- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Tuesday, May 10, 1994
- Date: Tues, 10 May 1994
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Tuesday, May 10, 1994
Broadcast: By 0930 ET
94-211 - Blue Ridge (North Carolina/Virginia) - MVA with Three Fatalities
A park dispatcher heading home from work at 10 p.m. on May 8th discovered a
two car collision on the parkway access road near Asheville, North Carolina.
Three of the occupants were dead, a fourth was in critical condition.
Rangers are investigating. No further details are yet available. [Bill
Springer, RCR, RAD/SERO, 5/9]
94-212 - Chattahoochee River (Georgia) - Rescue
On May 6th, Dr. R.S., a physician at the Center for Disease
Control, was hiking off trail with his two small children and a teenage
friend on the cliffs of the park's East Palisades unit when he twisted and
fractured his right leg. The teenager was able to locate a ranger's
residence nearby and request help. Rangers and Cobb County officers, rescue
team members and paramedics responded to a staging area on the west side of
the river; rangers then transported men and equipment across the river. It
took about two hours to treat R.S., then lowered him by ropes to the shore,
where he was transported by boat across the river to a waiting ambulance.
Doctors determined that he fractured both the tibia and fibula of his lower
right leg, and that surgery will be required. [Ken Garvin, CR, CHAT, 5/9]
1) FIRE SITUATION - Preparedness Level I
State Agency Area Fire 5/9 5/10 Status
AZ NPS Saguaro Mother's Day 1,000 1,157 CN 5/10
- Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this report). T1 and T2
indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.
- Status - The following abbreviations are employed:
NR - No report received MS - Modified suppression strategy
CL - Controlled MN - Being monitored
CS - Containment strategy NEC - No estimate of containment
CND - Contained CN (date) - Expected date of containment
* Mother's Day, Saguaro - High winds and steep, rugged terrain continue to
hamper control efforts. The park will remain closed until further notice.
Containment is expected today.
4) ANALYSIS - Initial attack activity continues in the South, Southwest and
5) PROGNOSIS - High temperatures, low humidities and strong winds are
expected in the Great Lakes states, which could increase fire activity.
Scattered showers and wet thunderstorms will continue in the Southwest.
Most areas in the South will be partly cloudy with scattered showers and
[NIFC Incident Management Situation Report, 5/10]
No field reports today.
1) Lost/Pilfered Luggage - SECOND NOTICE: Ranger Activities is interested in
obtaining information from field areas regarding any experiences rangers,
criminal investigators or special agents have had with lost, misdirected or
pilfered luggage during official travel on commercial air carriers,
including occasions in which they have arrived at their airport destination
either ahead of or after the arrival of their checked luggage. If you have
ever had any of these or similar experiences, please send a short synopsis,
including date, air carrier and destination to Paul Berkowitz via cc:Mail.
Thanks to the two dozen or so folks who've already sent in replies.
No memoranda.
The following activities have occurred recently or will be taking place in
Congress during coming weeks on matters of interest or consequence to the
National Park Service. If you would like further information on any of
these hearings or bills, please contact Dottie in WASO Legislation at 202-
Upcoming Hearings
5/10 -- House Natural Resources' Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests
and Public Lands (Vento): Hearing on H.R. 3433, to provide for
management of portions of the Presidio, and H.R. 4078, to amend
the act establishing Golden Gate NRA.
-- Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior and Related
Agencies (Byrd): Hearing on NPS FY 95 budget request.
-- House Natural Resources Committee (Miller): Mark-up of S. 208,
to reform the concession policies of the NPS, and H.R. 2866, to
provide for the sound management and protection of redwood
forest areas in Humboldt County (California) by adding certain
lands and waters to the Six Rivers National Forest and by
including a portion of such lands in the national wilderness
protection system.
-- Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Johnston): Mark-
up of S. 150, Taliesin preservation; H.R. 1183, California lands
conveyance; H.R. 2815, Farmington River designation; S. 316,
Saguaro NM; S. 472, NPS housing; S. 1033, Shenandoah Valley
National Battlefields and Commission; S. 1980, Cane River
National Heritage Historical Park and Heritage Area.
5/12 -- Senate Energy and Natural Resources' Subcommittee on Public
Lands, National Parks and Forests (Bumpers): S. 1549, to amend
the act establishing Golden Gate NRA to provide for the
management of the Presidio by the Secretary of Interior; S.
1639, to provide for the management of portions of the Presidio
under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Interior.
-- House Natural Resources' Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests
and Public Lands (Vento): Hearing on H.R. 3708, to reform the
operation, maintenance and development of Steamtown NHS; mark-up
of H.R. 3709, to reform the process for the study of areas for
potential inclusion in the National Park System; and H.R. 1508,
to provide for the reformation of the National Park System.
5/17 -- House Natural Resources' Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests
and Public Lands (Vento): Hearing on H.R. 1716, to amend the act
establishing Rocky Mountain NP; and H.R. 2577, to authorize the
Secretary of the Interior to participate in the operation of
certain visitor facilities associated with, but outside of, the
boundaries of Rocky Mountain NP.
-- Senate Energy and Natural Resources' Subcommittee on Public
Lands, National Parks and Forests (Bumpers): Hearing on S. 1683,
to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to provide funds to
the Palisades Interstate Park Commission for acquisition of land
in the Sterling Forest; and S. 1660 and H.R. 3498, to establish
the Great Falls Historic District.
-- Senate Energy and Natural Resources' Subcommittee on Public
Lands, National Parks and Forests (Bumpers) (TENTATIVE): Hearing
on S. 112, to establish the Hudson River Artist NHP; and H.R.
4158, to establish the Lower East Side Tenement Museum NHP.
5/19 -- House Natural Resources' Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests
and Public Lands (Vento): Mark-up of H.R. 3707, to establish an
American Heritage Areas Partnership Program in DOI; and H.R.
2416, to provide for the preservation, interpretation,
development and beneficial use of natural, cultural, historic
and scenic resources that are a source of values important to
the people of the U.S. through a national partnership system of
heritage areas.
5/24 -- House Natural Resources' Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests
and Public Lands (Vento): Hearing on H.R. 1562 and S. 310, to
amend Title V of Public Law 96-550, designating the Chaco
Culture Archeological Protection Sites.
5/25 -- Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior and Related
Agencies (Byrd): Hearing on DOI FY 95 budget request.
Recent Actions
House -- Two bill have been introduced - H.R. 4333 (Skaggs), to designate
certain lands in Rocky Mountain NP as wilderness, and H.R. 4330
(Derrick), to establish the South Carolina National Heritage
Corridor (S. 2037, its Senate companion, was introduced by
Senator Thurmond last week). The House passed H.R. 1305, an
omnibus bill containing boundary adjustments and miscellaneous
changes to authorities and programs of the NPS.
Senate -- One bill was introduced - S. 2064 (Lieberman), to expand the
boundary of Weir Farm NHS.
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
Telephone: 202-208-4874
Telefax: 202-208-6756
cc:Mail: WASO Ranger Activities
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