MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Monday, January 3, 1994

Broadcast: By 0900 EDT


93-869 - Christiansted (Virgin Islands) - Homicide

Around 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 28th, D.C., 44, a visitor
from Italy, was shot and killed while approaching his rental vehicle in the
south parking lot with his wife and daughter.  According to D.C.'s
wife, the three of them were returning from dinner at a nearby restaurant
and were walking through the lot when they were approached by two young men. 
One man smiled and the other pulled a handgun and fired two shots, hitting
D.C..  No words were spoken, no demands were made by either of the men,
and there is no indication of either motive or provocation.  The family was
able to provide police with a description of the men's clothing.  Two
suspects were picked up a short time later, but were released after several
hours of questioning due to lack of probable cause.  On January 2nd, police
arrested an 18-year-old male who they suspect killed D.C. and murdered
another person on Christmas day elsewhere in town.  Further details will
follow.  [Joel Tutein, CR, CHRI, 12/29; Bill Springer, RCR, RAD/SERO, 1/3]

93-870 - Carlsbad Caverns (New Mexico) - Bomb Threat

A bomb threat was called in to the Carlsbad police department on their 911
emergency line at 9:15 a.m. on December 31st.  The female caller, who had a
European accent, said that a bomb would go off in the park at noon.  The
visitor center and cavern were cleared by 10:45 a.m.  Dog teams from Holoman
AFB were transported to the park by a U.S. Customs helicopter.  State and
county officers assisted in securing and searching the area.  No trace of a
bomb was found, and the park was reopened at 5 p.m.  The caller's voice is
on tape, and several leads are being followed.  The investigation is being
conducted jointly by rangers and Carlsbad investigators; the regional law
enforcement specialist will likely assist in this effort.  [Felix Hernandez,
CR, CACA, and Tony Bonanno, RCR/SWRO; 12/31]

94-1 - San Juan (Puerto Rico) - Double Homicide

On January 1st, two local men were chased into the park by people in an
automobile, then shot multiple times, probably by assault weapons.  Both
were killed.  Police and rangers were on the scene soon thereafter, but by
that time the assailants had fled.  The FBI has been notified and an
investigation is underway.  The murders are thought to be drug related. 
[Bill Springer, RCR, RAD/SERO, 1/3]


Great Falls (Virginia) - Rare Plants

A study of threatened and endangered plants in the park completed this fall
indicated that eleven state-designated rare species previously found at
Great Falls are still present.  Three species listed in historic records
could not be found, but three rare species not previously listed were
discovered - long-tube valerian, Eastern false gromwell, and naked-stemmed
sunflower.  Three state watch list species were also found.  Field data were
forwarded to the state's Department of Natural Heritage; the contractor who
conducted the study also identified threats to the plants and recommended
management strategies to protect them.  [Susan Bloomfield, RMS, GRFA]


No notes today.


Calendar appears in the morning report every other Monday.  If you know of a
conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please forward the listing to WASO Ranger Activities.  Entries
are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event.  Asterisks indicate
new entries; brackets at end of entry indicate source of information:

1/17-18 -- Soil Liners and Covers for Landfills, Colorado State University,
Ft. Collins, CO.  Contact: Janet Lee Montera, Department of
Civil Engineering, CSU, Ft. Collins, CO 80523 (303-491-7425).
[Steve Cinnamon, CRM, MWRO]

1/16-21 -- Campground Management School, Oglebay Park, Wheeling, WV.  For
brochure and application procedures, contact your regional
employee development officer.  [Al Werking, EDD/WASO]

1/24-28 -- "Managing the NEPA Process and Writing Effective Environmental
Documents", Denver, CO.  Contact: Frank Buono, Albright (602-
638-2691), or Jake Hoogland, WASO (202-208-3163).  [Jake
Hoogland, EQD/WASO]

1/24-28* -- Southwest Region Natural and Cultural Resource Management
Workshop, Albuquerque, NM.  Focus will be on the "big picture"
of resource management: linkages between natural and cultural
programs, resource management planning and the money game,
ecosystem management, and critical priorities.  Contact: Bob
Krumenaker (505-988-6713) or Neil Mangum (505-988-6780) for
details and registration.  [Bob Krumenaker, SWRO]

2/2-3/4 -- Park Medic Program, Phoenix, AZ.  Contact: Barbara Aehlert,
Samaritan Healthy System, EMS Education, 1500 E. Thomas Road,
Phoenix, AZ 85014 (602-495-4284).  [Jim Lee, RAD/WASO]

2/11-16 -- Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement
of Science, Boston, MA.  Contact: AAAS Meetings Office, 1333 H
Street NW, Washington, DC 20005.  [Kathy Jope, CRM, PNRO]

2/15 -- A call for papers and posters has been issued for the First
Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, which will be held in
Albuquerque in September.  The deadline for submission is
February 15th.  Mail to Doug Slack, Department of Wildlife and
Fisheries Science, Texas A&M, College Station, TX 77843-2258. 

