MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           Ranger Activities Division Information Network

Day/Date:  Monday, May 3, 1993

Broadcast: By 0830 ET


93-217 - Arizona Areas - Follow-up on Earthquake

Follow-up reports regarding the magnitude 5.5 earthquake which shook
northern Arizona last Thursday have been received from Grand Canyon, Sunset
Crater, Wupatki and Walnut Canyon.  No damage occurred at any of the four
areas.  Rangers at Grand Canyon, however, responded to two quake-related EMS
incidents, one of which required provision of advanced life support
measures.  Both calls were attributed to the patients' profound responses to
the earthquake.  Each of the victims was taken to the park clinic.  The
seismograph at Sunset Crater produced good records of both that quake and
the 4.8 quake which preceded it on April 25th.  Indications are that the
quakes had epicenters within a mile of each other and that they were on the
Cataract Creek fault 25 miles south of Grand Canyon Village.  Thursday's
quake was the largest at Grand Canyon in 34 years.  [Kim Watson, CR,

93-221 - San Juan (Puerto Rico) - Death of Employee

Ranger Victor Valentine, 51, was killed on the evening of April 29th when
the vehicle he was driving rear-ended another vehicle on Kennedy Avenue in
San Juan.  He had worked as a law enforcement ranger at the park for the
last 18 years.  No further details regarding the accident are currently
available.  [Bill Sturgeon, RAD/SERO, 4/30]

93-222 - Blue Ridge (North Carolina/Virginia) - Illegal Distillery Arrests

On April 27th, ranger Tom Sallese received an anonymous tip regarding a
"moonshine" distillery operating adjacent to the park's boundary in the
Rocky Knob District.  Rangers joined Floyd County deputies and officers from
the Virginia Alcohol Beverage Commission in a 24-hour stakeout of the area
which resulted in the arrest of three people on the morning of April 30th. 
The incident is still being investigated.  Charges are pending.  [Glenda
Hess, BLRI, 4/30]


El Malpais (New Mexico) - Volcanic Dating

The park and Los Alamos National Laboratory hosted a volcanic field dating
conference on April 27th and 28th which was attended by 53 people
representing 19 institutions.  The focus of the conference was the research
opportunities for dating basalts in El Malpais by using a variety of new and
established techniques.  All participants will be working in the park.  One
publication has already been produced and more are expected.  The park
contains at least a dozen distinct lava flows ranging in age from three
million to three thousand years old.  Researchers expect to be able to
double the number of distinct flow events and fine-tune approximate flow
dates.  [Ken Mabery, ELMA]


Calendar appears in the morning report every other Monday.  If you know of a
conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please provide the specifics to Bill Halainen in Ranger
Activities.  Entries are listed no earlier than four months before the
event.  Asterisks indicate new entries; brackets at end of entry indicate
source of information:

May 12 - 14 -- Second Annual Northern California Conservation Law
Enforcement Conference, Sacramento, CA.  Interagency
(local, state and federal) conference on conservation law
enforcement, focusing on natural and cultural resources
management.  Contact: Steve Martin, Ranger Services, WRO,
at 415-744-3921.  [Dwayne Collier, SOAR]

May 14 - 15 -- "Beyond the Endangered Species Act: Governing for
Ecological Health", University of Washington, WA.  For
more information, call 206-543-1812.

May 17 - 26 -- Interpretive Planning, Estes Park, CO.  Funded by
benefitting account.  For application procedures, contact
your regional employee development officer.  [Gloria
Baker, STMA]

May 17 - 21 -- Fifth Annual Interagency Wilderness Conference, Tucson,
AZ.  Contacts: Alan Shmeirer, NPS Wilderness Coordinator,
WRO (415-744-3959), or Kathy Hiett, CPSU-UA-NPS, Western
Area Archaeological and Conservation Center, P.O. Box
41508, Tucson, AZ 85717 (Fax: 602-670-6503).  [Wes Henry,

May 17 - 23 -- "Planning Beyond Park Boundaries", training course,
Shenandoah NP, VA.  [Warren Brown, Planning/WASO]

May 18 - 20 -- Global Positioning Systems, training course, University of
Montana, Missoula, MT.  Call 406-243-4623.

May 23 - 27 -- International Conference on Aquatic Ecosystem Health and
Environmental Bioassay Techniques, Virginia Tech,
Blacksburg, VA.  Contact: Dr. M. Manuwar at Canada Centre
for Inland Waters (416-336-4867).  [Kathy Jope, PNRO]

May 24 - 26 -- "Current and Future Priorities for Environmental
Management", Annual Conference of the National Association
of Environmental Professionals, North Raleigh Hilton and
Convention Center, Raleigh, NC.  Contact: NAEP, 202-966-
1500.  [Kathy Jope, PNRO]

May 25 - 27 -- Global Positioning Systems, training course, University of
Montana, Missoula, MT.  Call 406-243-4623.

