MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Friday, March 4, 1994

Broadcast: By 0900 ET


93-782 - Yosemite (California) - Follow-up on Hunting Indictments

On February 25th, seven individuals appeared in court in Tuolumne county on
a variety of state and federal wildlife violations stemming from Operation
Yosemite, a two-and-a-half year interagency investigation into allegations
of commercial hunters guiding hunts along the boundaries of and within the
park.  Six of the seven pled no contest; charges against the seventh were

* S.W. - Convicted on one count of guiding without a guide's
license and two counts of sale of bear gall bladders.  Sentenced to 64
days in jail, a $4,500 fine, three years of supervised probation, and
three years revocation of hunting privileges.

* R.L. - Convicted on one count of guiding without a license. 
Sentenced to a year's probation, a $500 fine, and a year's revocation
of hunting privileges.

* M.L. and G.L. - Each convicted on one count of guiding
without a license and one count of illegal deer tag transfer.  Each
sentenced to a year's probation and a $500 fine on the first charge,
and to a year's revocation of deer hunting privileges and a $600 fine
(suspended to $175) on the second charge.

* J.T. and J.T. - Each convicted on one count of illegal guiding
without a license.  Each sentenced to a year's probation and a $500

* E.E. - All charges dismissed.

[Jeff Sullivan, YOSE, 3/2]

94-98 - Grand Canyon (Arizona) - Rescue

On the afternoon of February 24th, visitors reported that M.H.,
50, a German national, had slipped on ice on the New Hance Trail while
descending into Red Canyon, had fallen an unknown distance, and had suffered
injury serious enough to cause fluid to drain from her ears.  Due to snow
cover and the hazardous terrain, rangers who responded in the park
helicopter were unable to land at the site.  A helicopter short haul rescue
was deemed appropriate, but the only park pilot currently qualified for such
missions was out of the park.  Two rangers, one of them a paramedic, instead
hiked to the scene on foot, which took about 75 minutes.  Fortunately, park
personnel have recently been assisting Arizona Department of Public Safety
Air Rescue with short haul rescue training.  Although fully trained, the DPS
team had not yet received authorization from their agency to conduct
rescues.  Because of the gravity of the situation, the agency approved the
mission, and Ranger 36, the DPS helicopter, was dispatched to the park.  Two
ranger/paramedics were transported to the scene and prepared M.H. for
evacuation.  Shortly after sunset, Ranger 36 extracted M.H. and a
ranger/paramedic on a 50-foot short haul line and brought them to a helispot
on the canyon rim.  She was then transferred to the helicopter and flown to
Flagstaff Medical Center for treatment.  Physicians determined that M.H.
had suffered a concussion and an avulsion to her forehead; they expect to
release her following treatment and observation.  [Ken Phillips, CR, GRCA,

94-99 - Assateague Island (Maryland/Virginia) - Storm Impacts

The Maryland section of the park sustained significant road and shoulder
damage when the state park's dune line dissolved and storm surge rolled
across the island during the storm which struck the East Coast on Wednesday
and Thursday.  The dune protecting the park's developed area, which was
built after the January, 1992, storm, held, and there was little damage to
facilities.  The park has not yet been able to survey damage to roads, signs
and markers in the ORV zone due to persistent high tides.  Large sections of
dune protecting the access road, parking lots, bathhouses and an
amphitheater in the Toms Cove District in the Virginia section of the park
were lost.  As a result, large sections of two parking areas and the access
road were destroyed.  The park is attempting to provide immediate protection
to the amphitheater and bathhouses while they conduct a more extensive
damage survey.  The park is working with managers from Assateague State
Park, Chincoteague NWR and the town of Chincoteague in an effort to
coordinate responses and determine which facilities can be repaired prior to
the upcoming visitor use season.  [Brion Fitzgerald, CR, ASIS, 3/4]


No field reports today.


No notes.


No memoranda.


The following cc:Mail or print newsletters are available to interested
employees.  Information on other Servicewide or regional newsletters is
solicited and should be sent to this office.

Washington Office

* "National Register Bulletin", produced periodically by the Interagency
Resources Division, WASO.  Contents: The bulletin series is a group of
technical publications about the National Register.  Contact: Toni Lee
via cc:Mail (by name). 

* "Wildlife and Vegetation Division Monthly Report", produced by WASO
Wildlife and Vegetation Division.  Contents: Up-to-date information on
division activities, programs, deadlines and other matters that affect
resource managers.  Contact: Tim Goddard via cc:Mail (by name).

* "Clear Text", produced bi-weekly by WASO Ranger Activities Division. 
Contents: Significant divisional program activities, upcoming meetings
and travel, job openings (principally in park ranger divisions), park
ranger operational activities.  Contact: Bill Halainen via cc:Mail (by
name or WASO Ranger Activities).

* "Uniform Program Update", produced monthly by Servicewide uniform
program manager, WASO.  Contents: Uniform program developments, new
uniform component development, backorders update.  Contact: Bill
Halainen via cc:Mail (by name or WASO Ranger Activities).

* "National Green Alert", produced monthly by Servicewide recycling
coordinator, WASO.  Contents: Exchange of ideas and information on
solid waste management and recycling efforts, together with updates on
hazardous waste program.  Ideas and information welcome.  Contact:
National Green Alert INBOX on cc:Mail.  

* "Water Resources Division Monthly Report", produced by WASO Water
Resources Division.  Contents: Monthly information on park water
resource issues, division activities, training and travel.  Contact:
Judy Rouse via cc:Mail (by name).

Regional Offices

* "Electric Nuggets", an "irregular but frequent" employee newsletter
for Alaska Region, produced by Alaska Public Affairs.  Contact: Marcie
Clogg via cc:Mail (by name) or call at 907-257-2687.

* "Headlines and Deadlines", Rocky Mountain Region newsletter, produced
by RMRO Public Affairs.  Contents: Comprehensive report on regional
activities in all areas.  Contact: Vickie Carson via cc:Mail (by name
at NP-RMRO).

* "Southeast Regional Natural Resources and Science Newsletter",
produced monthly by the Natural Resources and Science Office in
Southeast Region.  Contents: Issues of interest to resource managers
in Southeast Region.  Contact: Bob Hickman via cc:Mail (by name at NP-

* "Morning Line", Southwest Region newsletter, produced by SWRO Public
Affairs.  Contents: Regional activities and employee news in all
areas.  Contact: Sandy Poole at 505-988-6016 or via cc:Mail to SWRO
Public Affairs.

* "News and Notes", North Atlantic Region newsletter, produced twice a
month (second and fourth Wednesdays) by NARO Office of Communications. 
Contains news, issues and events about the Service, region, parks and
programs.  Contact: Gina Johnson via cc:Mail (by name at NP-NARO).

* "DPRP Notes", a monthly newsletter produced by Mid-Atlantic Region
Division of Park and Resource Planning.  Contents: Brief and
informative reports of current and future activities on park
planning/special studies and rivers, trails and conservation
assistance/national rivers and trails program projects in the Mid-
Atlantic Region.  Contact: Delores Mescher via cc:Mail (by name at

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone: 202-208-4874
Telefax:   202-208-6756
cc:Mail:   WASO Ranger Activities
SkyPager:  Emergencies ONLY: 1-800-759-7243, PIN 2404843