * Biggin                  -     290    CN 6/25
       State  -                 Rim                   500+    200    NEC
              -                 John's Spring         500+  1,000    NEC
       BLM    Vale Dist.        Jordan Craters      1,500   1,085    CND    

WA     BIA    Yakima Agency   * Lizzy                   -   2,600    NEC


- Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this report). T1 and T2
  indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.
- Status - The following abbreviations are employed:

  NR - No report received      MS - Modified suppression strategy
  CL - Controlled              MN - Being monitored
  CS - Confinement strategy    NEC - No estimate of containment
  CN (date) - Expected date    CND - Contained
     of containment            DM - Demob in progress


 * Inyo NF - Steep terrain and high and erratic winds are hampering control
   efforts on the Aberdeen Fire.


 * Yosemite - Precipitation received on Tuesday helped control the Dome 
   Fire and two other new fires.  Crews are being released.

 * Lava Beds - The Fleener Fire is just a quarter mile outside the park and
   is being managed by the NPS with use of an air tanker.  Engines 11 and 12
   and water tender 7 have been assigned to fires.

 * Joshua Tree - Engine 2 has been dispatched to northern California on an
   interagency task force.

 * Lassen Volcanic - The park has two small, lightning-caused fires.  Crews
   have been dispatched to them.
5) FIRE ACTIVITY - 389 fires for 5,080 acres over the past 24 hours.

6) ANALYSIS - Resource mobilization to northern California and the 
   Northwest is continuing.  Higher humidities and precipitation have 
   helped firefighters on large fires in northern California and some areas
   of Oregon.  

7) PROGNOSIS - The potential for increased activity continues due to 
   forecasted dry thunderstorms in Utah, northeast Oregon and the southern
   Cascades in Washington.  Heavy use of initial attack resources is
   expected as a result of the extensive lightning activity which occurred
   throughout the West yesterday.

[NPS Wildland Fire Summary, 6/21; NIFCC Intelligence Section, 6/21]


Denali (Alaska) - Update on "Little Bear" Wolf Pack

The 11 members of the Little Bear wolf pack who traveled about 140 miles
southwest from the central part of the park have apparently stopped and
localized in the Rainy Pass area and have broken up into typical small
summertime groups.  All three radio-collared members were located on June
16th, but only two were found on the 23rd.  If the wolves follow usual
patterns, they will regather into a pack in the fall.  Their subsequent
movements, including whether or not they return to the park, will be of
considerable interest to scientists.  [Al Loovas, Chief Scientist, ARO, 6/24


Division Chief: No leave or travel scheduled.

Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection: Henry on annual leave (6/25-7/2);
Smith on annual leave (6/22-7/2); Coffey on detail to WASO Wildlife and

Branch of Fire and Aviation: Hurd at Branch of F&A, Boise, ID (6/22-6/24);
Mattingly at Coronado NM, AZ (6/24-6/27); Norum at joint meeting with USFS
on fire and ecosystem maintenance, Portland, OR (6/23-6/25); Farrel
reviewing structural fire program, Crater Lake NP, OR (6/21-6/26); Bristol
at IRM working team committee meeting, Annapolis, MD (6/22-6/25); Broyles at
meeting on "Fire Management for Administrators", WASO (6/22-6/26); Crabtree
at VMS system and network management course, Seattle, WA (6/22-6/26).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  Branch of R&VP - FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - FTS 268-5572/5573 or 202-208-5572/5573

Telefax:    Branch of R&VP - FTS 268-6756 or 202-208-6756
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977

CompuServe: Branch of R&VP - WASO-RANGER
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO-FIRE-WO

cc:Mail     Branch of R&VP - WASO Ranger Activities
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO Fire and Aviation