MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Tuesday, April 26, 1994

Broadcast: By 0900 ET

                         *** NOTICE ***

All flags will remain at half staff in tribute to President Nixon until
sunset on May 21st.  Instructions on tomorrow's park closures appear below.


94-187 - Death Valley (California) - Fatality

Early on the morning of April 20th, rangers received a report of a body in
the Texas Springs campground.  They found the remains of 57-year-old
B.C. in a sleeping bag at a camp site some distance from the group
of mentally handicapped people with whom he was traveling.  Inyo County
investigators determined that B.C. had ingested four flowers from the datura
plant, which is currently blooming in the park's higher elevations.  The
plant is toxic and can cause death if consumed in sufficient quantities. 
[CRO, DEVA, 4/25]

94-188 - Statue of Liberty (New York) - Demonstration

Three hundred members of the Teamster's union conducted a demonstration on
Liberty Island under a special use permit yesterday.  The demonstration was
held in conjunction with the union's national trucking strike.  The
Teamsters gathered on the island for about an hour; near the end of the
demonstration, the group's leaders invited members toward the base of the
statue for a planned arrest of one of their members.  About 80 Teamsters
came forward with the intention of entering the statue's lobby.  A short
standoff ensued, but was brought to a head by the timely arrival of six Park
Police officers and a lieutenant.  New York police officers also had a
response group waiting at the Battery, and the Coast Guard made a strong
presence off the island with three vessels.  The protest leaders were
reminded that they had gotten the media attention they sought and that they
were now upsetting visitors who were not able to continue their visits.  The
Teamsters were asked to move to the ferry terminal and leave the island. 
They did so.  There were no arrests or injuries.  [John Lynch, RAD/NARO,

94-189 - Natchez Trace (Mississippi/Alabama/Tennessee) - MVA with Fatality

J.C., 22, was driving north on the parkway around 2:30 a.m. on April
24th when he crossed over the centerline and struck a southbound vehicle
occupied by A.M., 18, and his passenger T.T., also 18.  J.C.
sustained only minor injuries; A.M. suffered a broken femur, but T.T.
was killed when the car caught fire and burned.  A.M. and T.T. were on a
prom date.  J.C. has been charged with death resulting from driving under
the influence, a recently passed Mississippi state law which carries a
maximum sentence of 25 years.  J.C. had been arrested twice in the past two
weeks for DUI and public intoxication by local authorities, but had not gone
to court.  A critical incident stress debriefing will be held for all
involved park and local personnel.  [Len Weems, Deputy CR, NATR, 4/25]


No field reports today.


1) April 27th Park Closures - On April 23rd, President Clinton issued an
executive order to excuse all Federal employees from duty for the scheduled
workday on Wednesday except those who, in the judgement of the head of the
agency, cannot be excused for reasons of national security, defense or other
essential public business.  According to Deputy Director John Reynolds,
parks in the District of Columbia - and just in the District of Columbia -
will be closed tomorrow.  All other areas throughout the United States will
operate on a holiday schedule.  According to a memorandum from James B.
King, Director, Office of Personnel Management, Wednesday will be treated as
falling within the scope of statutes and executive orders governing holidays
for pay and leave purposes.  Similar days of mourning were ordered for
President Eisenhower in March, 1969; for President Truman in December, 1973;
and for President Johnson in January, 1973.


No memoranda.


The following activities have occurred recently or will be taking place in
Congress during coming weeks on matters of interest or consequence to the
National Park Service.  If you would like further information on any of
these hearings or bills, please contact Dottie in WASO Legislation at 202-

Upcoming Hearings

4/26 -- House Natural Resources' Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests
and Public Lands (Vento): Hearing on H.R. 3593, to establish the
Ohio and Erie Canal National Heritage Corridor (Ohio) as an
affiliated area of the NPS; and H.R. 2633, to revise the
boundaries of the Blackstone River Valley National Heritage
Corridor (Massachusetts and Rhode Island).

4/27 -- House Natural Resources Committee (Miller): Mark-up of H.R.
3567, Kennedy Center amendment; and S. 208, concessions reform.

-- Senate Energy and Natural Resources' Subcommittee on Public
Lands, National Parks and Forests (Bumpers): Mark-up of S. 1033,
Shenandoah Valley National Battlefields Commission; S. 316,
boundary adjustments for Saugaro NM; and H.R. 2815, designation
of the Farmington River as part of the Wild and Scenic River

4/28 -- Senate Energy and Natural Resources' Subcommittee on Public
Lands, National Parks and Forests (Bumpers): Hearing on S. 1639,
to provide for the management of the Presidio (California).

4/29 -- House Government Operations Subcommittee on Energy, Environment
and Natural Resources (Synar): Oversight hearing on clean air
protection problems in NPS and wilderness areas.

5/5 -- Senate Energy and Natural Resources' Subcommittee on Public
Lands, National Parks and Forests (Bumpers): Hearing on S. 471,
the New Parks Study Act of 1993.

5/9 -- House Government Operations Subcommittee on Energy, Environment
and Natural Resources (Synar): Oversight hearing on Gettysburg

5/11 -- Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior and Related
Agencies (Byrd): Hearing on NPS FY 95 budget request.  

5/25 -- Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior and Related
Agencies (Byrd): Hearing on DOI FY 95 budget request.

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

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