- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Monday, January 31, 1994
- Date: Mon, 31 Jan 1994
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Monday, January 31, 1994
Broadcast: By 0900 ET
No incident reports today.
No field reports today.
1) Night Differential - It has come to the attention of WASO Personnel that
some confusion may exist regarding the payment of night differential. The
policy regarding such payments has not changed. The Armitage, et al. v.
United States decision only impacted Sunday premium pay. The court
determined that employees who are regularly scheduled to work on Sundays are
entitled to Sunday premium pay for periods of authorized absence from work
on paid leave. This decision did not impact the payment of night
differential. Personnel has advised the payroll office in Denver, and
payroll has asked that timekeepers call them if time cards have been
submitted which differ from this policy. Questions should be directed to
Lewis Anderson at 202-208-5228.
No memoranda.
Calendar appears in the morning report every other Monday. If you know of a
conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please forward the listing to WASO Ranger Activities. Entries
are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event. Asterisks indicate
new entries; brackets at end of entry indicate source of information:
2/2-3/4 -- Park Medic Program, Phoenix, AZ. Contact: Barbara Aehlert,
Samaritan Healthy System, EMS Education, 1500 E. Thomas Road,
Phoenix, AZ 85014 (602-495-4284). [Jim Lee, RAD/WASO]
2/11-16 -- Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement
of Science, Boston, MA. Contact: AAAS Meetings Office, 1333 H
Street NW, Washington, DC 20005. [Kathy Jope, CRM, PNRO]
2/14-15* -- Workshop on Ecology and Management of Aquatic/Terrestrial
Ecotones, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. $150.
Contact: Center for Streamside Studies, University of
Washington, AR-10, Seattle, WA 98195 (206-543-6920). [Kathy
Jope, CRM, PNRO]
2/15 -- A call for papers and posters has been issued for the First
Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, which will be held in
Albuquerque in September. The deadline for submission is
February 15th. Mail to Doug Slack, Department of Wildlife and
Fisheries Science, Texas A&M, College Station, TX 77843-2258.
2/15-17 -- Soil Classification, location TBA. Space available until 2/4.
Contact: Amster Howard, Bureau of Reclamation, Box 25007, Code
D-3733, Denver, CO 80225-0007 (303-236-3730, ext. 418). [Steve
Cinnamon, MWRO]
2/15-17 -- Symposium on Fire Issues and Solutions in the Urban Interface
and Wildland Ecosystems, Walnut Creek, CA. Contact: Bruce
Winner (916-757-8777). [Kathy Jope, CRM, PNRO]
2/19 -- Cataloging Audiovisual Materials for Online Systems, University
of Texas, Austin, TX. Contact: David Terry, 512-471-8806.
[Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
2/23-27 -- Western Regional Science Association, 33rd Annual Meeting,
Westward Look Resort, Tucson, AZ. Contact: Dr. David A. Plane,
University of Arizona, Department of Geography and Regional
Development, Harvill Building, Box 2, Tucson, AZ 85721. [Steve
Cinnamon, CRM, MWRO]
2/24-27* -- Disaster '94: The 15th Annual International Disaster Management
Conference, Twin Towers Hotel, Orlando, FL. Contact: Disaster
'94 Registrar, Florida Emergency Medicine Foundation, 3717 South
Conway Road, Orlando, FL 32812-7607 (800-766-6335, 407-281-
7396). [Response magazine, NASAR]
2/28-3/3 -- "Archives, Personal Papers and Manuscripts" and "Understanding
the USMARC Format for Archival and Manuscripts Control",
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Contact: Jane Kenamore, Society
of American Archivists (312-922-0140; fax: 347-1452). [Diane
Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
3/3-4 -- "Ecosystem Management: Applications for Sustainable Forest and
Wildlife Resources", symposium, University of Wisconsin, Stevens
Point, WI. Contact: Steve Cinnamon, MWRO. [Steve Cinnamon,
3/5 -- "What Do We Keep? Selecting Historical Materials", Arizona State
University, Tempe, AZ. Contact: Jane Kenamore, Society of
American Archivists (312-922-0140; fax: 347-1452). [Diane Vogt
O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
3/13-18 -- Ninth Annual GRASS GIS User's Conference and Exhibition, Hyatt
Regency, Reston, VA. $250 for full conference; $75 for each
workshop. Contact: Pamela Cashman at The Open GIS Foundation
(617-621-7025). [Steve Cinnamon, CRM, MWRO]
3/14-18 -- RX91 - Monitoring Prescribed Fires and Prescribed Natural Fires,
Carlsbad, NM. Targeted for resource and fire management
personnel with prescribed fire monitoring duties. Nominations
due by 1/14. Send NWCG nomination form through normal channels
to course coordinator. Contact: Tim Stubbs, FMO, Carlsbad
Caverns NP, 3225 National Parks Highway, Carlsbad, NM 88220
(505-785-2104). [Tim Stubbs, FMO, CACA]
3/15 -- Ninth Annual National Archives Preservation Conference.
