- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Wednesday, March 10, 1993
- Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1993
Attention: Directorate
Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
Ranger Activities Division Information Network
Day/Date: Wednesday, March 10, 1993
Broadcast: By 0800 EST
93-106 - Chickamauga-Chattanooga (Tennessee) - ARPA Arrests
Late on the morning of February 28th, a park maintenance worker reported a
suspicious vehicle parked off the highway on Lookout Mountain, adding that
he'd also seen people in the woods below the vehicle and that they appeared
to have metal detectors. Shortly thereafter, investigating rangers saw
E.C.L. of Norris, Tennessee, using a metal detector on park property
near the vehicle. When he was contacted, he told rangers that another
individual, J.L.C. of Clinton, Tennessee, was also metal
detecting in the area. The rangers were not able to locate J.L.C., but
spotted him walking back toward the vehicle shortly thereafter. J.L.C.
was questioned and admitted to relic hunting within the park. Both men
claimed that they didn't know they were digging on park land. Their
equipment and several artifacts, including a bayonet, a buckle and several
bullets, were seized. Also seized was a .32 caliber pistol which was found
during a consent search of the vehicle. The impacted area was determined to
be approximately 400 square yards in size and contained nearly 50 holes.
The two men claimed that they'd been working in the area since 9 a.m. that
day. The U.S. attorney's office was contacted; at their direction, both men
were cited for mandatory appearances for theft of government property and
possession of metal detectors pending a full ARPA investigation. They were
both released. The Southeast Archeological Center was contacted. They
dispatched an archeologist to the park who performed a site damage
assessment. The investigation is continuing. [RAD/SERO, 3/9]
93-107 - Catoctin Mountain (Maryland) - Storm Impacts
A major winter ice storm struck sections of the park over the 1,300-foot
elevation on March 4th. Heavy ice buildup caused major tree and limb falls
lasting into Saturday, March 6th. Structural damage occurred to two WPA-
constructed historic register cabins in Camp Greentop; minor damage was also
inflicted on several other park buildings. Portions of park roads were
closed. Power was knocked out at some locations and wasn't restored until
Sunday. Extensive clearing and cleanup will be required on park trails and
in developed areas. Region was contacted to coordinate dispatch of sawyers
and tree workers who, together with Catoctin personnel, worked throughout
the weekend to remove hazards along roadways and reopen Round Meadow Camp
for Frederick County school programs on March 8th. [Roger Steintl, CR,
CATO, 3/9]
93-108 - Buffalo (Arkansas) - Significant Vandalism
On February 28th, rangers Rod Turner and Barry Munyan discovered that a
government-owned structure had been vandalized in Boxley Valley. Doors had
been removed from the structure and some of the windows had been damaged. A
section of the fence around the structure and boards from a nearby shed had
been removed and burned. An abandoned vehicle found at the scene contained
evidence which may be linked to the incident. Another building in the same
area had similar damage. Damage estimates are placed at $1,500. The
investigation is continuing. [George Oviatt, ACR, BUFF, 3/5]
No field reports today.
Division Chief: No leave or travel scheduled.
Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection: Dickerhoof at Park Police command
conference (3/8-3/12); Halainen at all-risk management training (3/8-3/11)
and uniform boot work group meeting (3/12).
Branch of Fire and Aviation: Berg at WIMS training course (3/8-3/10); Cook
at hotshot crew workshop (3/8-3/12); Gale instructing at all-risk management
training course (3/8-3/12); Broyles at uniform boot work group meeting
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
Telephone: Branch of R&VP - 202-208-4874
Branch of F&A (WASO) - 202-208-5572
Telefax: Branch of R&VP - 202-208-6756
Branch of F&A (WASO) - 202-208-5977
cc:Mail: Branch of R&VP - WASO Ranger Activities
Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO Fire and Aviation