- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Thursday, February 18, 1993
- Date: Thurs, 18 Feb 1993
Attention: Directorate
Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
Ranger Activities Division Information Network
Day/Date: Thursday, February 18, 1993
Broadcast: By 0800 EST
92-271 - Padre Island (Texas) - Follow-up on Car Clouting Arrests
On June 8, 1992, D.J.K., 33, and G.K.G., 39, both
of Houston, Texas, were arrested for burglarizing a vehicle in the visitor
center parking lot the previous day and stealing over $1,200 worth of
property, including a revolver. Based on the investigation conducted by
rangers and local police, ATF entered the case and filed additional charges.
On February 8th, both subjects pleaded guilty in district court to being
felons in possession of a firearm. D.J.K. was sentenced to 15 years
in prison without possibility of parole and fined $1,000 for the crime
victim's assessment fund. G.K.G. was sentenced to three years in
prison. The original charge of burglarizing a motor vehicle was dismissed.
[T.L. McDaniel, PAIS, 2/16]
92-636 - Chickamauga-Chattanooga (Georgia) - Follow-up on Poaching Arrest
S.H.M. who was arrested last Thanksgiving Day for poaching an
eight-point buck and possession of a firearm, was sentenced in federal court
on February 9th to two years' probation and 100 hours of community service,
prohibited from using or possessing a firearm for two years, and forfeited
the .44 magnum Smith and Wesson pistol he used to kill the deer. [Bill
Sturgeon, RAD/SERO, 2/17]
93-70 - Joshua Tree (California) - Kidnapping; Sexual Assault
On the night of February 11th, an 18-year-old male Outward Bound instructor
appeared at the hospital in 29 Palms and reported that he'd been kidnapped
and sexually assaulted. The victim had become separated from his group and
was picked up in Pinto Basin by a man driving a blue sedan. The window and
door knobs had been removed from the passenger side of the car, making
escape impossible. After the assault, the victim was able to escape into
the desert. A BOL has been issued for all mainland Western region areas:
The suspect is a white male adult, 35 to 40 years old, about 6 feet tall,
weighing between 210 and 220 pounds, and may be a weight lifter. He has
light colored eyes, short blond hair, a full beard and mustache, and fresh
cuts on his hands and knuckles, but has no known marks or tattoos. He was
wearing a dirty T-shirt, dark nylon shorts, and rubber flip-flops. The
assailant is apparently living out of his vehicle, a dirty blue, older
American four-door sedan with Arizona plates (white letters on red
background). The vehicle has no apparent body damage, but the door and
window handles on the passenger side are missing and half of the back seat
is charred. There was trash on the dash board and in the back seat and a
good deal of rock climbing equipment in the car. The vehicle was last seen
southbound on a park road in Joshua Tree. The FBI is assisting in the
investigation of the incident. Anyone with information on the incident,
should contact Paul Henry at 619-367-3523. [Paul Henry, CR, JOTR, 2/16]
93-71 - National Capital Parks (D.C.) - Armed Robbery; Assailant Shot
A uniformed Park Police officer was on patrol in the vicinity of Union
Station just before 7 a.m. on February 13th when he observed a man, later
identified as F.J.J., running from the station with a second
person in pursuit. The pursuer told the officer that he had been the victim
of an armed robbery in the station, and that F.J.J. was his assailant. F.J.J.
entered a silver Pontiac which was parked on First Street in an attempt to
escape. While apprehending him, the officer fired one round from his
service pistol, striking F.J.J. in the face. F.J.J. was taken into custody
and transported to a city hospital. Park Police criminal investigators are
conducting an investigation. [Lt. Robert Kass, USPP, 2/13]
Death Valley (California) - Wild Horse and Burro Roundup
Over the past several months, preparation and planning was completed for the
live capture and removal of approximately 40 wild horses and burros within
the Nevada section of Death Valley. On February 11th, the roundup began. A
helicopter contracted jointly by the NPS and BLM was employed to drive the
horses into a trap. By the end of February 12th, 47 wild horses, nine mules
and one burro had been rounded up and removed to the BLM wild horse and
burro adoption center in Ridgecrest, California. This cooperative effort by
BLM and the NPS, which was begun in 1982, has so far resulted in the
successful removal of about 6,000 animals. [Superintendent, DEVA]
1) Correction - The chemical agent used in the arrest of David Leesberg at
Lake Mead (93-62, February 12th morning report) was Punch II, not Capstun,
as was originally reported. [Maj. Dale Dickerhoof, RAD/WASO]
Division Chief: Brady at meeting (2/16-2/18).
Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection: Martin and Dickerhoof at law
enforcement needs assessment meeting (2/17-2/18); Kreis at inter-regional
recreation fee training session (2/16-2/18); Henry at meeting on overflight
GIS development and review of Grand Canyon aviation regulations (2/16-2/22);
Berkowitz at conservation law enforcement conference (2/12-2/22); Marriott
at same conference (2/15-2/19).
Branch of Fire and Aviation: Entire staff at workshop outside of Boise
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
Telephone: Branch of R&VP - 202-208-4874
Branch of F&A (WASO) - 202-208-5572
Telefax: Branch of R&VP - 202-208-6756
Branch of F&A (WASO) - 202-208-5977
cc:Mail: Branch of R&VP - WASO Ranger Activities
Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO Fire and Aviation