MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           Ranger Activities Division Information Network

Day/Date:  Monday, February 22, 1993

Broadcast: By 0800 EST


93-78 - El Malpais (New Mexico) - Assist; Search and Rescue

Early on the evening of February 17th, a man stopped at NPS ranger Leslie
DeLong's residence in the Zuni Mountains near the park and reported that his
wife and her sister were overdue from a trip into the mountains.  The two
ladies were in their 50s; one had severe asthma that required oxygen
treatment, but did not have oxygen with her.  Neither was prepared for the
eight degree temperatures that were forecast for the area.  The state police
mounted a search with the assistance of park and BLM employees.  Their
vehicle was found in a snow bank at 9 p.m.  Both women had stayed in the
vehicle for warmth and were okay.  [Ken Mabery, CR, ELMA, 2/19]

93-79 - Hawaii Volcanoes (Hawaii) - Pursuit

On February 12th, ranger Talmadge Magno picked up a motorcycle traveling at
74 mph on Highway 11 and attempted to stop him.  The motorcyclist, J.R.
of Kealakekua, accelerated, and Magno pursued him.  During the ten-
mile chase, Magno reached speeds over 100 mph, but the motorcycle
nonetheless continued to pull away.  Ranger Eric Candelario joined the
pursuit, moving his vehicle into a position ahead of the motorcycle and
creating a moving blockade.  After two separate orders via the vehicle's
public address system, J.R. finally moved to the side of the road and
stopped.  Investigation revealed that J.R. had no warrants against him,
nor was there any indication that he'd engaged in any other illegal acts. 
The motorcyclist apologized, stating that he thought he could get away from
Magno and that he did it for the thrill.  He also said that he was in the
process of getting a commercial license and fled because he did not want to
lose his driver's license.  J.R. is scheduled for a mandatory appearance
before the U.S. magistrate.  [Jim Martin, CR, HAVO, 2/16]


No field reports today.


Calendar appears in the morning report every other Monday.  If you know of a
conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please provide the specifics to Bill Halainen in Ranger
Activities.  Entries are listed no earlier than four months before the
event.  An asterisk (*) indicates a new entry; a plus (+) indicates a
revised entry.  Brackets at end of entry indicate source of information:

March 1 - 5 -- "The Cispus Workshop: Training in Resource Management
Communication Skills", Cispus Learning Center, Randle, WA.  Registration
deadline: February 1.  Cost: $230.  Contact: Cispus Learning Center, 2332
Cispus Road, Randle, WA.  [Eileen Salenik, PNR, BuRec]

March 1 - 5 -- Southwest Region Chief Rangers' Workshop, Radisson Suite
Hotel, New Orleans, LA.  Contact: Bonnie Winslow, RAD/SWRO (505-988-6027).
[Bonnie Winslow, RAD/SWRO]

March 2 - 9 -- Wilderness EMT, Albright EDC, Grand Canyon, AZ.  No tuition
required, as the course is being funded by an EMS grant.  The class is
limited to 30 students - 15 of them from the NPS.  Housing is available, but
per diem, travel and lodging must be funded by benefitting accounts.  One
page nominations are due in the park no later than January 31st.  Contact:
Sherrie Collins, 602-638-7840.  [Sherrie Collins, GRCA]

March 4 - 7 -- Joint Annual Conference, Park Ranger Association of California
and California State Park Rangers Association, Biltmore Hotel, Santa Clara,
CA.  Contact: Doug Bryce, 916-383-2530.

March 9 - May 13 -- Basic Law Enforcement for Land Management Agencies,
Glynco, GA.  Funded by LEEDC/FLETC.  For application procedures, contact
your regional training officer.  [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC]

March 14 - April 1 -- "Capturing, Handling and Marking North American
Eagles", training course, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT.  For
further information, contact Office of Extended Studies, 303 Montana Hall,
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717 (406-994-6683).  [Steve
Cinnamon, MWRO]

March 17 - May 21 -- Basic Law Enforcement for Land Management Agencies,
Glynco, GA.  Funded by LEEDC/FLETC.  For application procedures, contact
your regional training officer.  [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC]

March 19 - 24 -- North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference,
Washington, DC.  Contact: Lonnie Williamson, Wildlife Management Institute,
1101 14th Street NW, Suite 725, Washington, DC 20005 (202-371-1808).  [Kathy
Jope, PNRO]

* March 21 - 24 -- National Conference on Watershed Management, Radisson
Plaza Hotel, Alexandria, VA.  Contact: Jennifer Paugh, Terrene Institute,
1000 Connecticut Ave, NW, Suite 802, Washington, DC 20036 (202-833-8317).
[Daniel Haas, PNRO]

