MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           Ranger Activities Division Information Network

Day/Date:  Tuesday, April 13, 1993

Broadcast: By 0830 ET


93-177 - Kennesaw Mountain (Georgia) - ARPA Investigation

On the afternoon of April 11th, a park visitor told ranger Kathy Collier
that he'd seen a man metal detecting on the earthworks on Pigeon Hill. 
Rangers Collier and Black responded and found C.B. employing a
metal detector along some recently rehabilitated earthworks on the crest of
the hill.  C.B. was detained and an investigation into his actions was
begun.  C.B. had dug about seven holes and had several minnie balls and
shell fragments in his possession.  C.B.'s wife soon arrived on scene; she
asked Collier if she was investigating a metal detecting case, and said that
it was her husband who was doing the metal detecting.  She said that they'd
been in the park for only a few minutes, and that she'd been waiting in the
car below.  After conferring with the assistant U.S. attorney, both C.B.s
were released on their own recognizance.  C.B. will be charged
with an ARPA violation after a regional archeologist examines the area. 
C.B.'s wife may be charged as an accessory, as she was aware of her
husband's activities.  [Richard Hanks, CR, KEMO, 4/12]

93-178 - Amistad (Texas) - Diving Fatality

Scuba diver T.B. drowned on the afternoon of April 10th while
diving with a partner in just over 50 feet of water.  T.B. apparently
panicked for unknown reasons and lost his regulator.  His partner
unsuccessfully attempted to reestablish airflow, then surfaced to get
assistance.  When he returned, he found T.B. unconscious without his
regulator.  Rangers and paramedics attempted to revive him, but without
luck.  T.B. was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital in Del Rio.  It
appears that alcohol was not involved.  The investigation is continuing; a
technical expert will examine the equipment to determine if it failed. 
[Phil Selleck, DR, AMIS, 4/12]

93-179 - Grand Canyon (Arizona) - Falling Fatality

While her husband was setting up a tripod for a picture at Horse Shoe Mesa
on April 11th, D.S., who was not paying attention to her
surroundings, walked backwards over the canyon rim and fell to her death. 
[Bill Banks, GRCA, 4/12]


No field reports today.


The following activities will be taking place in Congress during coming
weeks on matters pertaining to the National Park Service.  If you would like
further information on any of these hearings or bills, please contact Dottie
in WASO Legislation at 202-208-3636.

April 22

House Natural Resources' Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests
and Public Lands [Vento] and Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral
Resources [Lehman]: Joint hearing on H.R. 1137, to amend the
Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 regarding Yellowstone's geysers and
hot pools. 

April 27

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee [Johnston]:
Hearing on S. 21, to designate certain lands in the California
desert as wilderness and to establish Death Valley, Joshua Tree
and Mojave National Parks. 

April 29

House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior [Yates]: Hearing
on FY 94 appropriations for the NPS. 

House Natural Resources' Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests
and Public Lands [Vento]: Oversight hearing on the
administration's recreation fee proposals. 


Division Chief: No leave or travel scheduled.

Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection: Smith at managerial grid training
course (4/11-4/16); Martin and Dickerhoof at FLETC 9PT curriculum review
conference (4/13-4/15).

Branch of Fire and Aviation: Gale and Broyles at managerial grid training
course (4/11-4/17); Clark at national fire weather group meeting (4/13-
4/16); Spruill at workshop (4/12-4/16).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone: Branch of R&VP - 202-208-4874
           Branch of F&A (WASO) - 202-208-5572
Telefax:   Branch of R&VP - 202-208-6756
           Branch of F&A (WASO) - 202-208-5977
cc:Mail:   Branch of R&VP - WASO Ranger Activities
           Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO Fire and Aviation