Contact: Conference Coordinator, National Archives (NNP),
Washington, DC 20408 (202-501-5355). [Diane Vogt O'Connor,
3/15-17 -- Ground Sensor Training, College Station, TX. Hosted by
Eagle/Telonix. Parks with employees who will be using ground
sensor systems should send representatives to the session.
Contact: Paul Berkowitz (703-787-1921). [Paul Berkowitz,
3/16-18* -- High Altitude Revegetation Conference, Holiday Inn, Fort
Collins, CO. Registration: $145. Contact: Jeff Connor, 303-
586-3565 ext. 296. [Jeff Connor, ROMO]
3/20-22 -- Legal Problems of Museum Administration, St. Paul Hotel, St.
Paul, MN. $495. Contact: American Law Institute - American Bar
Association Registrar, 4025 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA,
19104-3099 (1-800-253-6397, fax: 215-243-1664). [Diane Vogt
O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
3/21-25* -- Interpretive Skills II, Gettysburg, PA. Non-personal
interpretive skills training. Contact: MARO Training, 215-597-
3/21-25 -- Environmental Crimes Investigation, FBI Academy, Quantico, VA.
A joint NPS/FBI training course which addresses several Vail
Agenda recommendations regarding resources stewardship.
Training announcements are now available in regional training
offices. Travel funds may become available in February.
Contact: Einar Olsen, NCRO (202-619-7065). [Einar Olsen, RCR,
3/25-27* -- Seventh Annual Water Rescue Training Conference, Harrisburg
River Rescue Headquarters, PA. Contact: Steven M. Ketterer,
Chief, Harrisburg River Rescue Headquarters, PO Box 2908,
Harrisburg, PA 17105 (717-236-5947). [Response magazine, NASAR]
3/25-27* -- "Nature Has No Borders: A Conference on the Protection and
Management of the Northern Cascades Ecosystem", University of
Washington, Seattle, WA. Sponsored by NPCA; co-sponsored by the
NPS. Contact: Richard Winters, 206-220-4024. [Mark Forbes,
3/27-4/1* -- AMSAR Technical Rescue Seminar, Joshua Tree NM, CA. Contact:
American Search and Rescue Institute, PO Box 2399, Yucca Valley,
CA 92286-2399 (619-365-3114). [Response magazine, NASAR]
4/1-2* -- Preservation Microfilming, Mid-Atlantic Preservations Service,
Bethlehem, PA. Course on same for administrators of library and
archival collections. Registration limited to 20. Fee of $80.
Registration deadline is March 11th. Contact: School of
Communication, Information and Library Studies, Professional
Development Studies, Rutgers University, 4 Huntington Street,
New Brunswick, NJ (908-932-7169; fax: 6916). [Diane Vogt
O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
4/10-15* -- Fire Management for Agency Administrators, NARTC, Marana, AZ.
Targeted for park superintendents and those who act for them as
well as regional and WASO staff. Send NWCG nomination form
through regional FMO to Branch of Fire and Aviation Management,
NIFC. Contact: Paul Broyles, 208-334-1080. [Paul Broyles,
4/18-22* -- Midwest Region Chief Rangers' Conference, Kansas City, MO. [Tom
Thompson, RAD/MWRO]
4/19-22 -- American Rivers Management Society Meeting, Grand Junction, CO.
River management issues. Contact: Tracy Miller (202-343-3663).
[Kathy Jope, CRM, PNRO]
4/22-23* -- Photographic Collections Management, held in conjunction with
the annual meeting of the American Association of Museums,
Seattle, WA. Contact: Jane Kenamore, Society of American
Archivists (312-922-0140; fax: 347-1452). [Diane Vogt O'Connor,
5/18-21* -- "Citizens Protecting America's Parks: Joining Forces for the
Future", San Francisco, CA. Sponsored by the National Parks and
Conservation Association as part of its 75th anniversary
celebration. A training announcement will be out in mid-
February. Contact: Athan Manuel, NPCA (202-223-6722, ext. 221).
[Lucia Bragan, EDD/WASO]
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
Telephone: 202-208-4874
Telefax: 202-208-6756
cc:Mail: WASO Ranger Activities
SkyPager: Emergencies ONLY: 1-800-759-7243, PIN 2404843