- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Tuesday, September 15, 1992
- Date: Tues, 15 Sep 1992
Attention: Directorate
Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
Ranger Activities Division Information Network
Day/Date: Tuesday, September 15, 1992
Release: 0830 EDT
*** NOTICE ***
Due to the death of Rep. Ted Weiss of New York yesterday, all flags at DOI
facilities are to be lowered to half staff today and are to remain at half
staff until he is interred. We will advise you when that occurs.
92-451 - South Florida Areas - Follow-up on Hurricane Andrew
Repair and clean-up work continues at many locations throughout the three
parks. Demolition has begun on the badly damaged visitor center at Convoy
Point in Biscayne. The roof of the Tamiami ranger station is now being
repaired. Work is continuing on the Royal Palm visitor center and on park
housing at Elliott Key, Pine Island and Tamiami.
The NPS lands office in Naples has found 45 housing units within 45 minutes
of Convoy Point and Pine Island that employees can rent from the Service as
temporary quarters while rebuilding. Efforts are now underway to place
employees in these units.
Two teams of specialists arrived in south Florida over the weekend. The
larger group is a resource assessment team, headed by Gary Davis of Channel
Islands. Many of the members of the group have a long association with
south Florida resources; they will examine both natural and cultural
resources to determine both the immediate effects of the storm and to make
recommendations for long-term monitoring and recovery programs. The second
team, headed by Cordell Roy, will begin documenting the impacts of Hurricane
Andrew for future reference and review. Members of this team have completed
similar documents on the Yellowstone and Yosemite fires and the Exxon Valdez
oil spill.
Approximately 120 generators (100 large and 20 small) with a combined
capacity of 2.2 megawatts are now being employed on the incident. The
satellite phone system is working well - 24 of its 44 lines are now in
As of yesterday, a total of 372 personnel were committed to the recovery
operation - an overall increase of 52 since last Friday (changes in numbers
are indicated in parentheses):
Employee assistance and CISD 17 (-44) Salvage and repair 120 (+20)
Support 158 (+82) Security/medical 41 (same)
Overhead 36 (-6)
Please note that the ARM Team is seeking temporary and seasonal maintenance
employees who are interested in short term appointments with the cleanup
crews in the Everglades and surrounding parks. Full details appear below
under "Operational Notes".
Contributions may be sent to Andrew Relief Fund, ENP&MA, Attention: George
Minnucci, 446 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428. Checks should be made out
to ENP&MA with a notation that the contribution is for the relief fund.
Director Ridenour has also determined that ENP&MA may also accept donations
from NPS concessioners. Please note, however, that parks may not solicit
donations from concessioners or from visitors for the relief fund.
[Bill Gabbert and Bob Miller, ARM Team; 9/12-9/15]
92-499 - Gates of the Arctic (Alaska) - Wildlife Violations
On September 3rd and 4th, rangers, assisted by officers and agents from
state Fish and Wildlife Protection, US Fish and Wildlife and North Slope
Borough DPS, served seven search warrants in the village of Anaktuvuk Pass
for the purpose of collecting evidence related to a hunting incident that
occurred on August 1st. During an investigation which began several days
after the incident, rangers found that six or seven caribou had been shot on
park land near Anaktuvuk Pass, but that almost half the meat had been left
at the kill site. Residents of the village have the right to subsistence
hunt on park lands, but must comply with federal and state hunting
regulations, including those related to the salvage of game meat. The
investigation has produced four suspects. Charges are pending. The ranger
at Anuktuvuk Pass is also assisting state and federal agents on an
investigation of two other wanton waste cases which occurred outside the
park near the pass. Through the ranger's work, one person has been arrested
in the first case and a suspect has been identified in the second. [Glen
Sherrill, CR, GAAR, 9/8]
1) FIRE SITUATION - Preparedness Level II
State Agency Area Fire/Incident 9/14 9/15 Status
FL NPS Everglades NP
Biscayne NP Hurr. Andrew - ARMT N/A N/A ---
FEMA Dade County Hurr. Andrew - T2 N/A N/A ---
HI FEMA Honolulu * Hurr. Iniki - T1 N/A N/A ___
CO BLM Vale * Mahogany Mountain 1,824 1,824 CND
MT BLM Miles City * Beemer 200 65 CN 9/15
* - New fire/incident (this report) T1/T2 - Type 1 or Type 2 team committed
ARMT - All-risk management team CN (date) - Expected date of containment
NEC - No estimate of containment CND - Contained
NR - No report received
3) FIRE REPORT HIGHLIGHTS - No significant reports.
