- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Monday, September 27, 1993
- Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1993
Attention: Directorate
Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
Ranger Activities Division Information Network
Day/Date: Monday, September 27, 1993
Broadcast: By 0900 EDT
93-732 - Grand Teton/Yellowstone (Wyoming) - Car Clouting Arrest
J.L.D. was arrested last week for a series of car clouts which
occurred in Yellowstone and Grand Teton on September 18th. J.L.D. had
entered the vehicles with a prying tool or by breaking out a window with
some type of blunt instrument, then stolen personal property and several
license plates. He was arrested in Chubbuck, Idaho, the following day when
he attempted to purchase a set of tires with a credit card taken in one of
the clouts. Rangers obtained and executed a search warrant for J.L.D.'s
vehicle. Evidence seized connects him with nine separate burglaries in four
national parks and one national forest. J.L.D. typically targeted vehicles
parked at trail heads and preferred stealing CDs, video cameras, cellular
phones and credit cards. His car remains impounded at the police department
in Chubbuck and still contains a good deal of property. Any parks with
information on or seeking missing property from car clouts with similar MOs
are asked to fax the report to Grand Teton's law enforcement office or
contact Colin Campbell, the park's law enforcement specialist, at 307-733-
2880 (commercial) or 700-328-4219 (FTS). [Colin Campbell, LES, GRTE, 9/24]
93-733 - Jefferson National Expansion (Missouri) - Flooding
On September 24th, the Mississippi River again rose above flood stage and
covered Sullivan Boulevard and part of the Grand Staircase on the park's
eastern boundary. A flood crest of 40.5 feet (10.5 feet above flood stage)
was predicted for Saturday or Sunday with no additional rain, but
forecasters were calling for from one to six inches of rain over the
weekend. Periodic flooding is expected throughout the fall because of the
very saturated soil condition in the river's drainage and the abnormally
large amounts of rain that continue to fall throughout the Midwest. Much of
the cleanup work done after the water receded in early September will have
to be repeated, but no additional damage to trees or shrubbery is
anticipated. Erosion to the park's eastern slopes will continue until the
water subsides again. [Deryl Stone, CR, JEFF, 9/24]
93-734 - Grand Teton (Wyoming) - Climbing Fatality
D.W., 26, of Jackson, Wyoming, was killed while attempting to
climb the east ridge of Nez Perce Peak last Tuesday. D.W. intended to
solo climb the east ridge, traverse to the South Teton, then return to the
valley on the 21st. Rangers noted that he was overdue the following morning
and began aerial reconnaissance at noon. D.W.'s body was spotted just
below the east peak of Nez Perce about 6:30 that evening. The body was not
recovered until the following day because of its precarious position, the
icy conditions on the north face of the peak, and the limited daylight. The
cause of the accident is still under investigation. [Mark Magnuson, Jenny
Lake SDR, GRTE, 9/24]
93-735 - New River Gorge (West Virginia) - Rescues
On September 18th, rangers conducted 14 water rescues on the Gauley River,
two of them particularly significant. A rafter was injured that morning
when he fell out of his boat below Initiation Rapids. Rangers treated him,
then carried him out through steep and rocky terrain. At 1:30 p.m., rangers
responded to another major medical incident, this time at Sweets Falls. A
rafter had fallen 15 feet from a cliff and had landed on a rock. He was
treated for external injuries and was carried out. Both victims probably
suffered spinal injuries. [Greg Malcolm, Gauley SDR, NERI, 9/22]
1) FIRE SITUATION - Preparedness Level I
State Agency Area Fire 9/26 9/27 Status
CA USFS Los Padres * Marre - T1 1,000 3,700 NEC
USFS San Bernadino * Seven Oaks - 150 NEC
CDF Riverside * Cactus - 200 CN 9/26
AZ NPS Grand Canyon * Northwest III 250 250 CS
- Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this report). T1 and T2
indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.
- Status - The following abbreviations are employed:
NR - No report received MS - Modified suppression strategy
CL - Controlled MN - Being monitored
CS - Containment strategy NEC - No estimate of containment
CND - Contained CN (date) - Expected date of containment
3) ANALYSIS - Initial attack and large fire activity increased in southern
California over the weekend. Type I crews, helicopters and communications
equipment from outside the geographic area have been mobilized.
4) PROGNOSIS - Red flag watches and warnings have been issued for southern
California, parts of Oregon and the Cascade Mountains in Washington. Near
record high temperatures are predicted for Utah, Nevada and northern
Arizona. Conditions may cause an increase in initial attack and impose
control problems on existing large fires.
[NIFCC Intelligence Section, 9/27]
No field reports today.
Calendar appears in the morning report every other Monday. If you know of a
conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please provide the specifics to Bill Halainen in Ranger
Activities. Entries are listed no earlier than four months before the
event. Asterisks indicate new entries; brackets at end of entry indicate
source of information:
10/4-16 -- Eight Annual Wilderness Emergencies Conference, Flagstaff, AZ.
Sponsored by Flagstaff Medical Center. Contact: Sharon Harbeck,
RN, PreHospital Care Coordinator, Flagstaff Medical Center, PO
Box 1268, Flagstaff, AZ 86002 (602-779-2055). [Sharon Harbeck,
10/14-12/22 -- Basic Law Enforcement for Land Management Agencies, FLETC,
Glynco, GA. Funded by the Law Enforcement Employee Development
Center at FLETC. Contact your regional employee development
office for application procedures. [Carole Pfeifer,
10/18-29 -- Curatorial Methods, Stephen T. Mather Employee Development
Center, Harpers Ferry, WV. Please contact your regional
employee development officer regarding nomination due dates.