March 22 - April 2 -- Managing the Protection Function, Albright EDC, Grand
Canyon, AZ.  Open to new chief rangers, superintendents and unit managers
without protection backgrounds, and protection rangers whose next position
could be chief ranger.  Funded by AEDC.  One page nomination forms are to be
sent to AEDC in regional priority order no later than February 22nd.  [Dale
Thompson, AEDC]

March 24 - 25 -- Second Annual Maine Conservation Law Enforcement Conference,
Portland, ME.  Interagency (local, state and federal) conference on
conservation law enforcement, focusing on natural and cultural resources
management.  For further information and registration forms, contact Larry
Farnsworth at Unity College at 207-948-3131. [Dwayne Collier, SOAR]

March 24 - 28 -- Seventh Annual Wilderness Medicine Training Session, Lake
Tahoe, CA.  For further information, call 800-888-5632 or 503-488-3843. 
[Wes Henry, RAD/WASO]

March 26 - 29 -- "Celebrating the Diversity of Life: Twenty Years of the
Endangered Species Act", Sheraton City Center, Washington, DC.  Contact: 
Conference registrar (202-547-9009), or write to the National Audubon
Society, 666 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20003.  [Kathy Jope,

* March 27 -- White-Tailed Deer EIS Public Scoping Meeting, Gettysburg Junior
High School, Gettysburg, PA.  Contact Bobbie Platt, PIO, Gettysburg NMP at
717-334-1124.  [Mac Heebner, GETT]

March 29 - June 3 -- Basic Law Enforcement for Land Management Agencies,
Glynco, GA.  Funded by LEEDC/FLETC.  For application procedures, contact
your regional training officer.  [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC]

March 30 - April 1 -- Fire in Wilderness and Park Management, University of
Montana, Missoula, MT.  Contact: Conferences and Institutes, Center for
Continuing Education, University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812 (406-243-
4623 or 2900).  [Steve Cinnamon, MWRO]

April 3 - 9 -- Conference on the Limits of Acceptable Change in the National
Wilderness Preservation System, Missoula, MT.  Contact: The Wilderness
Institute, School of Forestry, University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812
(406-243-5361).  [Wes Henry, RAD/WRO]

April 6 - 10 -- "New Horizons in Meeting Society's Needs", 89th Annual
Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Atlanta Marriott
Marquis, Atlanta, GA.  For further information, membership and registration
forms, contact the Association of American Geographers, 1710 16th Street,
NW, Washington, DC 20009-3198.  [John Beck, RAD/SERO]

* April 13 - 15 -- Materials Deterioration/Reading a Historic Building,
training course, Mather EDC, Harpers Ferry, WV.  Funded by benefitting
account.  For application procedures, contact your regional employee
development officer.  [Gloria Baker, STMA]

* April 19 - 23 -- Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program,
training course, Portland, OR.  For more information, call Barbara Baco at
202-343-3780.  For application procedures, contact your regional employee
development officer.  [Gloria Baker, STMA]

* April 19 - 30 -- Counter Narcotics and Special Operations Training, Organ
Pipe Cactus, AZ.  Funded by WASO.  The course is designed for the field law
enforcement ranger involved in counternarcotics and/or other special
operations.  Nominations must be in by March 15th.  One-page nomination
forms should be mailed or faxed to Aniceto Olais, Chief Ranger, Organ Pipe
Cactus NM, Route 1, Box 100, Ajo, AZ 85321 (fax: 602-387-7661 ext. 2).  [Bob
Marriott, RAD/WASO]

* April 19 - 30 -- Historic Preservation Maintenance Skills Workshop, Pear
Ridge and Buffalo River, AR.  Funded by STMA.  For more information, contact
Dorothy Printup at 301-223-7872.  For application procedures, contact your
regional employee development officer.  [Gloria Baker, STMA]

April 20 - 22 -- First Annual Intermountain West Conservation Law Enforcement
Conference, Provo, UT.  Interagency (local, state and federal) conference on
conservation law enforcement, focusing on natural and cultural resources
management.  This conference is made up primarily of representatives from
conservation law enforcement agencies in Utah, western Colorado, western
Wyoming, southern Idaho and northeastern Nevada.  [Dwayne Collier, SOAR]

April 20 - 22 -- Peer Counselor Training, Marriott Residence Inn, Tucson, AZ. 
Funded by central account.  Nomination forms are due in to WRO Ranger
Services by March 1st.  Contact: Herb Gercke, Emergency Services
Coordinator, WRO (415-744-3921).  [Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO]

April 20 - 22 -- "Restoring Diversity: Is Reintroduction an Option for
Endangered Species?", symposium, Clarion Hotel, St. Louis, MO.  Contact:
Marie Bruegmann, Reintroduction Symposium Registration, Center for Plant
Conservation, Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166
(314-577-9450).  [Janet Wise, RMRO]