4) FIRE ACTIVITY - 103 fires for 981 acres in the past 24 hours.
5) ANALYSIS - Fewer areas in California and the Northwest are reporting very
high or extreme fire indices.
6) PROGNOSIS - The potential for fire activity continues due to the
forecasted arrival of a dry air mass and strong winds in the West.
[NIFCC Intelligence Section, 9/15]
No field reports today.
1) Incident Commander Rick Gale of the Hurricane Andrew ARM Team has
requested a list of temporary and seasonal maintenance employees who are
interested in short term appointments with the cleanup crews in the
Everglades and surrounding parks. At this time, we are only generating a
list of potential applicants for these appointments. Trades and crafts
needed include carpenters, electricians, heavy equipment operators,
plumbers, and maintenance mechanics. There is less need for laborers at
this time, but they may include their names on the list. Details on the
possible appointments are sketchy at this time, but employees will be
involved in cleanup operations and rebuilding of park facilities.
Appointments will probably be in 21 day shifts, with 10 to 16 hour work days
typical. Other types and lengths of appointments may be available. The ICS
team is still working out details regarding tours of duty, per diem, housing
and other logistics. Work will be physically demanding. Weather conditions
in southern Florida are currently very hot and humid. Interested employees
should submit the following information to their park chiefs of maintenance:
1. Name, 2. Position Title and Grade, 3. Dates Available for work (Include
termination date), 4. Current Park Area and Phone Number where you can be
reached. Send your park list to your Regional Chief of Maintenance via FAX
or CC Mail. The Regions will submit the lists to Rick Gale in Everglades.
Please submit these regional lists no later than Wednesday, September 16th.
They will be sent on to the Everglades on Friday, September 18th. [Don
Herring, Engineering and Safety Services, WASO]
The following activities will be taking place in Congress this week on
matters pertaining to the National Park Service. If you would like further
information, please contact Dottie in WASO Legislation at 202-208-3636:
Senate Energy and Natural Resources' Subcommittee on Public Lands, National
Parks and Forests [Bumpers]:
Hearing on S-2353, Olympic National Park land
exchange with City of Tacoma; HR-2859, Lynn, Massachusetts, area study;
S-2653 and HR-3457, Delaware River wild and scenic river study; S-3217, Great
Egg Harbor River wild and scenic river study.
House Interior and Insular Affairs' Subcommittee on National Parks and
Public Lands [Vento]:
Hearing on HR-5755, Kennedy Center appropriations;
markup of HR-2548, Abraham Lincoln Research and Interpretive Center.
House Interior and Insular Affairs Committee [Miller]: Markup of HR-4489,
Olympic National Park land exchange with City of Tacoma.
House Interior and Insular Affairs' Subcommittee on National Parks and
Public Lands [Vento]:
Hearing on HR-3418, HR-3156 and HR-3158, amendment to
ANILCA to improve management of Glacier Bay; HJ Res-460, Alsek and
Tatshenshini Rivers; HR-5853, Great Egg Harbor River wild and scenic river
designation; HR-(unnumbered), amend general authorities for NPS.
House Interior and Insular Affairs Subcommittee on Energy and Environment
Markup of HR-5423, Quinebaug and Shetucket River Valley
National Heritage Corridor.
Division Chief: No leave or travel scheduled.
Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection: Martin at NIBRS meeting, Seattle,
WA (9/14-9/16); Smith at NIBRS meeting, Seattle, WA (9/14-9/18).
Branch of Fire and Aviation: Hurd at NWCG meeting (9/14-9/17); Gale and
Broyles, ARM Team, Everglades and Biscayne, FL (indefinite); Farrel at IAFC
annual meeting, Anaheim, CA (9/14-9/16) and ISC seminar and NFPA 1561
committee meeting, Phoenix, AZ (9/16-9/19); Clark at fire behavior committee
meeting, Reno NV (9/14-9/18).
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
Telephone: Branch of R&VP - FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Branch of F&A (WASO) - FTS 268-5572/5573 or 202-208-5572/5573
Telefax: Branch of R&VP - FTS 268-6756 or 202-208-6756
Branch of F&A (WASO) - FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: Branch of R&VP - WASO-RANGER
Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO-FIRE-WO
cc:Mail Branch of R&VP - WASO Ranger Activities
Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO Fire and Aviation