- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Friday, February 4, 1994
- Date: Fri, 4 Feb 1994
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Friday, February 4, 1994
Broadcast: By 0900 ET
94-48 - Chickamauga-Chattanooga (Georgia) - MVA with Fatality
Around 5 a.m. on the morning of Thursday, February 3rd, G.B., 49,
and his wife D.B. were traveling north on U.S. 27 within the park when
their car left the roadway on the opposite shoulder and struck a tree.
G.B. died at the scene; Diane Bowman was hospitalized with a broken
hip, internal injuries and lacerations. Family members report that G.B.
had been experiencing chest pains and that the B.s were en route
to the hospital at the time of the accident. Cause of death will be
determined by the medical examiner. Neither of the B.s was wearing a
seat belt. [Sam Weddle, CR, CHCH, 2/3]
Washington Office - Hantavirus Update
Representatives from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta
recently visited WASO to discuss proposals for joint investigations with the
NPS. The first investigation would determine the extent of hantavirus in
Midwestern and Eastern states and would involve rodent collections at about
35 parks. The second would be a test of the efficacy of rodent-proofing of
structures and habitat modification as means of reducing exposure to
hantavirus, and would involve three or four parks in the West. Approaches
were worked out which will assure reasonable levels of support to CDC
without creating unreasonable demands on park staffs. The Public Health
Service staffs detailed to the NPS will be contacting parks to solicit their
cooperation. [Lissa Fox, Wildlife and Vegetation Division, WASO]
No notes.
"Fiscal Year 1995 Budget Appropriation Hearings", signed by Chief, Budget
Division, on February 3rd, and sent to WASO and Field Directorate. Contains
notification that the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior and
Related Agencies has tentatively scheduled hearings on the FY 95 budget
request for Wednesday, May 11th.
The following cc:Mail or print newsletters are available to interested
employees. Information on other Servicewide or regional newsletters is
solicited and should be sent to this office.
Washington Office
* "National Register Bulletin", produced periodically by the Interagency
Resources Division, WASO. Contents: The bulletin series is a group of
technical publications about the National Register. Contact: Toni Lee
via cc:Mail (by name).
* "Wildlife and Vegetation Division Monthly Report", produced by WASO
Wildlife and Vegetation Division. Contents: Up-to-date information on
division activities, programs, deadlines and other matters that affect
resource managers. Contact: Tim Goddard via cc:Mail (by name).
* "Clear Text", produced bi-weekly by WASO Ranger Activities Division.
Contents: Significant divisional program activities, upcoming meetings
and travel, job openings (principally in park ranger divisions), park
ranger operational activities. Contact: Bill Halainen via cc:Mail (by
name or WASO Ranger Activities).
* "Uniform Program Update", produced bi-weekly by Servicewide uniform
program manager, WASO. Contents: Uniform program developments, new
uniform component development, backorders update. Contact: Bill
Halainen via cc:Mail (by name or WASO Ranger Activities).
Regional Offices
* "Headlines and Deadlines", Rocky Mountain Region newsletter, produced
by RMRO Public Affairs. Contents: Comprehensive report on regional
activities in all areas. Contact: Vickie Carson via cc:Mail (by name
at NP-RMRO).
* "Southeast Regional Natural Resources and Science Newsletter",
produced monthly by the Natural Resources and Science Office in
Southeast Region. Contents: Issues of interest to resource managers
in Southeast Region. Contact: Bob Hickman via cc:Mail (by name at NP-
* "Morning Line", Southwest Region newsletter, produced by SWRO Public
Affairs. Contents: Regional activities and employee news in all
areas. Contact: Sandy Poole at 505-988-6016 or via cc:Mail to SWRO
Public Affairs.
* "News and Notes", North Atlantic Region newsletter, produced twice a
month (second and fourth Wednesdays) by NARO Office of Communications.
Contains news, issues and events about the Service, region, parks and
programs. Contact: Gina Johnson via cc:Mail (by name at NP-NARO).
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
Telephone: 202-208-4874
Telefax: 202-208-6756
cc:Mail: WASO Ranger Activities
SkyPager: Emergencies ONLY: 1-800-759-7243, PIN 2404843