April 21 - 23 - "Conflicts in Natural Resources Management: Integrating
Social and Ecological Concerns", symposium, Eccles Conference Center, Utah
State University, Logan, UT.  Contacts: Dr. Joanna Endter-Wada (801-750-
2487) or Lisa Anderson (801-750-2302).  [Steve Cinnamon, MWRO]

April 26 - 29 -- Eleventh Great Plains Wildlife Damage Control Workshop,
Hyatt Regency, Kansas City, MO.  Contact: F. Robert Henderson, Extension
Wildlife Specialist, Kansas State University (913-532-5654).  [Steve
Cinnamon, MWRO]

* April 26 - 30 -- Revegetation and Reclamation Training Workshop, Palm
Springs, CA.  Contact: Cheryl Tope at Denver Service Center (303-969-2170). 
[Kathy Jope, PNRO]

* May 3 - 7 -- Servicewide Workshop for Historians and Interpreters, Valley
Forge, PA.  Funded by benefitting accounts.  For application procedures,
contact your regional employee development officer.  [Gloria Baker, STMA]

* May 3 - 7 -- Critical Issues: Workshop in Curatorial Management,
Albuquerque, NM.  Funded by benefitting accounts.  For application
procedures, contact your regional employee development officer.  [Gloria
Baker, STMA]

* May 3 - 7 -- Interpreting America's Long Distance Trails, training course,
Mather EDC, Harpers Ferry, WV.  Funded by benefitting account.  For
application procedures, contact your regional employee development officer. 
[Gloria Baker, STMA]

May 13 - 15 -- Second Annual Northern California Conservation Law Enforcement
Conference, Sacramento, CA.  Interagency (local, state and federal)
conference on conservation law enforcement, focusing on natural and cultural
resources management.  Contact: Steve Martin, Ranger Services, WRO, at 415-
744-3921.  [Dwayne Collier, SOAR]

* May 17 - 26 -- Interpretive Planning, Estes Park, CO.  Funded by
benefitting account.  For application procedures, contact your regional
employee development officer.  [Gloria Baker, STMA]

May 17 - 21 -- Fifth Annual Interagency Wilderness Conference, Tucson, AZ. 
Contacts: Alan Shmeirer, NPS Wilderness Coordinator, WRO (415-744-3959), or
Kathy Hiett, CPSU-UA-NPS, Western Area Archaeological and Conservation
Center, P.O. Box 41508, Tucson, AZ 85717 (Fax: 602-670-6503).  [Wes Henry,

* May 23 - 27 -- International Conference on Aquatic Ecosystem Health and
Environmental Bioassay Techniques, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.  Contact:
Dr. M. Manuwar at Canada Centre for Inland Waters (416-336-4867).  [Kathy
Jope, PNRO]

* May 24 - 26 -- "Current and Future Priorities for Environmental
Management", Annual Conference of the National Association of Environmental
Professionals, North Raleigh Hilton and Convention Center, Raleigh, NC. 
Contact: NAEP, 202-966-1500.  [Kathy Jope, PNRO]

* June 9 - 13 -- Annual Meeting, Society for Conservation Biology, Tempe, AZ. 
Contact: W.L. Minckley, Department of Zoology, Arizona State University,
Tempe, AZ 85287-1501.  [Kathy Jope, PNRO]

* June 21 - 25 -- Conference on Inventorying and Monitoring Techniques to
Respond to Catastrophic Events, Pennsylvania State University, University
Park, PA 16802.  Contact: Steve Fairweather, 814-865-1602.  [Kathy Jope,

* June 22 - 25 -- "Conservation in Working Landscapes", 20th Annual Natural
Areas Conference, University of Maine, Orono, ME.  Contact: Hank Tyler,
Maine State Planning Office, Station 38, Augusta, ME 04333 (207-624-6041).
[Steve Cinnamon, MWRO]


Division Chief: Brady at ARD/Operations meeting (2/23-2/26).

Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection: Halainen and Sisto at
Congressional orientation course (2/24).

Branch of Fire and Aviation: Spruill at NPS aviation accident review board
meeting (2/22-2/26); Gale at meeting in ARO (2/22-2/25) and instructing at
all-risk training course (2/26-2/28); Broyles and Bristol at training and
safety and health conferences (2/21-3/2).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone: Branch of R&VP - 202-208-4874
           Branch of F&A (WASO) - 202-208-5572
Telefax:   Branch of R&VP - 202-208-6756
           Branch of F&A (WASO) - 202-208-5977
cc:Mail:   Branch of R&VP - WASO Ranger Activities
           Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO Fire and Aviation