- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Monday, April 4, 1994 - Memorandum
- Date: Mon, 4 Apr 1994
To: All Employees
From: Director
Subject: Voluntary Separation Incentive Program
President Clinton has signed into law the Federal Workforce Restructing Act of
1994. This law provides an opportunity for employees to apply for voluntary
separation incentive payments--more commonly referred to as "buyouts." This
memorandum announces an opportunity for employees to apply for voluntary
separation incentive payments (VSIP's).
New Legislation
Under the Federal Workforce Restructuring Act of 1994, agencies are authorized
to offer separation incentive payments to regular and early retirees and
employees who resign. In conjunction with this law, the Department has
approved a voluntary early retirement authority for this bureau. These
programs are intended to assist in the reduction of the size of the Federal
work force while avoiding involuntary separations through reductions-in-force
Our Program
We support the authorization of voluntary separation incentive payments as a
positive manner in which to achieve our goals of streamlining our operation.
The number of "buyouts" may be limited by the availability of funds to make
payments and by limitations on the authority of the Department to replace
employees who leave through this program. The window for receipt of
applications is from the date of this memorandum through C.O.B. April 18,
1994. To receive the VSIP, eligible employees must elect to resign or retire
under optional retirement or voluntary early retirement by May 3, 1994.
However, the employee may either retire or resign at any time from the date
his/her application is approved through C.O.B. May 3, 1994. An employee may
not receive an incentive payment if he/she separates before the payment is
approved. Specific eligibility criteria is outlined below.
Our goal is FTE and money savings, therefore, we do not anticipate requesting
or approving exceptions allowing employees to remain on our rolls after the
May 3, 1994, deadline.
The VSIP will be paid on the following bases:
1. Unconditional "buyouts" will be offered to all employees in central,
regional and service center offices. We anticipate authorizing payments of
voluntary separation incentives to eligible employees in all program areas of
these offices, without regard to the current grade level of the employee.
This will allow us to achieve our streamlining goals without displacing
employees through RIF's or incurring the move costs associated with
transferring employees.
First Service Computation Date (SCD)--those employees whith the
earliest SCD will be chosen first.
Second Salary--if more than one employee has the same SCD, those
employees with the highest rate of basic pay will be approved first.
2. Voluntary separation incentives will be authorized for park level
employees in the following priority:
First Priority--Administrative Employees:
1. Personnel (GS-200) series.
2. All other 2 grade interval administrative series.
Clerical and technical employees will be considered under the
following priority.
Second Priority--All other park employees, except those FWS and Park
Rangers specifically excluded below, in descending grade level order:
1. SES
2. GM/GS-15
3. GM/GS-14, etc.
4. Priorities will continue in descending grade level grade order.
Supervisory Federal Wage System employees will be factored in at
the representative level.
If we receive more requests for "buyouts" than we are able to authorize,
please see the above section for proceedure.
You are eligible to apply for a separation incentive payment if:
1. You serve under other than a time-limited appointment;
2. You occupy a position or occupation, other than Schedule C and non-career
Senior Executive Service, which has not been excluded from eligibility by the
National Park Service (NPS);
3. By the time you separate, you must have been continuously employed in the
Federal Government for at least 12 months. Those eligible for early
retirement must also have been continuously on the roll of this agency from
December 6, 1993.
In the NPS, we will not authorize separation incentive payments--"buyouts"--
for park nonsupervisory Federal Wage System (WG or WB) positions nor will the
offer be extended to park, GS-025, Ranger positions at grades GS-09 and below.
If you are classified to either of these types of positions, you may not
submit a request for the "buyout."
Amount of Payment
The amount of the separation incentive payment is not discretionary. It is an
amount equal to the employee's calculated severance pay entitlement or
$25,000, whichever is less. Separation incentive payments are based upon the
standard severance pay calculation. However, incentive payments are limited,
by law, not to exceed $25,000. Severance pay equals 1 week basic pay for each
of the first 10 years of creditable Federal service plus 2 weeks of basic pay
for each year of creditable service over 10 years. In addition, an age factor
applies which increases the amount by 10 percent for every year your age
exceeds 40 years.
