MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Thursday, April 21, 1994

Broadcast: By 0900 ET


94-163 - Timucuan (Florida) - Follow-up on Assault on Ranger

Ranger Brian Peters was treated and released from a Jacksonville hospital
late on Sunday, April 17th, the day he was assaulted by two unknown men. 
Peters suffered numerous facial abrasions and contusions, but all were
determined to be superficial.  X-rays and other tests were all negative, and
he returned to work on Tuesday.  A critical incident stress debriefing was
held the same day.  The FBI has become involved in the case and an NPS
criminal investigator has also been assigned to the investigation.  Both
agencies are working with the Jacksonville sheriff's office.  [Craig
Sheldon, CR, FOCA/TIMU, 4/20]

94-180 - Yellowstone (Wyoming) - Homicide Arrest

On April 15th, ranger Les Brunton stopped a vehicle with Alabama plates for
speeding on U.S. Highway 191 in the park.  Computer checks revealed that the
operator, A.B.C., 22, was wanted on a felony warrant for
violation of conditions of release related to an arson charge in Alabama. 
A.B.C. was taken into custody without incident and was held without bail
pending pickup by Alabama authorities.  Rangers learned that Alabama police
also suspected A.B.C. of being involved in the disappearance of the
registered owner of the vehicle.  The park's law enforcement office helped
the Headland, Alabama, police department acquire a local federal search
warrant to process the vehicle for evidence related to a suspected
kidnapping and/or murder.  On April 18th, rangers secured the warrant and
conducted a search with the assistance of Headland officers and a state of
Montana mobile crime lab.  Evidence found in the vehicle included a variety
of credit cards belonging to the victim, credit card receipts signed by
A.B.C., and blood samples.  Also recovered from the car was a video camera
with a video made by the suspect showing himself driving over 100 mph on
U.S. 191 in the park.  Based on this evidence, a Gallatin county search
warrant was obtained to secure a blood sample from A.B.C..  Headland officers
returned to Alabama with A.B.C. on the 19th.  Yesterday, A.B.C. voluntarily
lead police investigators to the spot where he had buried the body of the
missing person.  Formal charges are pending.  [CRO, YELL, 4/20]

94-181 - C&O Canal (Maryland/D.C.) - Suicide

Several citizens heard a shot fired at the Carderock picnic area late on the
morning of April 11th.  One who investigated found an elderly man slumped
over the bench of a picnic table.  An NPS employee reported the incident,
and Park Police officers responded.  They found the victim and a revolver
under the table.  The death has been ruled a probable suicide.  [Lt. Richard
Munsky, USPP, 4/12]


No field reports today.


1) Buyout - WASO Personnel has provided us with the final list of numbers of
buyout applicants Servicewide.  Here's the breakdown:

      Area    Parks   Total

Alaska Region             7     4  11
Mid-Atlantic Region      14    18  32
Midwest Region           18    29  47
National Capital Region  22    70* 92
North Atlantic Region     9    18  27
Pacific Northwest Region13    10  23
Rocky Mountain Region    13    44  57
Southeast Region         16    63  79
Southwest Region         16    30  46
Western Region           18    48  66
Washington Office        49     -  49
Denver Service Center    25     -  25
Harpers Ferry Center     23     -  23

Totals                  243   334 577

* Includes 20 from US Park Police

The Servicewide distribution by grade and series is as follows: 

 3 WS-10    11 GS/GM-15
16 WS-9     16 GS/GM-14
14 WS-8      9 GS-13
60 WS-7      4 GS-12
96 WS-6      7 GS-11
80 WS-5      2 GS-10
 2 WS-4      3 GS-9
45 WS-3      1 GS-8
 9 WL-10     3 GS-7
48 WL-9      1 GS-6
38 WL-8      1 GS-5
70 WL-7      3 GS-4
14 WL-6      1 WS-13
 1 WL-3      1 WS-12
 1 WL-2      2 WS-11
 2 WG (all)  3 USPP 20

2) BLM Oil and Gas Development - The Bureau of Land Management has initiated
a national performance review of their onshore oil and gas program.  BLM's
primary goal in this process is to improve services provided by their
federal oil and gas program, including environmental protection.  BLM
recently provided "key customers", including the NPS, with a summary paper
listing all issues raised during recent public meetings.  They asked that
"customers" rank the top 15 issues and identify any additional concerns to
help focus the performance review.  Due to past involvement with oil and gas
development adjacent to parks, BLM asked the Service's Mining and Minerals
Branch (MMB) to serve as the NPS coordinating office for compiling and
submitting park and regional issues and concerns.  This is an excellent
opportunity to provide direct input to BLM oil and gas leasing and
development policy formulation.  Last week, MMB provided this information
via cc:Mail to parks with known oil and gas issues, but they want to assure
that they haven't inadvertently omitted any specific park concerns.  If you
have any ideas or comments on federal oil and gas leasing and development
issues, you can send them to MMB and/or acquire a copy of the BLM summary
paper from them.  Comments are due to BLM by April 29th.  Comments should be
sent by cc:Mail to Bruce Heise of MMB, who is on the system by name.


