MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Monday, March 28, 1994

Broadcast: By 0900 ET


94-132 - Yellowstone (Wyoming) - Two Snowmobiling Fatalities

Late on the afternoon of March 24th, a Virginia couple on a rented
snowmobile left the groomed roadway near Lewis Lake and struck a tree.  Both
were killed.  Although there were other snowmobilers in the area, the
incident was not witnessed.  The female driver was 51 years old; her husband
was 55.  Their two daughters, ages 17 and 11, were nearby on a separate
snowmobile.  The cause of the accident is under investigation.  Next of kin
had not yet been located at the time of the report.  [CRO, YELL, 3/26]


Saguaro (Arizona) - Saguaro Mortality Survey

Researchers who just completed the annual survey of saguaros in the park's
Rincon Mountain District found 69 new young saguaros on their plots, while
only nine died during the year.  This is the highest number of young
saguaros ever found in an annual survey.  The long-term monitoring project
started in 1942, when there were more than 1,480 large, old saguaros on the
six plots in the study.  The large saguaros have been in decline every
since, but research plant pathologists began finding young saguaros in the
study areas in the 60s.  In the mid 80s, the total population of saguaros
started to climb again, and there are now 645 on the plots.  [Meg Weesner,


No notes.


No memoranda.


Calendar appears in the morning report every other Monday.  If you know of a
conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please forward the listing to WASO Ranger Activities.  Entries
are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event.  Asterisks indicate
new entries; brackets at end of entry indicate source of information:

4/5-8 -- Global Positioning Systems Training: Introduction to GPS,
Madison, WI.  Fee of $825 [revised from figure incorrectly
listed in last calendar]; $700 for two or more.  Contact:
Engineering Registration, The Wisconsin Center, 1-800-462-0876
(Fax: 608-263-3160). [Karl Brown, GIS, WASO]

4/7-9 -- Second International Conference on Pedo-Archaeology, Ramada
Townhouse Hotel, Columbia, SC.  Topics include soils
stratigraphy, bioturbation, soils and agriculture, and
anthrosoils.  Contact: AC Goodyear, South Carolina Institute of
Archaeology and Anthropology, 803-777-8172 (Fax: 803-264-1338). 
[Cal Cummings, AD/WASO]

4/8-9 -- Museum Archives Courses, Fuller Conference Center, Old
Sturbridge Village, MA.  Two courses are being offered - one on
management of photographic records, the other on museum
archives.  $95.  Contact: Research Library, Old Sturbridge
Village, 508-347-3362.  [Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]

4/10-15 -- Fire Management for Agency Administrators, NARTC, Marana, AZ. 
Targeted for park superintendents and those who act for them as
well as regional and WASO staff.  Send NWCG nomination form
through regional FMO to Branch of Fire and Aviation Management,
NIFC.  Contact: Paul Broyles, 208-334-1080.  [Paul Broyles,

4/11-15 -- Annual Safety Seminar, Colorado Springs, CO.  Contact: Jim
McCarthy, Safety, WASO.  [Claudia Schechter, DOI]

4/11-15 -- Advanced Wildlife Law Enforcement, Bighorn Canyon, Lovell, WY. 
**** CANCELED ****

4/18-22 -- Midwest Region Chief Rangers' Conference, Kansas City, MO.  [Tom
Thompson, RAD/MWRO]

4/19-20* -- NPS Regional Archeologist/NPS Park Program Archeologist Meeting,
Anaheim, CA.  Contact: Dr. Roger Kelly, WRO, 415-744-3979. [Cal
Cummings, AD/WASO]

4/20-24* -- 59th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archeology (SAA),
Disney Hotel, Anaheim, CA.  Contact: Society for American
Archeology, Railway Express Building, 900 Second Street, NE,
Suite 12, Washington, DC 20002.  [Cal Cummings, AD/WASO]

4/19-22 -- American Rivers Management Society Meeting, Grand Junction, CO. 
River management issues.  Contact: Tracy Miller, 202-343-3663. 
[Kathy Jope, CRM, PNRO]

4/22-23 -- Photographic Collections Management, held in conjunction with
the annual meeting of the American Association of Museums,
Seattle, WA.  Contact: Jane Kenamore, Society of American
Archivists, 312-922-0140 (Fax: 347-1452).  [Diane Vogt O'Connor,

