MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           Ranger Activities Division Information Network

Day/Date:  Tuesday, December 1, 1992

Release:   0800 EDT


92-624 - Canyonlands (Utah) - Falling Fatality

On Sunday, November 29th, P.H., 51, his wife, A.L., and a family
friend went on a day hike on the Big Springs Canyon Trail in the park's
Needles District.  When the came upon a snow-covered slick rock dome, P.H.
climbed it to scout out a route over it.  His wife saw him lose his footing
and slide out of sight.  When she called to him, he did not respond.  A.L.
and another visitor then hiked out the four miles to the visitor center to
report the accident.  District ranger Fred Patton led a hasty team to the
site and found that P.H. had died of massive head injuries after falling
about 70 feet.  Two squads of NPS employees and a county deputy were
dispatched to the district to conduct a carry-out, which was completed at
9:30 p.m.  Earlier in the day, Patton had contacted the H. party and
cautioned them about the hazards of winter hiking over exposed slick rock. 
An inch of new snow had fallen on Saturday night and created hazardous
conditions in shaded areas.  P.H., a Swiss national, was teaching as a
visiting math professor at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, at the
time of the accident. [Tony Schetzsle, CR, CANY, 11/30]

92-625 - Fredericksburg/Spotsylvania (Virginia) - MVA; Fatality

A.C., 21, of Fredericksburg was killed in a single-car accident
on North Lee Drive around 3:30 a.m. on November 28th.  A.C. was a
passenger in a vehicle being operated by P.G., also 21 and from
Fredericksburg, which ran off the road and struck a tree on the passenger
side.  A.C. was pronounced dead at the scene; P.G. was taken to
Mary Washington Hospital, where he was treated for possible head injuries
and various scrapes and bruises.  An investigation into the accident is
underway.  [Mike Johnson, CR, FRSP, 11/30]

92-626 - Delaware Water Gap (New Jersey/Pennsylvania) - Rescue

At 5 p.m. on the afternoon of November 27th, D.C., 19, and S.W.,
17, both from Bangor, Pennsylvania, became stranded on a vertical
slope above the Point of Gap overlook.  At midnight, D.C. attempted to
descend and fell about 30 vertical feet.  The park's rescue team responded
and conducted a technical extrication of the pair without incident.  D.C.
had sustained a laceration to the top of his head, multiple abrasions and a
bruise to the chest.  S.W. was evaluated for hypothermia.  Both were taken
to a local medical center, where they were treated and released.  [Doyle
Nelson, CR, DEWA, 11/30]

92-627 - Delaware Water Gap (New Jersey/Pennsylvania) - Fatality

The body of a 27-year-old man was found in the back seat of a vehicle parked
in an overflow parking area in the New Jersey District on November 29th. 
Initial investigation by rangers, New Jersey state troopers and the Sussex
County prosecutor's office revealed no obvious signs of foul play or
suicide.  Preliminary indications are that he had been dead for 24 to 36
hours.  An autopsy has been scheduled.  [Doyle Nelson, CR, DEWA, 11/30]


No field reports today.


Although the 103rd Congress is not yet in session, a summary of legislation
affecting the NPS which passed during the 102nd Congress and has since been
acted upon by the President has been compiled:

* African Americans Memorial [DC] (HJRes 320) - Signed 10/14.  PL 102-412.
* American Discovery Trail (HR 6184) - Signed 10/23.  PL 102-461.
* Brown v. Board of Education NHS (S 2890), amended to include Dry Tortugas
  NP, NPS Advisory Commissions, New River WSR study, and Boston Harbor
  study - Signed 10/26.
* Civil War Battlefields Commemorative Coin Act (HR 5126) - Signed 10/5.
  PL 102-379.
* Cuyahoga land exchanges (HR 2181) - Signed 10/23.  PL 102-431.
* Dayton Aviation NHP (HR 2321) - Signed 10/16.  PL 102-419.
* Delaware River WSR status (HR 3457) - Signed 10/23.  PL 102-460.
* Dry Tortugas NP (HR 5061) - Vetoed 10/27.  Also appears as amendment via
  Brown v. Board of Education.
* Elwha River ecosystem restoration (HR 4844) - Signed 10/24.  PL 102-495.
* Fredericksburg/Spotsylvania, Appomattox expansions (S 225) - Signed 10/27.
* Great Egg Harbor WSR (HR 5853) - Signed 10/27.
* Indiana Dunes NL expansions (HR 1216) - Signed 10/23.  PL 102-430.
* Japanese-American Veterans Memorial [DC] (HJRes 271) - Signed 10/24.
  PL 102-502.
* JFK Center authorization (HR 6164) - Signed 10/24.  PL 102-500.
* Keweenaw NHP (S 1664) - Signed 10/27.  
* Little River Canyon National Preserve (HR 3665) - Signed 10/21.
  PL 102-427.
* Lynn (MA) study (HR 2859) - Pocket veto, 10/27.
* Minute Man boundary adjustments (HR 2896) - Signed 10/24.  PL 102-488.
* National Energy Efficiency Act (HR 776) - Deals partly with dams in 
  parks.  Signed 10/24.  PL 102-486.
* New River WSR study (HR 5021) - Pocket veto, 10/27. Also appears as
  amendment via Brown v. Board of Education.
* Nez Perce additions (HR 2032) - Signed 10/30.
* Olympic land exchange (HR 4489) - Signed 10/23.  PL 102-436.
* Port Chicago Naval Magazine Memorial (S 1439) - Signed 10/28.
* Revere Beach study (HR 2109) - Pocket veto, 10/27.
* Thomas Paine Memorial [DC] (HR 1628) - Signed 10/23.  PL 102-407.
* Water Resources/Reclamation Projects authorization (HR 429) - Also
  contains Historic Preservation Act and Historic Sites Act amendments,
  language which establishes interim flow rates through Grand Canyon
  and mandates a study to determine long-term flow rates, boundary
  adjustment at Martin Luther King.  Signed 10/30.
* Water Resources Conservation/Corps of Engineers Civil Works (HR 6167) -
  Also establishes a Lower Mississippi River museum and riverfront
  interpretive site.  Signed 10/30.


Division Chief: No leave or travel scheduled.

Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection: Martin at Hurricane Andrew review
(12/2-12/4); Halainen meeting with uniform contractor (12/1-12/3).

Branch of Fire and Aviation: Norum instructing RX590 (11/30-12/1); Gale at
Hurricane Andrew review (11/30-12/4); Botti reviewing ADP operations and FFS
procedures with WASO Budget and AOD (11/30-12/3).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  Branch of R&VP - FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - FTS 268-5572/5573 or 202-208-5572/5573

Telefax:    Branch of R&VP - FTS 268-6756 or 202-208-6756
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977

CompuServe: Branch of R&VP - WASO-RANGER
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO-FIRE-WO

cc:Mail     Branch of R&VP - WASO Ranger Activities
            Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO Fire and Aviation