- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Thursday, February 11, 1993
- Date: Thurs, 11 Feb 1993
Attention: Directorate
Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
Ranger Activities Division Information Network
Day/Date: Thursday, February 11, 1993
Broadcast: By 0800 EST
92-422 - New River Gorge (West Virginia) - Follow-up on Drug Arrest
On January 14th, L.G. was sentenced in Federal district court to 16
months in prison, a $2,000 fine and three years of supervised release.
L.G. had pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to distribute marijuana
following his arrest last August for drug deals which took place both within
and outside the park. L.G., who has a history of drug use, drug dealing
and violence, was committed to the custody of the U.S. Marshal at the time
of the hearing because of threats he made against a witness in the case.
[Duncan Hollar, CI, NERI, 2/9]
92-667 - Delaware Water Gap (New Jersey/Penn.) - Follow-up on Fatal MVA
Frederick County detectives who have been investigating the fatal motor
vehicle accident which occurred on Highway 209 on December 27th have
classified the death of S.S. as a homicide. According to the
lead investigator on the case, sufficient evidence was found in the
S. residence to convince them that S.S. was killed at that
location. A baseball bat, which was seized as evidence and is believed to
be the weapon used in the crime, shows evidence of her blood; lab tests for
DNA are pending. S.S.'s husband, G., who is a suspect in the murder,
was also killed in the accident, which may have been a suicide. The park is
continuing to assist Frederick County in its investigation. [Dennis
Burnett, DR, DEWA, 2/10]
No field reports today.
1) Request for Assistance - The Staten Island Unit of Gateway is working on
a preliminary design for a new environmental education/visitor center and is
seeking examples of successful interactive educational processes and devices
for the development of theme-dedicated pods or classrooms. If you have
suggestions or references you can share, please contact Lenore Miller or
Haley Ferraro at 718-351-6970. Results will be distributed to all
contributors. [Ed Rizzotto, Superintendent]
Division Chief: No leave or travel scheduled.
Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection: Martin at MAR chief rangers'
conference (2/9-2/10); Berkowitz at conservation law enforcement conference
(2/12-2/22); Sisto on AL (2/8-2/10).
Branch of Fire and Aviation: Hurd at aviation management council meeting
(2/10); Spruill at same meeting (2/9-2/10); Gale instructing I-520/I-620
(2/1-2/12). [Note: The entire staff will be attending a workshop outside of
Boise from 2/16-2/18 and will not be available except for emergencies during
that period].
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
Telephone: Branch of R&VP - 202-208-4874
Branch of F&A (WASO) - 202-208-5572
Telefax: Branch of R&VP - 202-208-6756
Branch of F&A (WASO) - 202-208-5977
cc:Mail: Branch of R&VP - WASO Ranger Activities
Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO Fire and Aviation