MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Thursday, January 6, 1994

Broadcast: By 0900 EDT

                          *** NOTICE ***

The White House has not yet advised agencies as to whether flags should be
lowered to half staff for former House Speaker Tip O'Neill, who died
yesterday evening.  We will transmit a notification to all regions via
cc:Mail when and if such a proclamation is made.


94-5 - Saguaro (Arizona) - Hazardous Material Spill

On January 3rd, a park biotech employee experienced headache symptoms after
coming in contact with some tar-like material he observed at the base of a
storm drain in the Tucson Mountain district.  He was sent to a local
hospital for examination, and rangers called in the Pima County hazmat team
to examine the material.  Investigation revealed that a combination of
asphalt emulsion dilute and diesel fuel had been spilled into the drain in
the maintenance yard.  EPA tests on the substances are pending.  Corrective
action has been taken to prevent future incidents.  [SAGU, 1/4]


Carlsbad Caverns (New Mexico) - Cave Exploration

A total of 11 survey and exploration expeditions were conducted in
Lechuguilla Cave last year.  Six of these were by the Lechuguilla
Exploration and Research Network (LEARN) and five others were run by
individuals familiar with the cave.  A total of ten miles of new cave
passages and rooms were discovered over the course of the year, and several
significant discoveries were made.  These included the Needle Park Maze and
several large rooms discovered off it, including Neverland and the Blanca
Navidad Room, which is 300 feet long by 50 feet wide and 50 feet high.  This
room contained a number of new pools with subaqueous helectites. 
Significant extensions were also made in the North Rift and in various
portions of the Western Borehole and the Far East.  A major objective for
all expeditions last year was to focus on leads along the north boundary of
the cave to establish the boundaries of the cave outside the park and under
BLM lands.  These efforts were undertaken in order to stop a proposed gas
well and the possibility of six other gas wells in close proximity to the
cave.  BLM recently released the final Dark Canyon EIS, and that document
addresses these concerns and helps mitigate drilling impacts.  [Dale Pate,


No notes today.


No memoranda today.


The Coming Events calendar appears in the morning report every other
Thursday.  If you know of a significant event of Servicewide interest,
please forward the listing to WASO Ranger Activities.  Entries are listed no
earlier than FOUR months before the event.  Asterisks indicate new entries. 

1/14* -- Martin Luther King Birthday, Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC. 
11 a.m.  The ceremony features posting of the colors, speeches
by NPS leaders and guests, area choirs, playing of the "I Have a
Dream" speech, and laying of wreaths.  Contact: NCR PAO, 202-

2/12* -- Abraham Lincoln Birthday, Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC. 
Noon.  Features military band, wreath-laying, reading of
"Gettysburg Address", speakers.  White House participation
possible (Vice President Gore attended in 1993).  Contact: NCR
PAO, 202-619-7226.

2/14* -- Frederick Douglass Birthday, Frederick Douglass NHS, Washington,
DC.  10 a.m. Guest speakers, school choirs, wreath laying.  Also
honors Black History Month.  Contact: NCR PAO, 202-619-7226.

2/26-27* -- 218th Anniversary of Battle of Moores Creek Bridge, Moores
Creek, Currie, NC.  10 a.m. - 5 p.m.  Speaking on the 27th will
be historian Dr. Bobby G. Moss.  Contact: MOCR, 910-283-5591.

4/3-10* -- National Cherry Blossom Festival, Washington, DC.  Week-long
festival includes Japanese lantern lighting ceremony, art shows,
boat cruises, concerts, ball, fashion show, and parade. 
Contact: NCR PAO, 202-619-7226. 

4/13* -- Thomas Jefferson Birthday, Jefferson Memorial, Washington, DC. 
Noon.  Ceremony features military color guard and band,
speakers, laying of wreaths.  Contact: NCR PAO, 202-619-7226.

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone: 202-208-4874
Telefax:   202-208-6756
cc:Mail:   WASO Ranger Activities
SkyPager:  Emergencies ONLY: 1-800-759-7243, PIN 2404843