No memoranda.


The Coming Events calendar appears in the morning report every other
Thursday.  If you know of a significant event of Servicewide interest,
please forward the listing to WASO Ranger Activities.  Entries are listed no
earlier than FOUR months before the event.  Asterisks indicate new entries;
brackets at end of entry indicate source of information:

4/30 -- Old Guard Annual Meeting, Fort Larned, Larned, KS.  Features
special commemoration of Buffalo Soldiers and dinner.  Contact:

5/1* -- Heritage Day, Hampton, Towson, MD.  Features a jousting
exhibition, music, an art exhibition, and a variety of other
activities.  Contact: HAMP.

5/7 -- French Alliance Day, Valley Forge, Valley Forge, PA.  Reenactors
demonstrate military skills in commemoration of the alliance
with France in 1778.  Contact: VAFO, 610-783-1077.

5/7-8* -- Civil War Weekend, Fort Scott, KS.  The theme is Fort Scott in
1864.  Features Union Army infantry and cavalry in garrison
along with members of the Ladies Union Aid Society.  Contact:
FOSC, 316-223-0310.

5/10 -- 125th Anniversary, completion of transcontinental railroad,
Golden Spike, UT.  Contact: Bill Herr, 801-471-2209.

5/14 -- Potowmack Canal Festival, Great Falls, VA.  The annual festival
celebrates Colonial era canal building with music, crafts,
exhibits and actors portraying George Washington and canal
laborers.  Contact: 703-285-2966.

5/22-28 -- National Parks Week, all areas.  Each park unit will hold a
special activity during the week to focus public attention on
the value of parks.  A few high profile events are in the
planning states.  Contact: WASO Public Affairs, 202-208-6843.

5/28 -- Santa Fe Trail Days, Fort Larned, Larned, KS.  Contact: FOLS.

5/30 -- Memorial Day Observance, Vietnam Veterans' Memorial, Washington,
DC.  Military color guard, laying of wreaths, speakers -
including Congressman Tom Ridge (R-PA), a U.S. Army veteran, and
ABC journalist Jack Smith.  Contact: NCR PAO, 202-619-7226. 

6/11-12* -- 130th Anniversary, Battle of Cold Harbor, Richmond NBP,
Richmond, VA.  Civil War encampment, trail dedication.  Contact:

6/16-10 -- 12th Annual Fur Trade Rendezvous, Fort Union Trading Post,
Williston, ND.  Features traders row and early 19th century
buckskinners camp, speakers, films and cultural skill
demonstrators.  Contact: Fort Union, 701-572-9083.

6/17-19 -- Indiana Lincoln Festival, Lincoln Boyhood, Lincoln City, IN. 
Features Lincoln-related educational activities.  Contact: LIBO.

6/19 -- Army March Out, Valley Forge, Valley Forge, PA.  Commemoration
of the Continental Army's 1778 march out of Valley Forge after a
six month encampment to pursue the British.  Contact: VAFO, 610-

6/23-26 -- Homestead Days, Homestead, Beatrice, NE.  Demonstrations of
pioneer crafts and traditions and a variety of interpretive
programs.  Contact: HOME.

7/1-3XxxXEstablishment Day Hawaiian Cultural Festival, Pu'uhonua o
Honaunau, HI.  Features royal court, chants, hula, crafts,
games, food preparation and tasting, canoe rides, and hukilau. 
Contact: PUHO, 808-328-2326.

7/2-4XxxXVeiled Prophet Fair, Jefferson National Expansion, St. Louis,
MO.  "America's largest birthday party" - entertainment, theme
booths, fireworks.  Contact: JEFF.

7/23-24* -- Northern Plains Indian Culture Fest, Knife River Indian
Villages, Stanton, ND.  The event will encompass a wide range of
activities exemplifying the Northern Plains tribes that
frequented the Knife River area from several thousand years ago
to the present.  Contact: KNRI, 701-745-3309.

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone: 202-208-4874
Telefax:   202-208-6756
cc:Mail:   WASO Ranger Activities
SkyPager:  Emergencies ONLY: 1-800-759-7243, PIN 2404843