MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           Ranger Activities Division Information Network

Day/Date:  Tuesday, October 12, 1993

Broadcast: By 0900 EDT


93-454 - Haleakala (Hawaii) - Follow-up on Drug Arrests

On October 3rd, one of the suspects arrested in July for cultivating
marijuana in the park offered information about other marijuana plots on
park land in exchange for a plea bargain.  Three more plots were found and
another 151 plants were seized.  All were in the final stages of growth and
were from four to five feet tall.  The suspect also provided detailed
information about cultivation procedures and methods that he and others used
in the park.  [Phil Dendel, HALE, 10/8]

93-760 - Hopewell Furnace (Pennsylvania) - Death of Employee

Theodore "Ted" Ziegler, 56, who had worked in the park's maintenance
division for the last 22 years, died suddenly at home on Thursday, October
7th.  Ted held several maintenance positions at Hopewell.  His most notable
contribution was in the duties he performed as park collier, teaching the
traditions of charcoal-making to apprentices from across the country. 
Funeral services were held yesterday.  Cards may be sent to Mrs. Louise
Ziegler and Family, 64 Firetower Road, Birdsboro, PA 19508.  Memorial
contributions may be sent to the Animal Rescue League, PO Box 69, Mohnton,
PA 19540.  [James Corless, Acting Superintendent, HOFU, 10/8]

93-761 - Cumberland Gap (Tennessee/Virginia/Kentucky) - Structural Fire

On the evening of October 10th, volunteers residing in the historic Park
Hensley house in Hensley Settlement reported a fire in the building.  The 
park pumper responded and knocked down the blaze.  Total damage to the
building has been placed at about $2,000.  The blaze reportedly stemmed from
a fire in the house's fireplace.  [Steve Smith, RAD/SERO, 10/12]


1) FIRE SITUATION - Preparedness Level I


State  Agency     Area              Fire           10/8     10/12   Status

 OR    USFS     Mount Hood      Benson - T2         220       220   CND     

 WA    USFS     Wenatchee       Deer Mtn.           175       175   CND     

 CA    USFS     Los Padres      Marre - T1       43,200    43,200   CND    


- Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this report). T1 and T2
  indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.
- Status - The following abbreviations are employed:

  NR - No report received      MS - Modified suppression strategy
  CL - Controlled              MN - Being monitored
  CS - Containment strategy    NEC - No estimate of containment
  CND - Contained              CN (date) - Expected date of containment

3) ANALYSIS - Fire activity remains minimal due to cool temperatures, high
humidities and scattered precipitation throughout most of the West.

4) PROGNOSIS - Little activity is expected.

[NIFCC Intelligence Section, 10/12]


No field reports today.


1) SECOND NOTICE: A recent IRS interpretation provides for the exclusion of
rent from gross income of employees required to occupy government quarters. 
Until 1993, the Department did not attempt to administer those provisions
through the payroll system.  Because of this, some employees who were
required occupants may be entitled to a tax refund for tax years 1990, 1991,
and/or 1992.  You will need a W-2C if you wish to amend a prior year federal
or state tax return to reflect the allowable exclusion from your taxable
income.  (This may permit you to obtain a refund of taxes that were overpaid
during those years.)  If, however, you have already received benefit of the
exclusion by filing it on your individual tax return, Form 1040, you may
still need to obtain a refund of overpaid Social Security tax -FICA (OASDI

Employees designated as required occupants any time during 1993 will
automatically receive an information packet for filing for prior years from
the payroll operations division.  These will be mailed to you on or about
October 15th.  You DO NOT  need to call and request a packet.  If you wish
to submit a claim for a W-2C for one or more of the tax years (1990-1992),
and you are (were) not a required occupant during 1993, you may obtain an
information packet by call the payroll operations division in Denver at 303-
969-7732.  Upon receiving the package, you must return a claim no later than
November 5th to ensure the receipt of W-2C in time to file an amended return
for tax year 1990 by April 15, 1994.  The statue of limitation for filing
amended Form 1040 and 843 with the IRS for tax year 1990 will expire April
15, 1994.  If you have any questions, you may call Pat Smith or Donna
Compton on 202-343-7040.  [Donna Compton, WASO]


Calendar appears in the morning report every other Monday.  If you know of a
conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please provide the specifics to Bill Halainen in Ranger
Activities.  Entries are listed no earlier than four months before the
event.  Asterisks indicate new entries; brackets at end of entry indicate
source of information:

10/25-29 -- Archeology for Managers, Hot Springs, AR.  Sponsored by Mather
Employee Development Center and the University of Nevada-Reno. 
Tuition is $250.  Contact your employee development officer
regarding nomination due dates. [Gloria Baker, STMA]

10/27-30 -- "Cave Management Into the Twenty-First Century", National Cave
Management Symposium, Carlsbad, NM.  Papers to be presented on
Federal Cave Resources Protection Act regulations, bat
management, cave restoration and formation repair, biodiversity
inventories, and related issues.  Contact: Dale Pate, Cave
Resource Specialist, Carlsbad Caverns NP, 3225 National Parks
Highway, Carlsbad, NM 88220 (505-785-2104).  [Dale Pate, CACA]