Separation Agreements
Employees who apply for separation incentive payments must sign an agreement
that the decision to resign or retire under these circumstances is entirely
voluntary and that they agree to repay the incentive if they are reemployed
by, or enter into a personal service contract with the Federal Government
within 5 years of the date of the separation on which the separation pay is
based. If an employee is selected to receive the voluntary separation
incentive payment, these agreements will serve as a commitment to resign or
retire during the window period. If employees are not selected to receive a
separation incentive, they will not be bound by this commitment.
Restrictions on Reemployment
Employees who accept incentive payments have restrictions placed on future
employment with the Federal Government. An employee who accepts separation
incentive pay may not accept reemployment with the Federal Government by
appointment or personal services contract, for a period of 5 years after the
date of separation unless the employee repays the entire amount of the
incentive to the agency that paid the incentive. The granting of a waiver is
a management discretion. Waivers are allowed for appointments where an
employee has unique abilities and is the only applicant for the job. Waivers
are not allowed for personal services contracts.
Future Opportunity to Elect VSIP
We will not authorize "buyouts" again in FY 94 and it is unlikely that they
will be offered in FY 95. We have been informed that this is the only planned
opportunity for offering "buyouts" under this law. Further, we hope to use
the FTE reductions achieved through this opportunity period to offset FY 95
reductions. We hope to achieve our overall FY 94 and FY 95 FTE reductions
through this "buyout" opportunity period and will, therefore, not need to
offer a future opening for separation incentives.
Application Process
In order to be considered for a voluntary separation incentive payment, you
must complete a Standard Form 52, Request for Personnel Action, which contains
the statement specified in Part E of the attached SF-52s. For these purposes,
you may use the appropriate attached form (NOTE: It was not possible to attach
this form and send it via cc:Mail; you will need to get a copy from your
servicing personnel office); however, please ensure that an original signature
is affixed to Part E, Number 3. You will note that there are two forms
attached--one is to be used for retirements, the other for resignations. If
you are retiring--either optionally or as an early out--you must complete all
applicable retirement forms. It is in your best interest to ensure that your
servicing Personnel Office receives these forms at the earliest possible date.
This will ensure that you receive your first annuity payment in a timely
In order to be considered for VSIP, your application must be submitted to your
regional Personnel Office by 4:00 p.m. on April 18, 1994. If your application
is not received by that time, you will not be considered for a voluntary
separation incentive payment. If you will be out of town and unable to
complete and deliver the application, please call the Personnel Office for
Additional Information and Counseling
This is an important decision in your life. We recognize that the time period
for making this decision is limited; however, you should ensure that you have
all the information necessary to make an informed decision. While we have
attempted to provide you an overview of the program, we are not able to
provide sufficient information to specifically address each unique situation;
therefore, if you have not already done so, you should contact your servicing
Personnel Office. They will be able to provide individualized counseling,
compute annuity estimates, and all the information--and forms--necessary to
make this important life decision.
I urge each of you--in particular, employees in the Washington Office,
regional offices, and the Denver Service Center and Harpers Ferry Center--to
seriously evaluate this offer. Our current streamlining efforts will result
in significant reductions of personnel; if we do not achieve the necessary
downsizing through the separation incentive program, we may need to use
reduction-in-force (RIF) procedures to meet the established goals.
The following Employee Relations Officers are able to provide additional
guidance or assist you in receiving individualized counseling.
Alaska Region Darwin Aho (907) 257-2473
Harpers Ferry Center Deb Knight (304) 535-6487
Mid-Atlantic Region Jim Brown (215) 597-7070
National Capital Region Pat Harmon (202) 619-7247
North Atlantic Region Frank Harris (617) 223-5103
Pacific Northwest Region Ralph Wenning (206) 220-4053
Rocky Mountain Region Lea Scow (303) 969-2772
Southeast Region Charlie Powell (404) 331-5711
Southwest Region Ellen Lange (505) 476-6427
Western Region Rich Harned (415) 744-3896
Washington Office Carlos Vargas (202) 208-5906