- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Tuesday, December 21, 1993
- Date: Tues, 21 Dec 1993
Attention: Directorate
Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
Ranger Activities Division Information Network
Day/Date: Tuesday, December 21, 1993
Broadcast: By 0900 EDT
92-504 - Jefferson National Expansion (Missouri) - Follow-up on Illegal Jump
J.V., the man who climbed and BASE-jumped off the Gateway Arch on
September 14, 1992, is on his way to jail for 90 days. J.V. originally
pled guilty to the misdemeanor and was sentenced to a $1,000 fine, 25 hours
of community service, and a year's probation. On December 19th, however,
J.V. had to appear before a federal magistrate judge for violating terms
of his probation, for failing to report to his probation officer, and for
two recent encounters with the police. The judge revoked his probation and
ordered J.V. to serve 90 days in jail, beginning December 29th. The
assistant U.S. attorney noted in court that "Mr. J.V. has a serious
attitude problem." A request for a delay on the jail reporting date made by
J.V.'s attorney was denied. [Deryl Stone, CR, JEFF, 12/20]
93-859 - Boston (Massachusetts) - Serious MVA Involving Rangers
On the evening of December 14th, rangers Robert Bond and Michael Tunis were
driving to the Longfellow Home to assist in a special event when their 1990
Ford Crown Victoria was struck by a vehicle which crossed into their lane of
travel. Bond applied the brakes fully, but no other evasive action was
possible. The two vehicles collided virtually head on; both sustained heavy
front end damage. Neither ranger was seriously injured, partly because they
were wearing seatbelts and body armor and partly because the driver's side
airbag in their patrol vehicle deployed upon impact. Bond received a minor
burn to his right forearm from the sodium hydroxide gas released by the
airbag and a sore left shoulder from the seat belt. The driver of the other
vehicle was cited by Cambridge police for causing the accident. [Jon Dick,
CR, BOST, 12/16/93]
No field reports today.
Division Chief: No leave or travel scheduled.
Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection: Sisto and Marriott on AL (12/20-
12/23); Dickerhoof on AL (12/23).
Branch of Fire and Aviation: Clark on AL (12/23-12/30); Cook on AL (12/22-
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
Telephone: Branch of R&VP - 202-208-4874
Branch of F&A (WASO) - 202-208-5572
Telefax: Branch of R&VP - 202-208-6756
Branch of F&A (WASO) - 202-208-5977
cc:Mail: Branch of R&VP - WASO Ranger Activities
Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO Fire and Aviation
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