2/19* -- Cataloging Audiovisual Materials for Online Systems, University
of Texas, Austin, TX.  Contact: David Terry, 512-471-8806. 
[Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
2/23-27 -- Western Regional Science Association, 33rd Annual Meeting,
Westward Look Resort, Tucson, AZ.  Contact: Dr. David A. Plane,
University of Arizona, Department of Geography and Regional
Development, Harvill Building, Box 2, Tucson, AZ 85721.  [Steve
Cinnamon, CRM, MWRO]

2/28-3/3 -- "Archives, Personal Papers and Manuscripts" and "Understanding
the USMARC Format for Archival and Manuscripts Control",
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.  Contact: Jane Kenamore, Society
of American Archivists (312-922-0140; fax: 347-1452).  [Diane
Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]

3/3-4 -- "Ecosystem Management: Applications for Sustainable Forest and
Wildlife Resources", symposium, University of Wisconsin, Stevens
Point, WI.  [Steve Cinnamon, CRM, MWRO]

3/5 -- "What Do We Keep? Selecting Historical Materials", Arizona State
University, Tempe, AZ.  Contact: Jane Kenamore, Society of
American Archivists (312-922-0140; fax: 347-1452).  [Diane Vogt
O'Connor, CSD/WASO]

3/13-18 -- Ninth Annual GRASS GIS User's Conference and Exhibition, Hyatt
Regency, Reston, VA.  Registration is $250 for the full
conference and $75 for each workshop.  Contact: Pamela Cashman
at The Open GIS Foundation (617-621-7025).  [Steve Cinnamon,

3/14-18 -- RX91 - Monitoring Prescribed Fires and Prescribed Natural Fires,
Carlsbad, NM.  Targeted for resource and fire management
personnel with prescribed fire monitoring duties.  Nominations
due by 1/14.  Send NWCG nomination form through normal channels
to course coordinator.  Contact: Tim Stubbs, FMO, Carlsbad
Caverns NP, 3225 National Parks Highway, Carlsbad, NM 88220
(505-785-2104).  [Tim Stubbs, FMO, CACA]

3/15* -- Ninth Annual National Archives Preservation Conference. 
Contact: Conference Coordinator, National Archives (NNP),
Washington, DC 20408 (202-501-5355).  [Diane Vogt O'Connor,

3/15-17* -- Ground Sensor Training, College Station, TX.  Hosted by
Eagle/Telonix.  Parks with employees who will be using ground
sensor systems should send representatives to the session. 
Contact: Paul Berkowitz (703-787-1921).  [Paul Berkowitz,

3/20-22* -- Legal Problems of Museum Administration, St. Paul Hotel, St.
Paul, MN.  Tuition is $495.  Contact: American Law Institute -
American Bar Association Registrar, 4025 Chestnut St.,
Philadelphia, PA, 19104-3099 (1-800-253-6397, fax: 215-243-
1664).  [Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]

3/21-25 -- Environmental Crimes Investigation, FBI Academy, Quantico, VA. 
A joint NPS/FBI training course which addresses several Vail
Agenda recommendations regarding resources stewardship. 
Training announcement/nomination forms to be distributed in late
January.  Contact: Einar Olsen, NCRO (202-619-7065).  [Einar


The following memoranda of Servicewide consequence have been transmitted:

"Expanded Use of Morning Report", signed on December 28, 1993, by Deputy
Director Reynolds, and sent to all regions and parks through normal routing
channels and by cc:Mail on December 28th.  Contains information on new
morning report format.

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone: 202-208-4874
Telefax:   202-208-6756
cc:Mail:   WASO Ranger Activities
SkyPager:  Emergencies ONLY: 1-800-759-7243, PIN 2404843