[Gloria Baker, STMA]
10/18-22 -- Archeological Curation and Collections Management, Tucson, AZ.
Sponsored by Mather Employee Development Center and George
Washington University. Tuition is $500. Contact your employee
development officer regarding nomination due dates. [Gloria
Baker, STMA]
10/19-21 -- Regional Chief Rangers' Conference, Omaha, NE. [Tom Thompson,
10/25-29 -- Archeology for Managers, Hot Springs, AR. Sponsored by Mather
Employee Development Center and the University of Nevada-Reno.
Tuition is $250. Contact your employee development officer
regarding nomination due dates. [Gloria Baker, STMA]
10/27-30 -- "Cave Management Into the Twenty-First Century", National Cave
Management Symposium, Carlsbad, NM. Papers to be presented on
Federal Cave Resources Protection Act regulations, bat
management, cave restoration and formation repair, biodiversity
inventories, and related issues. Contact: Dale Pate, Cave
Resource Specialist, Carlsbad Caverns NP, 3225 National Parks
Highway, Carlsbad, NM 88220 (505-785-2104). [Dale Pate, CACA]
11/1* -- Fire Management for Agency Administrators, NARTC, Marana, AZ.
Although the course will not be held until 4/10-15/94, the
deadline for nominations is November 1st. The course is
directed towards park managers who have significant
responsibility for fire management in regions and parks. One-
page nominations should be sent in regional priority order to
Paul Broyles in the Branch of Fire and Aviation Management in
Boise. Funding is from regional FIREPRO accounts. [Paul
Broyles, NPS/NIFC]
11/1-5 -- Issues in the Public Interpretation of Archeological Materials
and Sites, Portland, OR. Tuition is $300. Contact your
employee development officer for application information.
[Gloria Baker, STMA]
11/1-3 -- Fourth National Research Conference on Pesticides, Richmond, VA.
Sponsored by the Virginia Water Resources Research Center.
Contact: Dr. Diana Weigman, Virginia Water Resources Research
Center, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 617
North Main St., Blacksburg, VA 24060-3397 (703-231-5624).
[Steve Cinnamon, MWRO]
11/2-4* -- GIS/LIS '93, Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, MN.
Conference topics include: data capture, field methods, and GPS;
database and system design; network systems; project planning
and management; urban applications; environment and natural
resources; emergency management and disaster preparedness; data
standards; and emerging trends. Advance registration by October
1st. [Joe Meyer, GIS/MWRO]
11/2-5 -- "Environmental Compliance: Tools for Protecting Parks", Denver,
CO. Provides foundation in environmental compliance
regulations. First of a series of three courses in
environmental leadership - announcements for "Managing the NEPA
Process and Writing Effective NEPA Documents" and "Managing
Parks Sustainability" will follow. Contact: Jake Hoogland,
Environmental Compliance, WASO (202-208-3163). [Jake Hoogland,
11/4-7 -- "The Future of America's Rivers: A Celebration of the 25th
Anniversary of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act",
Arlington, VA. Contact: JT&A, Inc., ATTN: Jennifer Paugh, 1000
Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 802, Washington, DC 20036. [Janet
Wise, RMRO]
11/8-9 -- Leadership for the Future, training course, Cavalier Hotel,
Virginia Beach, VA. Situational leadership course, sponsored by
Association of National Park Rangers and presented by Omega, a
management consulting company. Contact: Jeff Karraker, Capulin
Volcano (505-278-2210). [Jeff Karraker, CAVO]
11/10-14* -- Rendezvous XVII, Cavalier Hotel, Virginia Beach, VA. Annual
meeting of Association of National Park Rangers. Contact: Sarah
Craighead, NCRO (703-330-1387). [Rick Gale, NPS/NIFC]
11/10-14* -- Annual meeting, Association of National Park Maintenance
Employees, Cavalier Hotel, Virginia Beach, VA. Contact: Rick
Shireman, WASO (703-330-1387). [Rick Shireman, ESD/WASO]
11/15-19* -- GIS '93: NPS Geographic Information Systems Users Conference,
Denver, CO. This will be a joint conference with the newly-
formed National Biological Survey. Advance registration before
October 8th. Contact: Regional GIS coordinators or the GIS
Division, DSC (303-969-2590). [Joe Meyer, GIS/MWRO]
11/17-22 -- National Interpreters Workshop, Hyatt Regency Crystal City,
Arlington, VA. Sponsored by National Association for
Interpretation. Contact: Julie Carroll, Maryland-National
Capital Park and Planning Commission, Meadowside Nature Center,
5100 Meadowside Lane, Rockville, MD 20855 (301-924-5965; TDD
301-924-5939). [Mike Gurling, OLYM]
Division Chief: No leave or travel scheduled.
Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection: Martin at fee meeting (9/27-
9/30); Henry at Fifth World Wilderness Conference (9/22-10/4); Halainen at
meeting with R&R Uniforms (9/27-9/28).
Branch of Fire and Aviation: Broyles at RX90 "burn boss" steering committee
meeting (9/27-10/1); Farrel and Hurd at NWCG meeting (9/27-9/30); Gale on AL
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
Telephone: Branch of R&VP - 202-208-4874
Branch of F&A (WASO) - 202-208-5572
Telefax: Branch of R&VP - 202-208-6756
Branch of F&A (WASO) - 202-208-5977
cc:Mail: Branch of R&VP - WASO Ranger Activities
Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO Fire and Aviation
SkyPager: Emergencies ONLY (numeric message) - 1-800-759-7243, PIN 2404843
SkyTalk: Emergencies ONLY (voice message) - 1-800-759-8255, PIN 2404843