MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date: Thursday, February 10, 1994 

Broadcast: By 0900 ET


94-58 - Hawaii Volcanoes (Hawaii) - Drug Arrests

On February 1st, members of the Operation Wipeout task force, including park
rangers, arrested two men - G.W., 47, and L.O., 25 - for
cultivation of marijuana on Mauna Loa just outside the park.  The
investigation which led to the arrests began last September, when task force
members eradicated a large marijuana field on Mauna Loa and recovered a .44
caliber revolver from the area.  At that time, rangers had determined that
the cultivators were reaching their fields by traveling through the park. 
Within weeks, the operation had started up again.  Rangers conducted
surveillance at lookout positions and through remote videos and identified
and documented two of the three suspects involved in the growing operation. 
Both had prior felony criminal histories.  The investigation also revealed
that a park fence contractor who has been missing for some time would have
been in the area while active growing operations were underway, thereby
making the cultivators potential suspects in his disappearance.  After two
days of surveillance, one of the two men was observed entering the growing
area and was documented maintaining and harvesting plants.  He was allowed
to return into the park, then arrested.  Further investigation disclosed an
active indoor growing operation at his residence, and a second arrest was
made at that location.  The remains of a second indoor growing operations
were found at an associated residence located nearby.  Task force members
removed 250 plants.  The buds harvested in the field by the suspect who was
under surveillance averaged two feet long and up to four inches in diameter. 
He also confessed to growing the 1500 plants which were eradicated in
September.  [Jim Martin, CR, HAVO, 2/1]


No field reports today.


1) Curatorial Inventories - The Curatorial Services Division in WASO is
soliciting Automated National Catalog System (ANCS) installation information
from park curatorial staffs in order to complete the Automated Inventory
Program (AIP) as soon as possible.  A short AIP questionnaire will be
distributed by the regional curators.  Park responses to this questionnaire
will be appreciated, as they are critical to the timely and successful
completion of the AIP.  


No memoranda.

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

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cc:Mail:   WASO Ranger Activities
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