MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           Ranger Activities Division Information Network

Day/Date:  Tuesday, October 5, 1993

Broadcast: By 0900 EDT


93-749 - Blue Ridge (North Carolina/Virginia) - Employee Death

John B. Carter, Jr., 49, a maintenance mechanic for the Peaks of
Otter/Valley District, suffered a heart attack and died at his home during
the early evening hours of October 2nd.  Funeral services are to be
conducted at 11 a.m. this morning.  John had worked for the Service since
1962.  He is survived by his wife, Rebecca, two married daughters, and a
seven-year-old son.  The family requests that donations in lieu of flowers
be made to Sarah White for her medical expenses; they should be sent to her
care of Northside Supply, Route 43 North, Bedford, VA 24523.  [Marvin
Tucker, BLRI, 10/4]

93-750 - Yellowstone (Wyoming) - Car/Bison MVA; Fatality

A.T., 38, of Longmont, Colorado, suffered severe injuries when
his '86 Honda Civic struck a bison on Highway 191 around 8 p.m. on the
evening of Sunday, October 3rd.  A.T. and his wife, R., were
driving north to Big Sky, Montana, after a day touring the park when they
hit the bison, which was standing broadside in the road.  The bison fell
onto the vehicle and came through the windshield on the driver's side. 
Rangers and local officers and EMS personnel responded.  A.T. was
extricated from the vehicle, transported by ambulance to West Yellowstone,
then flown to a hospital in Idaho Falls.  He was pronounced dead prior to
the planned air transport.  R.T. received first aid treatment at
the scene for a minor facial injury.  The bison was destroyed because of its
injuries.  There is no indication that excessive speed was a factor in the
accident.  Both T.s were wearing their seatbelts. [CRO, YELL, 10/4]

93-751 - Natchez Trace (Mississippi/Alabama/Tenn.) - MVA; Four Fatalities

Four people were killed and two others injured in a two-car accident on the
parkway just before midnight on October 2nd.  Killed were P.S.M.,
39, W.M., 36, J.S., 18, and M.T., 29; injured
were W.M., 17, and S.R., 18.  M.T. was driving a 1988 Audi
5000S; all the others were in a 1985 Chevrolet Blazer.  The Blazer turned
over after the accident and caught fire.  Because of the tragic nature of
the incident, a critical incident stress debriefing was conducted for all
involved NPS personnel.  [Gordon Wissinger, CR, NATR, 10/4]

93-752 - Canaveral (Florida) - Car Clout Arrest

J.T. was arrested for breaking into a vehicle at a Playalinda Beach
parking area on the evening of October 3rd.  He was found to be in
possession of $1,450 worth of camera equipment belonging to the driver of
the vehicle parked adjacent to his.  During the subsequent investigation,
rangers determined that J.T.'s vehicle had been stolen from the Orlando
area on October 1st.  After consultation with the U.S. attorney's office,
the park arranged to have the Brevard County sheriff's office pursue the
investigation and seek prosecution through the state attorney's office. 
Over 30 thefts from motor vehicles took place at Playalinda Beach over the
summer; none of them have been resolved.  Rangers do not believe that J.T.
was involved in many of them because he was not released from prison until
September 30th.  [Brian Carey, DR, CANA, 10/4]

