- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Friday, April 1, 1994
- Date: Fri, 1 Apr 1994
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Friday, April 1, 1994
Broadcast: By 0900 ET
94-140 - Haleakala (Hawaii) - Diving Fatality
C.H., 25, of Seal Beach, California, spent most of March 29th with
his girlfriend and another acquaintance jumping off cliffs and ledges into
pools at Lahaina. The group eventually worked their way along the Ohe'o
stream to an area of four pools above Makahiku Falls. C.H.'s friend
successfully jumped 40 feet from a rock into one of the pools; C.H.
followed, but missed the water, landing about three feet from the pool's
edge. Park staff received the report of the incident around 4:15 p.m. The
area was inaccessible by trail, so the rescue team had to swim in and hike
across rocks to reach the scene, arriving around 4:50 p.m. Assessment
indicated that C.H. was in shock with probable internal injuries and
multiple fractures of both arms. He was immobilized with a Miller spine
board (a combination flotation/immobilization/transport device) and
evacuated over water and land to the Makahiku overlook, where a park vehicle
was used to get him to the roadway to meet an ambulance. C.H. remained
conscious until about a minute before he reached the ambulance. Advanced
life support methods were employed en route to the hospital, but C.H.
succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced dead upon arrival at 6:30 p.m.
[CRO, HALE, 3/30]
94-141 - Big South Fork (Tennessee) - Serious Falling Injury
On March 26th, a Boy Scout troop from Sevierville, Tennessee, visited the
Twin Arches area of the park. While most of the members of the troop were
eating their lunch at the base of one of the arches, J.A., 12, managed
to climb to the top of the north arch. Once on top, he lost his footing,
slipped and fell about 60 feet to a sandy area below, just missing exposed
rocks by a few feet. J.A. was unconscious when scout leaders arrived at
his location. One of the leaders was a nurse and managed to stabilize
J.A.; his fellow scouts meanwhile made a litter, then carried him a mile
to the parking lot, where an adult contacted the local sheriff's office by
cellular phone. Rangers and an ambulance were summoned. J.A. was
treated, taken to a local hospital, then transferred to a hospital in
Knoxville. He suffered several broken ribs, a hemothorax, and a possible
fractured pelvis. [CRO, BISO, 3/28]
94-142 - Grand Canyon (Arizona) - Suicide
Rangers responding to a be-on-the-lookout message for a suicidal person on
March 28th made contact with him in the park. The person, 17-year-old K.W.
of Ohio, attempted at one point to run down a ranger with his car.
After discussions with rangers, however, he was allowed to leave the park.
Patrols that followed K.W. reported that he was driving erratically and
almost hit a pedestrian in the Tusayan community. He was subsequently
stopped by rangers and Arizona DPS officers at Valley, a community 25 miles
from the park. Negotiations with K.W. continued for four hours, during
which time he threatened to shoot himself with a .22 caliber handgun.
Despite the best efforts of negotiators, K.W. eventually made good on his
threat and killed himself. [Dave Swickard, GRCA, 3/29]
94-143 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Aircraft Accident
Around 8 p.m. on March 26th, a pilot from Kodiak, Alaska, was forced by bad
weather and light conditions to make an emergency landing on a beach in the
park near Yakutat. During the landing roll, the left gear of his Aeronica
Champ collapsed, causing the propeller to strike and damage the left wing.
Neither the pilot nor his passenger was injured. The plane's ELT did not
activate on impact, and the pilot chose not to turn it on because he felt
there was no emergency. The pair remained in the plane, until high tide,
when waves started to hit the Aeronica. At that point, they both got out of
the plane, donned ocean survival suits, and manually activated an EPIRB
which was included with their marine survival equipment. They were rescued
five hours later by a Coast Guard helicopter. The airplane was removed by
helicopter the next day. [Jay Wells, CR, WRST, 3/31]
94-144 - Great Smokies (North Carolina/Tennessee) - Storm Impacts
The park is still recovering from the heavy rains which fell on Saturday and
Sunday, during which time most streams left their channels. Most facilities
inventoried through Wednesday showed no major damage, but three interior
roads have been seriously undercut - Little River Road between Elkmont
Junction and Townsend, Laurel Creek Road between Townsend and Cades Cove,
and Tremont Road between Laurel Creek Road and the Tremont Institute. DOT
and FHA engineers will be assisting with further assessments. [Jason Houck,
CR, GRSM, 3/30]
No field reports today.
No notes.
No memoranda.
The following cc:Mail publications, print newsletters or program bulletin
boards are available to interested employees. Information on other
Servicewide or regional newsletters is solicited and should be sent to this
Washington Office
* "National Register Bulletin", produced periodically by the Interagency
Resources Division, WASO. Contents: The bulletin series is a group of
technical publications about the National Register. Contact: Toni Lee
via cc:Mail (by name).