11/1 -- Fire Management for Agency Administrators, NARTC, Marana, AZ. 
Although the course will not be held until 4/10-15/94, the
deadline for nominations is November 1st.  The course is
directed towards park managers who have significant
responsibility for fire management in regions and parks.  One-
page nominations should be sent in regional priority order to
Paul Broyles in the Branch of Fire and Aviation Management in
Boise.  Funding is from regional FIREPRO accounts.  [Paul
Broyles, NPS/NIFC]

11/1-5 -- Issues in the Public Interpretation of Archeological Materials
and Sites, Portland, OR.  Tuition is $300.  Contact your
employee development officer for application information. 
[Gloria Baker, STMA]

11/1-3 -- Fourth National Research Conference on Pesticides, Richmond, VA. 
Sponsored by the Virginia Water Resources Research Center. 
Contact: Dr. Diana Weigman, Virginia Water Resources Research
Center, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 617
North Main St., Blacksburg, VA 24060-3397 (703-231-5624). 
[Steve Cinnamon, MWRO]

11/2-4 -- GIS/LIS '93, Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, MN. 
Conference topics include: data capture, field methods, and GPS;
database and system design; network systems; project planning
and management; urban applications; environment and natural
resources; emergency management and disaster preparedness; data
standards; and emerging trends.  Advance registration by October
1st.  [Joe Meyer, GIS/MWRO]

11/2-5 -- "Environmental Compliance: Tools for Protecting Parks", Denver,
CO.  Provides foundation in environmental compliance
regulations.  First of a series of three courses in
environmental leadership - announcements for "Managing the NEPA
Process and Writing Effective NEPA Documents" and "Managing
Parks Sustainability" will follow.  Contact: Jake Hoogland,
Environmental Compliance, WASO (202-208-3163).  [Jake Hoogland,

11/4-7 -- "The Future of America's Rivers: A Celebration of the 25th
Anniversary of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act",
Arlington, VA.  Contact: JT&A, Inc., ATTN: Jennifer Paugh, 1000
Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 802, Washington, DC 20036.  [Janet
Wise, RMRO]

11/8-9 -- Leadership for the Future, training course, Cavalier Hotel,
Virginia Beach, VA.  Situational leadership course, sponsored by
Association of National Park Rangers and presented by Omega, a
management consulting company.  Contact: Jeff Karraker, Capulin
Volcano (505-278-2210).  [Jeff Karraker, CAVO]

11/10-14 -- Rendezvous XVII, Cavalier Hotel, Virginia Beach, VA.  Annual
meeting of Association of National Park Rangers.  Contact: Sarah
Craighead, NCRO (703-330-1387).  [Rick Gale, NPS/NIFC]

11/10-14 -- Annual meeting, Association of National Park Maintenance
Employees, Cavalier Hotel, Virginia Beach, VA.  Contact: Rick
Shireman, WASO (703-330-1387).  [Rick Shireman, ESD/WASO]

11/15-19 -- GIS '93: NPS Geographic Information Systems Users Conference,
Denver, CO.  This will be a joint conference with the newly-
formed National Biological Survey.  Advance registration before
October 8th.  Contact: Regional GIS coordinators or the GIS
Division, DSC (303-969-2590).  [Joe Meyer, GIS/MWRO]

11/17-22 -- National Interpreters Workshop, Hyatt Regency Crystal City,
Arlington, VA.  Sponsored by National Association for
Interpretation.  Contact: Julie Carroll, Maryland-National
Capital Park and Planning Commission, Meadowside Nature Center,
5100 Meadowside Lane, Rockville, MD 20855 (301-924-5965; TDD
301-924-5939).  [Mike Gurling, OLYM]

12/2-3* -- Arbor Expo, Valley Forge, PA.  Focus on urban forestry,
including sessions on setting up a safe workplace, climbing
operations, pesticide handling and spill management, rope safety
and tree fertilization.  Contact: Arbor Expo, 68-680 Perez,
Suite J, Cathedral City, CA 92234 or Steve Cinnamon in MWRO. 
[Steve Cinnamon, MWRO]

12/5-10* -- Managerial Grid - Phase I, location TBA.  NPS training course
sponsored by Association of National Park Rangers.  Applications
must be received by ANPR (PO Box 307, Gansevoort, NY 12831) by
October 22nd.  Tuition $550; $500 for ANPR members.  Contact:
Ann Baugh, Albright EDC (602-638-2691).  [Ann Baugh, AEDC]

12/5-10* -- Managerial Grid - Instructor Preparation Seminar, location TBA. 
Managerial Grid is a prerequisite.  Applications must be
received by ANPR (PO Box 307, Gansevoort, NY 12831) by October
22nd.  Tuition $550; $500 for ANPR members.  Contact: Ann Baugh,
Albright EDC (602-638-2691).  [Ann Baugh, AEDC]


Division Chief: No leave or travel scheduled.

Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection: Berkowitz at national radio
coordinator meeting and law enforcement meetings (10/3-10/16). 

Branch of Fire and Aviation: Gale at all-risk team evaluation (10/14-10/17).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone: Branch of R&VP - 202-208-4874
           Branch of F&A (WASO) - 202-208-5572
Telefax:   Branch of R&VP - 202-208-6756
           Branch of F&A (WASO) - 202-208-5977
cc:Mail:   Branch of R&VP - WASO Ranger Activities
           Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO Fire and Aviation
SkyPager:  Emergencies ONLY (numeric message) - 1-800-759-7243, PIN 2404843 
SkyTalk:   Emergencies ONLY (voice message) - 1-800-759-8255, PIN 2404843