May 31 - June 9 -- Wilderness First Responder, training course, West Milford,
NJ.  For more information, call 1-800-742-2931.  [Bill
Pierce, OLYM]

June 2 - 5 -- RESPONSE '93, conference, Tampa, FL.  For more
information, call NASAR at 703-352-1349.  [Bill Pierce,

June 7 - 10 -- Fifth International Symposium on Society and Resource
Management, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. 
For more information, call 303-491-6591.  [Bill Walker,

June 7 - 11 -- "Forest Habitat Types and Successional Stages", University
of Montana, Missoula, MT.  Contact: Center for Continuing
Education, University of Montana, at 406-243-4623.  [Gary
Sullivan, MWRO]

June 8 - 10 -- Global Positioning Systems, training course, University of
Montana, Missoula, MT.  Call 406-243-4623.

June 9 - 13 -- Annual Meeting, Society for Conservation Biology, Tempe,
AZ.  Contact: W.L. Minckley, Department of Zoology,
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1501.  [Kathy
Jope, PNRO]

June 15 - 17 -- Global Positioning Systems, training course, University of
Montana, Missoula, MT.  Call 406-243-4623.

June 20 - 23 -- Annual Conference and Workshop, Association of Natural
Resources Enforcement Trainers, Sheraton Cavalier Hotel,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.  Contact: John D.
Edwards, Provincial Enforcement Training Coordinator,
Saskatchewan DNR, at 306-953-2992 (fax: 306-953-2999). 
[Bob Martin, SHEN]

June 21 - 25 -- Conference on Inventorying and Monitoring Techniques to
Respond to Catastrophic Events, Pennsylvania State
University, University Park, PA 16802.  Contact: Steve
Fairweather, 814-865-1602.  [Kathy Jope, PNRO]

June 22 - 25 -- "Conservation in Working Landscapes", 20th Annual Natural
Areas Conference, University of Maine, Orono, ME. 
Contact: Hank Tyler, Maine State Planning Office, Station
38, Augusta, ME 04333 (207-624-6041). [Steve Cinnamon,

June 21 - 25 -- "Managing the NEPA Process and Writing Effective
Environmental Documents", training course, Denver, CO. 
The second in a series of three courses on environmental
law and policy being offered over the coming year.  For
application procedures, contact your regional employee
development office.  [Jake Hoogland, EQD/WASO]

July '93 - June '95 -- Preservation and Skills Training Program (PAST).  Trainees
and mentor applications accepted.  Contact your regional
training officer or Susan Escherich, Preservation
Assistance Division, WASO, at 202-343-9591.  [Chris Perry,

July 7 - 9 * -- EO for Supervisors and Managers, training course, Mather
EDC, Harpers Ferry, WV.  Funded by benefitting accounts. 
For application procedures, contact your regional employee
development officer.  [EDC/STMA]

July 12 - 15 * -- "Sustaining the Ecological Integrity of Large Floodplain
Rivers: Application of Ecological Knowledge to River
Management", Lacrosse, WI.  Contact: Dr. Kenneth Lubinski,
Environmental Management Technical Center, 575 Lester
Avenue, Onalaska, WI 54650.  [Janet Wise, RMRO]

July 12 - 15 * -- Conference on Sustainable Ecological Systems, Northern
Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ.  Contact: DuBois
Conference Center, PO Box 15003, Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5003,
602-404-0234.  [Kathy Jope, RAD/PNRO]

July 27 - 31 -- First International Bison Conference, Lacrosse, WI. 
Topics include genetics, disease, nutrition, ecology,
phenotype, cultural issues, management, and seminars on
marketing and meat processing.  There will also be a trade
show.  Contact: Ronald Walker, 605-255-4515 (phone) and
605-255-4515 (fax).  [Bruce Bessken, BADL]

July 31 - Aug 3 -- Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America, University
of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.  The NPS CPSU at the University
of Wisconsin will be hosting a reception for NPS personnel
and researchers interested in working in NPS areas. 
Contact: Jim Bennett, 608-262-9937.  [Joe Meyer, GIS/MWR]


Division Chief: Brady at SERO superintendents' conference (5/5-5/7).

Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection: Martin at uniform boot meeting
(5/2-5/4); Halainen at uniform boot meeting (5/3-5/5) and MAR/NAR/NCR fee
coordinator meeting (5/6); Dickerhoof at MAR/NAR/NCR fee coordinator meeting
(5/5) and counter-terrorism conference (5/7); Berkowitz at LE training
course (5/2-5/5); Smith at wildlife law enforcement coordinator conference

Branch of Fire and Aviation: Broyles at overhead development course review
and uniform boot meeting (5/2-5/7); Cook at filming session for fire
management video (5/3-5/12); Gale on AL (5/3-5/7).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone: Branch of R&VP - 202-208-4874
           Branch of F&A (WASO) - 202-208-5572
Telefax:   Branch of R&VP - 202-208-6756
           Branch of F&A (WASO) - 202-208-5977
cc:Mail:   Branch of R&VP - WASO Ranger Activities
           Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO Fire and Aviation
SkyPager:  Emergencies ONLY (numeric message) - 1-800-759-7243, PIN 2404843 
SkyTalk:   Emergencies ONLY (voice message) - 1-800-759-8255, PIN 2404843