* "Wildlife and Vegetation Division Monthly Report", produced by WASO
Wildlife and Vegetation Division. Contents: Up-to-date information on
division activities, programs, deadlines and other matters that affect
resource managers. Contact: Tim Goddard via cc:Mail (by name).
* "Clear Text", produced bi-weekly by WASO Ranger Activities Division.
Contents: Significant divisional program activities, upcoming meetings
and travel, job openings (principally in park ranger divisions), park
ranger operational activities. Contact: Bill Halainen via cc:Mail (by
name or WASO Ranger Activities).
* "Uniform Program Update", produced monthly by WASO Ranger Activities
Division. Contents: Uniform program developments, new uniform
component development, backorders update. Contact: Bill Halainen via
cc:Mail (by name or WASO Ranger Activities).
* "National Green Alert", produced monthly by Servicewide recycling
coordinator, WASO. Contents: Exchange of ideas and information on
solid waste management and recycling efforts, together with updates on
hazardous waste program. Ideas and information welcome. Contact:
National Green Alert INBOX on cc:Mail.
* "Water Resources Division Monthly Report", produced by WASO Water
Resources Division. Contents: Information on park water resource
issues, division activities, training and travel. Contact: Judy Rouse
via cc:Mail (by name).
* "Air Quality Division Monthly Report", produced by WASO Air Quality
Division. Contents: Information on monitoring activity in the parks;
federal state and outreach activities; visibility and biological
effects; permit review and coordination with other federal land
managers regarding air quality issues. Contact: Diane Diedrichs via
cc:Mail (by name), or at 303-969-2070.
* "Federal Archeology Report", published quarterly by the Archeological
Assistance Division in WASO. Contents: Each issue features a theme as
well as regular columns on archeological protection, repatriation,
public education, technology, and international news. Upcoming themes
focus on African Americans and archeology, industrial archeology and
illegal trafficking in artifacts. Available in print only. Contact:
David Andrews via cc:Mail (by name).
* "Technical Briefs", published throughout the year by the Archeological
Assistance Division, WASO. Contents: Past topics have included
sponsoring a state archeology week, training volunteers for field
work, using archeology in the classroom, and the role of archeology in
the National Historical Landmark program. Available in print only.
Contact: David Andrews via cc:Mail (by name).
* NPS Curatorial Bulletin Board, managed by WASO Curatorial Services
Division. Employed to facilitate informal communications between
CSD/WASO, regional curators and field personnel involved or interested
in the management of museum objects and archives. Provides updates on
special projects, meetings, publications, and other related topics.
Contact: Betty Browning via cc:Mail (by name) or NP-WASO-CSD.
* "Mining and Minerals Branch Monthly Report", produced by the WASO
Mining and Minerals Branch, Land Resources Division. Contents:
Information on in-park mineral development issues, including NPS use
of sand, gravel and similar construction materials; federal and state
minerals planning and leasing near parks; coordination with external
agencies regarding adjacent mineral permitting; and abandoned mineral
site safety and reclamation issues. Contact: Norma Clark via cc:Mail
(by name).
Regional Offices
* "Headlines and Deadlines", Rocky Mountain Region newsletter, produced
by RMRO Public Affairs. Contents: Comprehensive report on regional
activities in all areas. Contact: Vickie Carson via cc:Mail (by name
at NP-RMRO).
* "Southeast Regional Natural Resources and Science Newsletter",
produced monthly by the Natural Resources and Science Office in
Southeast Region. Contents: Issues of interest to resource managers
in Southeast Region. Contact: Bob Hickman via cc:Mail (by name at NP-
* "Morning Line", Southwest Region newsletter, produced by SWRO Public
Affairs. Contents: Regional activities and employee news in all
areas. Contact: Sandy Poole at 505-988-6016 or via cc:Mail to SWRO
Public Affairs.
* "News and Notes", North Atlantic Region newsletter, produced twice a
month by NARO Office of Communications. Contains news, issues and
events about the Service, region, parks and programs. Contact: Gina
Johnson via cc:Mail (by name at NP-NARO).
* "DPRP Notes", a monthly newsletter produced by Mid-Atlantic Region
Division of Park and Resource Planning. Contents: Brief and
informative reports of current and future activities on park planning
and special studies, as well as rivers, trails and conservation
assistance and national rivers and trails program projects in the Mid-
Atlantic Region. Contact: Delores Mescher via cc:Mail (by name at
* "PNR Natural Resource Management News", a monthly bulletin produced by
PNR Division of Resource Management. Contents: Update on PNR resource
management activities. Contact: Kathy Jope via cc:Mail (by name at
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
Telephone: 202-208-4874
Telefax: 202-208-6756
cc:Mail: WASO Ranger Activities
SkyPager: Emergencies ONLY: 1-800-759-7243, PIN 2404843