4/25-29 -- Rocky Mountain Region SCUBA Workshop, Glen Canyon, UT.  Meets
40-hour refresher requirements in NPS-4.  Contact: Chris
Johnson, RMR dive officer, 406-666-2412.  [Chris Johnson, BICA]

5/3-4 -- Ecosystem Management for Forest Fungi: Inventory, Monitoring and
Biodiversity Assessment, LaSells Stewart Center, Oregon State
University, Corvallis, OR.  Fee: $125.  Contact: Conference
assistant, 502-737-2329.  [Steve Cinnamon, MWRO]

5/3-5 -- Peer Counselor Training, Tucson, AZ.  Open to rangers with an
interest in emergency services.  All costs will be funded. 
Applications should be obtained from normal sources and sent to
Herb Gercke in WRO by March 1st.  Contact: Herb Gercke, 415-744-

5/4-8* -- Annual Meeting, Canadian Archeological Association, Hilton Hotel
International, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  Topics include
challenges in the relationship between First Nations and
archeology, post-processual perspectives on prehistoric
economies, traditional knowledge in archeology, and regional
contributions.  Contact: Jack Ives, Provincial Museum of
Alberta, 12845 - 102 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5N0M6, 
403-454-9149 (Fax: 403-454-6629).  [Cal Cummings, AD/WASO]

5/12 -- Digital Imaging Technology, Chicago, IL.  Contact: Jane
Kenamore, Society of American Archivist, 312-922-0140 (Fax: 347-
1452).  [Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]

/14-15 -- "Celebration of Heroes: Aviation's Role in Law Enforcement and
Search and Rescue", Santa Monica Museum of Flying, Santa Monica,
CA.  Contact: Museum of Flying, 310-392-8822.  [Response
Magazine, NASAR]

5/17-18 -- Ecosystem Management Strategies for the Lake Superior Region,
Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center, Duluth, MI. 
Development of ecosystem management strategies for the Lake
Superior region.  The conference fee will be about $100; the
combination conference and workshop fee will be about $130.  For
more information, call 218-726-6819 or contact Teri Pokorny at
402-221-3306.  [Teri Pokorny, MWRO]

5/16-20 -- "Ecosystem Monitoring and Protected Areas", Second International
Conference on Science and the Management of Protected Areas,
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.  The
conference will consider the science and management of whole-
system monitoring in both terrestrial and marine environments. 
Contact: Neil Munro, Parks Canada, Historic Properties, Upper
Water Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 1S9 (Fax: 902-
426-7012).  [Neil Munro, Parks Canada]

5/17-21* -- International Conference on Tree Rings, Hotel Park Tucson,
Tucson, AZ.  Contact: The Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research,
Building 56, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, 602-621-
2191.  [Cal Cummings, AD/WASO]

5/18-21 -- "Citizens Protecting America's Parks: Joining Forces for the
Future", San Francisco, CA.  Sponsored by the National Parks and
Conservation Association as part of its 75th anniversary
celebration.  Contact: Athan Manuel, NPCA, 202-223-6722, ext.
221.  [Lucia Bragan, EDD/WASO]

5/19-20 & 7/15 -- Preservation Management: Planning for Preservation, Rutgers
University, New Brunswick, NJ.  Fee $195.  Contact: School of
Communication, Rutgers University, 908-932-7169 (Fax: 6916). 
[Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]

5/30-6/4* -- International Rock Art Congress, Flagstaff, AZ.  Topics include
research, education, preservation, and conservation.  Contact:
The American Rock Art Research Association, PO Box 65, San
Miguel, CA 93451, 805-467-3704 (Fax: 805-467-2532).  [Cal
Cummings, AD/WASO]

6/1-4 -- Response '94, Annual NASAR Conference, Town and Country Hotel,
San Diego, CA.  Contact: NASAR, 703-352-1349.  [Response
Magazine, NASAR]

6/9-12 -- International Hazardous Materials Response Teams Conference,
Fairview Park Marriott, Falls Church, VA.  Contact:
International Association of Fire Chiefs, 703-273-0911, ext.
340.  [Response Magazine, NASAR]

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone: 202-208-4874
Telefax:   202-208-6756
cc:Mail:   WASO Ranger Activities
SkyPager:  Emergencies ONLY: 1-800-759-7243, PIN 2404843