93-753 - Lava Beds (California) - Weapons Seizures

On September 26th, rangers contacted five men who said that they were
mushroom hunters from the Shoshone reservation who were in the park because
they had been driven from their usual collecting areas in Oregon and
Washington by Asian collectors.  The men, who were not cooperative, were all
wearing edged weapons and had five SKS assault rifles, two .357 handguns, a
.22 rifle and two scoped, high-powered rifles with them.  They also had a
considerable amount of ammunition.  Five of the weapons were seized.  On
October 1st, rangers responding to complaints of shots being fired at
Immigrant Crossing campground contacted two men with an SKS assault rifle
and ammunition in their possession.  A short time later, a second vehicle
with two more men arrived.  A handgun was in plain sight on the dashboard of
their pickup.  These men admitted that Forest Service officers had recently
seized five of their weapons.  All four were also wearing edged weapons. 
Rangers believe that all of these men may present threats to law enforcement
personnel.  The men and their DOB's are as follows: W.B.
(6/15/71), F.B. (8/20/51), R.B. (8/3/43), D.C.
(2/12/60), W.F. (10/24/74), R.H. (2/27/63), N.R.
(5/26/73), G.S. (4/28/47), and  H.T. (9/2/72).  Their
vehicles - all of which have Washington plates - include a white Ford sedan
(GOX-281), a blue '74 Volvo sedan (788-ENC), a green and white '73 Chevy
pickup with shell (GJ-2767), a white '79 Ford Courier pickup with shell (PV-
8904) and a blue '79 Datsun sedan (HDL-755).  For further information,
contact chief ranger Terry Harris at 916-667-2282.  [Kirk Gebilke, LABE,

93-754 - Death Valley (California) - Assault with Deadly Weapon

On the evening of September 30th, rangers were dispatched to a mutual aid
call at Furnace Creek Ranch, a resort on a private inholding, in which three
people were injured in a knife fight.  The first had a deep laceration to
his right arm with arterial bleeding and had lost between a liter and a half
and two liters of blood; the second had a puncture wound to the right upper
back and a head laceration; the third had a laceration to his head.  The
first victim was immediately given advanced life support treatment and taken
to Las Vegas by a Flight for Life helicopter; the remaining two were taken
by ambulance to the hospital.  As of October 1st, the first was still in
intensive care and the other two were in jail for assault with a deadly
weapon.  Other arrests are possible.  Inyo County is investigating.  [CRO,
DEVA, 10/4]


1) FIRE SITUATION - Preparedness Level I


State  Agency     Area              Fire           10/4      10/5   Status

 CA    USFS     Los Padres      Marre - T1       40,000    40,500   CN 10/6

 UT    USFS     Manti-LaSal     Flat Canyon - T2  1,400     1,475   CN 10/5
                Uinta         * Center Canyon         -       160   CN 10/5
       State    -               Meadow Crk        1,250     1,300   CND     


- Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this report). T1 and T2
  indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.
- Status - The following abbreviations are employed:

  NR - No report received      MS - Modified suppression strategy
  CL - Controlled              MN - Being monitored
  CS - Containment strategy    NEC - No estimate of containment
  CND - Contained              CN (date) - Expected date of containment

3) ANALYSIS - Progress is continuing on containment of the Marre Fire and
some crews are accordingly being demobilized.  Containment targets are also
being met on fires in the eastern Great Basin.  Minimal activity is being
reported elsewhere in the West.

4) PROGNOSIS - Temperatures will be cooler throughout the West, and there
will be showers in many areas.  Initial attack will therefore be limited.

[NIFCC Intelligence Section, 10/5]


No field reports today.


Division Chief: Brady on AL (10/4-10/8).

Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection: Berkowitz at national radio
coordinator meeting and law enforcement meetings (10/3-10/16). 

Branch of Fire and Aviation: Hurd at DOI strategic planning meeting (10/5-
10/8); Gale at I-520/620 steering committee meeting (10/5-10/7); Broyles at
NFPA meeting (10/2-10/5); Farrel on structural fire evaluation at Fort Scott
(10/4-10/7); Zimmerman, Berg and Clark on FIREPRO audit at Yellowstone

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone: Branch of R&VP - 202-208-4874
           Branch of F&A (WASO) - 202-208-5572
Telefax:   Branch of R&VP - 202-208-6756
           Branch of F&A (WASO) - 202-208-5977
cc:Mail:   Branch of R&VP - WASO Ranger Activities
           Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO Fire and Aviation
SkyPager:  Emergencies ONLY (numeric message) - 1-800-759-7243, PIN 2404843 
SkyTalk:   Emergencies ONLY (voice message) - 1-800-759-8255, PIN 2404843