MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           Ranger Activities Division Information Network

Day/Date:  Monday, August 16, 1993

Broadcast: By 0900 EDT


93-597 - Badlands (South Dakota) - Armed Robbery 

Seasonal fee collector N.I. was counting fee receipts in the
Pinnacles ranger office on the evening of August 14th when a person wearing
a mask and dark leather jacket suddenly opened the door to the office.  The
person, who had one hand in his/her pocket, ordered N.I. to keep her head
down, took $9,955.50 which she had been counting, then quickly left the
building.  The only other description of the suspect N.I. could offer was
that he/she was 5'8" tall.  Rangers and Pennington County officers conducted
an initial investigation.  The FBI will coordinate the follow-up
investigation of the incident.  [Brian Reilly, RLES, RAD/RMRO, 8/15]

93-598 - North Cascades (Washington) - Search and Rescue

On August 11th, rangers received a report that E.T., 33, of
Tiganand, Oregon, had failed to return from a day-long fishing trip to the
park, and learned that E.T. had planned to fish his way down Bridge
Creek to its confluence with the Stehekin River.  A helicopter was
dispatched to search the steep-walled canyon and quickly located E.T.,
who was stuck on a small rock face 30 feet above the river.  Rangers
rappelled 150 feet down the cliff face to him.  They found that he was
uninjured, but that he'd spent a cold and sleepless night hanging on to a
small branch above the river and that he'd been without food or water for
nearly 24 hours.  E.T. was evacuated and treated by park EMTs for
dehydration and fatigue.  [RAD/PNRO, 8/13]

93-599 - Crater Lake (Oregon) - Rescue

On August 12th, B.L., 30, of Dundee, Scotland, was hiking down
Cleetwood trail with her husband when a falling rock about ten inches in
diameter struck her on the top of her head.  Responding rangers placed her
on a litter and carried her a mile up the trail (and an elevation gain of
about 700 feet) to a waiting NPS ambulance.  The ambulance then took her to
North Junction, where she was evacuated by helicopter to the Rogue Valley
Medical Center in Medford.  At the time of the report, she was listed in
critical condition.  [George Buckingham, CR, CRLA, 8/13]

93-600 - Rocky Mountain (Colorado) - Special Event

During a break from the World Youth Day celebration in Denver, Pope John
Paul II spent last Friday resting at a retreat center bordering the park. 
During the day, the Pope hiked up Cabin Creek and spent about an hour in the
park.  A SET team and park staff provided security along with the Secret
Service, Forest Service and Boulder County sheriff's office.  The incident
was managed under a unified command system.  There were no significant
security problems during the Pope's visit.  [Joe Evans, CR, ROMO, 8/15]

93-601 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Search in Progress

An aerial search is underway in and around the park for an aircraft with two
people aboard first reported overdue on August 1st.  The search is being
coordinated by the Rescue Command Center (RCC) at Elmendorf AFB in
Anchorage.  A command post and staging area have been established in the
park's Gulkana operations center.  As of August 10th, the pilots of the ten
to 17 military, CAP and civilian aircraft committed to the search each day
since it began had flown 148 sorties covering 2,450 square miles and had
logged almost 500 person/hours in the effort.  Separate ELT signals were
identified in the search area on August 8th and August 9th, but
investigation revealed that both signals were activated by Cessna Super Cubs
during hard landings.  No damage or injuries were reported.  The number of
aircraft accidents within the park and preserve increases dramatically prior
to and during the hunting season, as small aircraft attempt to use very
small airstrips or unimproved landing areas.  [Jay Wells, CR, WRST, 8/14]

93-602 - Dinosaur (Colorado) - Flash Flood

Heavy rains on the evening of August 11th flooded drainages leading to Echo
Park campground, which is at the junction of the Green and Yampa Rivers. 
The Sand Canyon and Pool Creek Canyon roads were washed out in several
places, stranding 30 visitors in 12 vehicles at the campground.  Park staff
worked to reach campers and repair washouts at drainage crossings and at one
major culvert.  Nine of the vehicles and a majority of the campers were able
to leave the area by 5 p.m. the following day.  The remainder of the campers
stayed in the campground until additional road repairs could be completed. 
There were no visitor injuries or private property damage, but park wildfire
equipment which had been prepositioned near Cub Creek was damaged by the
flooding.  [Nick Eason, DINO, 8/13]

93-603 - Bighorn Canyon (Wyoming/Montana) - Burglaries

At about 6 p.m. on August 11th, two break-ins into unoccupied houses in
government camp were discovered.  One was a Bureau of Reclamation house used
as quarters for government employees visiting the area.  A television and
VCR were stolen and two fire extinguishers were set off in the house.  The
other house was used as an office and part-time residence by the local
deputy sheriff.  Nothing was stolen, but the building was heavily
vandalized.  The investigation is pending.  [T. Henderson, BICA, 8/13]


No report today.


No field reports today.


Division Chief: Brady on travel (8/16-8/20).

Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection: Martin at Aufhauser shooting
review and on AL (8/10-8/22); Dickerhoof on AL (8/12-8/22); Halainen on AL

Branch of Fire and Aviation: Botti at operations evaluation at Grand Canyon
(8/9-8/20); Berg in meeting at Glacier (8/16-8/20); Clark on oil spills and
quals system review (8/16-8/19); Farrel at wildland/urban fire initiative
meeting (8/16-8/20).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities