MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           Ranger Activities Division Information Network

Day/Date:  Friday, February 19, 1993

Broadcast: By 0800 EST


92-420 - Colonial (Virginia) - Follow-up on Homicide 

H.J.B., 27, of Mechanicsville, Virginia, appeared in county
circuit court on February 11th and pleaded guilty to the murder of his 17-
year-old girlfriend, Gwendolyn Thomas, who was shot to death in a wooded
area near Colonial Parkway on the afternoon of August 12, 1992.  The
incident occurred in an area of proprietary jurisdiction, and the case was
prosecuted by county authorities.  Sentencing is set for April 13th.  H.J.B.
faces a maximum penalty of life imprisonment and a $100,000 fine.  [Jim
Burnett, CR, COLO, 2/18]

93-30 - Prince William Forest (Virginia) - Follow-up on Attempted Poaching

On February 12th, J.L.M. pleaded guilty in magistrate's court on
charges of using a weapon to cause endangerment, vandalism and use of an
artificial light.  J.L.M. was arrested last December for shooting a deer
decoy in the park.  As part of the plea agreement, J.L.M. was sentenced to a
year's unsupervised probation, fined a total of $150, required to forfeit
his shotgun to the park, barred from all federal parks in the Eastern
District of Virginia for one year, and required to pay $230 to the park for
damage to the decoy.  State charges against J.L.M. were dropped at the
request of the U.S. attorney's office, as their policy is to not pursue
charges in different courts even though the charges are dissimilar.  Rangers
at Prince William are interested in hearing from other parks that have
gotten federal convictions in decoy cases.  Contact chief ranger Louis
Wesselhoft or George Liffert via cc:Mail or at 703-221-4706.  [Marian Lynch,
PRWI, 2/18]

93-72 - Roosevelt-Vanderbilt (New York) - Presidential Visit

President Clinton will visit the Roosevelt Museum and Library this afternoon
during a trip to the Hudson Valley area.  Following a brief meeting and tour
of the library, the President is expected to pay a visit to the Roosevelt
grave site.  The entire visit will last just over an hour.  A total of 19
rangers and local cooperating law enforcement personnel will provide primary
perimeter security for the home and library grounds.  They will be working
in conjunction with the Secret Service and state and local police.  [John
Lynch, RAD/NARO, 2/18]

93-73 - Joshua Tree (California) - Search and Rescue

A massive search for D.B., 18, a VIP working in the park, was begun on
the afternoon of February 13th when D.B. failed to return from a two-mile
hike.  Two helicopters, a fixed-wing aircraft, six CARDA dog units, and 40
county and park personnel were involved in the search.  Late the following
afternoon, D.B. was found in reasonably good condition about 17 miles from
his destination.  D.B., who was wearing only light clothing and carried no
survival gear, became lost while hiking and had to weather a night in which
temperatures dropped into the low 20s.  [Paul Henry, CR, JOTR, 2/16]

93-74 - Lake Mead (Nevada) - Assist; Burglary Arrests

On February 8th, park dispatch received a call from Citizens Utilities, a
company that operates a microwave within the park near Willow Beach,
reporting that a repairman at the site had observed a suspicious vehicle
approaching the location after dark with its lights out.  Several thefts of
solar panels and electronic equipment with a cumulative value of $40,000 had
occurred recently at the site.  Rangers responded and detained two suspects,
who were turned over to the county sheriff's office, which is investigating
the burglaries.  Physical evidence at the scene included tire tracks and
shoe prints; together with the tools the suspects had in their possession,
the sheriff's office had sufficient evidence to arrest the pair.  The two
are prime suspects in thefts of similar equipment from southern California
and Montana.  [Susan Warner, LAME, 2/18]

93-75 - Rocky Mountain (Colorado) - Auto Theft; Arson

Visitors reported a vehicle fire near Deer Ridge Junction at about 10 p.m.
on the evening of February 12th.  Responding rangers and Estes Park
firefighters found a vehicle off the road with its interior gutted by fire. 
Tracks indicated that the vehicle slid off the road on a turn.  The keys
were still in the ignition, but there were no occupants present.  Rangers
found a gas can and nozzle near the vehicle and subsequently learned that it
had been stolen the previous day from a parking lot in Chicago.  An
investigation is underway.  [Jim Reilly, RAD/RMRO, 2/16]

93-76 - Valley Forge (Pennsylvania) - Indecent Exposure Conviction

On February 11th, R.P. of Horsham, Pennsylvania, was sentenced in
federal court to eight months in prison and a $1,000 fine for indecently
exposing himself to a bus load of school students at the Memorial Arch in
Valley Forge in February of 1992.  A lengthy investigation by criminal
investigator Earl Cram lead him to R.P.  R.P. has a lengthy
criminal history involving sex offenses, and was on work release from a
sentence for a probation violation when he committed the offense in the
park.  He has numerous state probation violations and will likely face
additional years in prison as a result of the federal conviction.  Upon his
release, the federal sentence also requires a year of supervised probation. 
As a result of Cram's investigation, four other indecent exposure cases
which had occurred in the park during 1991 and 1992 were cleared.  [Scott
Kalbach, CR, VAFO, 2/18]

93-77 - Saguaro (Arizona) - Illegal Aliens

Rangers have assisted Border Patrol agents in two illegal alien arrests
during the past two weeks.  In the first instance, a Mexican national was
stopped for erratic driving; a loaded semi-automatic handgun was found under
the driver's seat.  In the second, an abandoned ice cream truck on Picture
Rocks Road was searched and found to contain a small amount of marijuana. 
This discovery resulted in the arrest of another Mexican national.  Border
Patrol agents believe that the truck was used for smuggling drugs.  [Laura
Hiatt, SAGU, 2/16]


Division Chief: No leave or travel scheduled.

Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection: Henry at meeting on overflight
GIS development and review of Grand Canyon aviation regulations (2/16-2/22);
Berkowitz at conservation law enforcement conference (2/12-2/22); Marriott
at same conference (2/15-2/19).

Branch of Fire and Aviation: No leave or travel scheduled.

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone: Branch of R&VP - 202-208-4874
           Branch of F&A (WASO) - 202-208-5572
Telefax:   Branch of R&VP - 202-208-6756
           Branch of F&A (WASO) - 202-208-5977
cc:Mail:   Branch of R&VP - WASO Ranger Activities
           Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO Fire and Aviation