MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Thursday, March 3, 1994

Broadcast: By 0900 ET


94-34 - Lyndon B. Johnson (Texas) - Follow-up on Employee Arrest

M.D., who was charged in January with theft of government monies
from the park's donation box under 36 CFR 2.30, pled guilty to that charge
yesterday and was fined $100.  The assistant U.S. attorney had given her the
option of either pleading guilty and paying the fine or being charged with
theft on 18 USC.  M.D.'s employment was also terminated in January.  [Jack
Bixby, LYJO, 3/2]


Washington Office - Water Quality MOU with USGS

The NPS recently signed an MOU with the U.S. Geological Survey defining the
conditions under which the NPS and USGS will implement the National Water
Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA) in national parks.  In accordance with
the MOU, the NPS will participate on NAWQA study-unit teams and technical
advisory committees where the study basin includes one or more NPS units,
and will assist the USGS in locating and establishing monitoring locations
in national parks to serve as reference sites for NAWQA ecological
assessment and monitoring activities.  The USGS will provide scientific and
technical personnel, supplies, and equipment to accomplish activities that
are jointly identified for NPS units in the study-unit work plans.  The MOU
also affords the opportunity to establish individual park agreements with
the USGS NAWQA study units where it is mutually beneficial.  The
identification and incorporation of NPS study needs into NAWQA study-unit
plans will be coordinated by an NPS liaison who will be duty-stationed at
NAWQA headquarters in Reston, Virginia.  The USGS is providing the FTE for
this position, which will report to the chief of the NPS Water Resources
Division in Fort Collins, Colorado.  About 40 percent of the coordinators'
time will initially be devoted to issues in Everglades and the south Florida
NAWQA study unit.  Candidates for the position are currently being
recruited.  Questions concerning the MOU, the NAWQA program, and/or the
liaison position in Reston should be directed to Dan Kimball, Chief, Water
Resources Division, at 303-225-3501.  [Aby Miller, NRM, WASO]


No notes.


No memoranda.


The Coming Events calendar appears in the morning report every other
Thursday.  If you know of a significant event of Servicewide interest,
please forward the listing to WASO Ranger Activities.  Entries are listed no
earlier than FOUR months before the event.  Asterisks indicate new entries;
brackets at end of entry indicate source of information:

3/5-6* -- 132nd Anniversary, Battle of Peak Ridge, Pea Ridge, AR.  Annual
living history encampment, commemorative ceremonies each day. 
Guest speaker: Prof. William Shea, co-author of "Pea Ridge:
Civil War Campaign in the West."  Contact: PERI, 501-451-8122.

3/28-4/10 -- National Cherry Blossom Festival, Washington, DC.  Week-long
festival includes Japanese lantern lighting ceremony, art shows,
boat cruises, concerts, ball, fashion show, and parade. 
Contact: NCR PAO, 202-619-7226. 

4/13 -- Thomas Jefferson Birthday, Jefferson Memorial, Washington, DC. 
Noon.  Ceremony features military color guard and band,
speakers, laying of wreaths.  Contact: NCR PAO, 202-619-7226.

4/30 -- Old Guard Annual Meeting, Fort Larned, Larned, KS.  Features
special commemoration of Buffalo Soldiers and dinner.  Contact:

5/10 -- 125th Anniversary, completion of transcontinental railroad,
Golden Spike, UT.  Contact: Bill Herr, 801-471-2209.

5/22-28* -- National Parks Week, all areas.  Each park unit will hold a
special activity during the week to focus public attention on
the value of parks.  A few high profile events are in the
planning states.  Contact: WASO Public Affairs, 202-208-6843.

5/28 -- Santa Fe Trail Days, Fort Larned, Larned, KS.  Contact: FOLS.

6/16-10* -- 12th Annual Fur Trade Rendezvous, Fort Union Trading Post,
Williston, ND.  Features traders row and early 19th century
buckskinners camp, speakers, films and cultural skill
demonstrators.  Contact: Fort Union, 701-572-9083.

6/17-19* -- Indiana Lincoln Festival, Lincoln Boyhood, Lincoln City, IN. 
Features Lincoln-related educational activities.  Contact: LIBO.

6/23-26* -- Homestead Days, Homestead, Beatrice, NE.  Demonstrations of
pioneer crafts and traditions and a variety of interpretive
programs.  Contact: HOME.

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone: 202-208-4874
Telefax:   202-208-6756
cc:Mail:   WASO Ranger Activities
SkyPager:  Emergencies ONLY: 1-800-759-7243, PIN 2404843