MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           Ranger Activities Division Information Network

Day/Date:  Friday, June 26, 1992


92-300 - Denali (Alaska) - Climbing Fatalities

On June 18th, climbers T.W., 34, R.K., 25 and C.C.,
25, were climbing the Pink Panther/SE Ridge route at the 13,500-foot level
of Mount Foraker when an avalanche struck and killed T.W. and R.K. 
C.C. was injured, but was able to descend the ridge to a climbers' camp at
the 7,000-foot level of nearby Mount McKinley and report the fatalities on
June 24th.  All three were experienced climbers.  This incident brings the
number of climbers killed in the park this year to 13.  All of the others
were on Mount McKinley.  The last fatalities recorded on Mount Foraker were
in 1987, when four climbers died in an avalanche.  [John Quinley, PA/ARO,
6/25, and Associated Press, 6/26]

92-301 - Yukon-Charley Rivers (Alaska) - Criminal Tampering

Sometime during the period between June 13th and 16th, the NPS aircraft
assigned to the park was tampered with in a manner that could have resulted
in engine failure any time after start-up or during flight.  The act was
discovered during a routine pre-flight inspection by ranger/pilot Dennis
Knuckles on June 16th.  A cooperative criminal investigation by the NPS, OAS
and Alaska state police is underway.  [Carrie Stroble, RAD/ARO, 6/25]

92-302 - Lake Mead (Nevada) - Drug Seizure

Shortly before midnight on June 19th, a park visitor discovered a brown
paper bag enclosing a clear plastic bag containing a white powder behind a
toilet at the Cottonwood Cove launch ramp restroom.  The find was reported
to Las Vegas police, who in turn advised rangers.  The restroom was placed
under surveillance, but no suspects were identified.  The package was seized
as evidence and a field test indicated that the substance was
methamphetamine.  The packaged contained 492 grams of the substance with a
street value in excess of $34,000.  Several investigative leads are being
pursued to identify the origin of the drug.  [Dispatch, LAME, 6/25]

92-303 - Cumberland Gap (Virginia/Kentucky/Tennessee) - Search

Late on the afternoon of June 24th, rangers received word that 18-year-old
T.D., who had been camping in a wilderness campground with his
father, was missing.  T.D. had had brain surgery as a child and was
reported to suffer occasional seizures and periods of disorientation.  A
search of trails leading out from the campground was conducted that evening,
but he was not found.  Thunderstorms and rain occurred throughout the night. 
The following day, additional resources arrived from a volunteer rescue
organization in Virginia and from the Virginia state police, and a dog team
and a twenty-person fire crew from Great Onyx JCC at Mammoth Cave were
ordered.  Approximately 200 acres of rugged terrain around the campground
area was grid-searched.  At about 2:30 p.m, T.D. walked out of the park and
called local authorities.  He was about 20 miles from the point last seen,
and was reported to be in good condition.  [Steve Smith, RAD/SERO, 6/26]

92-304 - Indiana Dunes (Indiana) - Marijuana Eradication

On June 20th and 21st, rangers eradicated approximately 1,000 plants located
in a previously cultivated, isolated area of the park.  Plants ranged in
height from six inches to two and a half feet, and had an estimated value of
$150,000.  [Joni Jones, CI, INDU, 6/24]

92-305 - Wupatki (Arizona) - Rescue

G.D., 71, was working with other members of a field school
documenting and recording petroglyphs on park and USFS lands on June 19th
when he fell and fractured a femur in a remote portion of Deadman's Wash. 
Park and Coconino County sheriff's department personnel and an Arizona DPS
helicopter and crew were involved in G.D.'s rescue.  [Bonnie Winslow,
RAD/SERO, 6/25]

92-306 - Bandelier (New Mexico) - Illegal Use of Park Pass

Although this incident doesn't fall under normal reporting criteria, we pass
it on to you because of the possibility of such fraud occurring elsewhere in
the system.  On June 19th, a White Rock, New Mexico, woman was cited under
36 CFR 71.8(b) for illegal transfer of entrance passes after "loaning" her
pass two patrons staying at her bed and breakfast guest house.  The two had
been contacted by a park ranger on the 13th for being in a closed area after
dark.  They told him that the woman had said her pass could get them into
Bandelier at any time and that they could hike in the park even after dark. 
The woman had been suspected of loaning her passes to individuals before,
but this was the first time that there was enough evidence to cite her. 
[Bonnie Winslow, RAD/SWRO, 6/25]


1) FIRE SITUATION - Preparedness Level II


State  Agency     Area           Fire                6/25    6/26    Status

 CA    USFS   Inyo NF           Aberdeen            1,500   2,000    CN 6/26

 OR    USFS   Winema NF         Cherry Crk. - T2      331     331    CN 6/26
              Deschutes NF      Hole-in-Ground - T1   498     503    CND    
              Fremont NF        Biggin                290     290    CND    
       State  -                 Rim                   200     200    CND
              -                 John's Spring       1,000   1,555    CN 6/27

WA     BIA    Yakima Agency     Lizzy               2,600   2,620    CND
              Colville Agency * Boot Mountain Comp.     -     750    NEC
       BLM    Vale District   * Boney Basin             -     550    CN 6/26

ID     BLM    Burley District * Hawley                  -   3,100    CN 6/26


- Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this report). T1 and T2
  indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.
- Status - The following abbreviations are employed:

  NR - No report received      MS - Modified suppression strategy
  CL - Controlled              MN - Being monitored
  CS - Confinement strategy    NEC - No estimate of containment
  CN (date) - Expected date    CND - Contained
     of containment            DM - Demob in progress

3) FIRE REPORT HIGHLIGHTS - No significant reports.

4) FIRE ACTIVITY - 554 fires for 13,400 acres in past 24 hours.

5) ANALYSIS - Precipitation was reported on most fires yesterday and has
   assisted in containment efforts.  Red flag warnings have been issued for
   lightning in the southern Cascades of Washington and for thunderstorms
   and wind gusts in central and eastern Washington.

6) PROGNOSIS - Major demobilization is expected, since containment targets
   have ben met on several large fires.

[NPS Wildland Fire Summary, 6/221; NIFCC Intelligence Section, 6/22]


No field reports today.


Division Chief: No leave or travel scheduled.

Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection: Henry on annual leave (6/25-7/2);
Smith on annual leave (6/22-7/2); Coffey on detail to WASO Wildlife and

Branch of Fire and Aviation: Hurd at Branch of F&A, Boise, ID (6/22-6/24);
Mattingly at Coronado NM, AZ (6/24-6/27); Norum at joint meeting with USFS
on fire and ecosystem maintenance, Portland, OR (6/23-6/25); Farrel
reviewing structural fire program, Crater Lake NP, OR (6/21-6/26); Bristol
at IRM working team committee meeting, Annapolis, MD (6/22-6/25); Broyles at
meeting on "Fire Management for Administrators", WASO (6/22-6/26); Crabtree
at VMS system and network management course, Seattle, WA (6/22-6/26).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  Branch of R&VP - FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - FTS 268-5572/5573 or 202-208-5572/5573

Telefax:    Branch of R&VP - FTS 268-6756 or 202-208-6756
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977

CompuServe: Branch of R&VP - WASO-RANGER
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO-FIRE-WO

cc:Mail     Branch of R&VP - WASO Ranger Activities
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO Fire and Aviation