- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Wednesday, April 6, 1994
- Date: Wed, 6 Apr 1994
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Wednesday, April 6, 1994
Broadcast: By 0900 ET
93-468 - Denali (Alaska) - Follow-up on Demonstration
Over the Fourth of July weekend last year, D.C., K.L. and
approximately 35 other Alaska Reclamation Crew/Alaska Independence Party
members and their families participated in an unsanctioned but monitored
drive along the park road as part of a demonstration in which the group(s)
claimed state ownership of that road. On Friday, April 1st, D.C. and K.L.
were convicted in federal court of driving the road without a 36 CFR 1.6
permit. In order to convict D.C. and K.L., the United States had to prove
ownership of the road, despite the fact that a 1959 quitclaim deed issued by
the Secretary of Commerce purportedly conveyed the road to the state along
with the territorial roads that were legitimately transferred at the time of
statehood. Although the Department of Interior managed the territorial road
system from 1932 until 1956, when Commerce assumed responsibility, the
United States was able to prove that the park road was constructed and
maintained under separate authorities and funds. No interest in the road
therefore passed to Commerce which could be conveyed to the state. The
decision is subject to appellate review, and may be attacked by the state in
a quiet title suit under 28 USC 2409a. The decision nonetheless represents
at a minimum a significant interim determination in this long simmering
dispute. [Russ Wilson, Paralegal, ARO, 4/4]
94-153 - Capitol Reef (Utah) - Search
The park received a report of an overdue party of 16 Boy Scouts and two
leaders around 9 p.m. on March 31st. The party had been on a hike up Burrow
Wash, a rugged canyon with numerous narrows and pools of water. At the time
of their departure, temperatures were in the 60s and many of the scouts were
reportedly wearing T-shirts and shorts. Temperatures were forecast to drop
in the upper 20s that night. A hasty search was conducted, but searchers
were unable to locate the party. An air and ground search was begun at dawn
the next morning. The group was located south of the canyon at 11 a.m.
They'd built a fire and managed to stay warm , and all were reportedly okay.
[Rick Nolan, CR, CARE, 4/1]
94-154 - Lake Meredith (Texas) - MVA with Serious Injuries
Early on the morning of April 2nd, J.B. was traveling to the Harbor
Bay area of Lake Meredith to check on one of his vehicles, which was stuck
near the lake's shoreline. While driving on an undesignated dirt road, he
lost control of his vehicle, which then struck a Camaro, ran over 14-year-
old Jason Falwell, and struck 16-year-old S.H. Both boys were
camped in a campsite. Falwell was in his sleeping bag when the accident
occurred; he is in serious condition with internal injuries and fractures.
S.H. suffered a fractured femur and was also hospitalized. The accident
is still under investigation. Alcohol was not involved. The case will go
to the U.S. and county attorneys for a determination of what charges are to
be filed. [LAMR, 4/5]
94-155 - Rock Creek (D.C.) - MVA with Fatality
Just before 11 p.m. on March 30th, a Jeep Cherokee heading north on Beach
Drive swerved to the left, hit some rocks, and flipped over. The driver and
sole occupant, who was not wearing a seatbelt, was killed in the accident.
The name has not been released pending notification of next of kin. Park
Police officers are investigating. (Lt. Lance Ludwick, USPP, 4/4]
94-156 - New River Gorge (West Virginia) - Multiple Arrests
On March 18th, six rangers and two United States Marshals successfully
completed a warrant sweep of local residences and businesses in three
counties in southern West Virginia and arrested seven individuals on
outstanding federal magistrate's bench warrants for offenses committed in
the park last year. Two of the seven learned of the sweep and voluntarily
turned themselves in. All were arraigned before the U.S. magistrate, then
fined and released. Total fines were in excess of $1,000. The sweep
involved over two weeks of liaison and coordination with the marshal's
office and the magistrate and surveillance of the suspects' work habits and
residences by rangers. [Dennis Weiland, SDR, Grandview Subdistrict, NERI,
Ozark (Missouri) - Significant Prescribed Burn
On March 31st, the largest woodland prescribed burn to be conducted to date
in Missouri was completed in the Stegall Mountain natural area on lands
administered by the park and the Missouri Department of Conservation.
Conditions were near perfect for the burn, which covered 933 acres of oak-
hickory woodlands with numerous glades. The goals for the prescribed fire,
which was managed jointly by the park, state, Forest Service and county fire
districts, were to restore natural communities in glade areas and to improve
wildlife habitat. Extensive post burn monitoring will be conducted by the
park, state, the University of Missouri and the NBS. [Tim Blank, CR, OZAR]
No notes.
No memoranda.
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
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