MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Monday, May 16, 1994

Broadcast: By 0930 ET

                          *** NOTE ***

There will be no morning report Tuesday.  Reports will resume on Wednesday.


94-211 - Blue Ridge (North Carolina/Virginia) - Follow-up on Fatal MVA

Around 10:15 p.m. on May 9th, S.M., 39, of Swannanoa, North
Carolina, was killed then the '93 S-10 Chevrolet pickup she was driving
collided with an '88 Hyundai Excel on the parkway near the U.S. Highway 74
east access ramp.  The driver of the Excel, Martha White, 23, of Asheville,
North Carolina, was also killed, and the vehicle was engulfed in flames. 
The passengers in the truck, R.T., 50, and his daughter, L.T.,
19, both of Swannanoa, were taken by air and ground ambulance to a
hospital in Asheville.  R.T. subsequently died of his injuries; as
of last Monday, L.T. was listed in critical condition with severe
internal injuries.  Preliminary indications are that speed and alcohol were
contributing factors.  The investigation is continuing.  [CRO, BLRI, 5/13]

94-217 - Salem Maritime (Massachusetts) - Explosives

On May 12th, employees discovered an unexploded piece of military ordnance
about 30 feet north of the Derby Wharf lighthouse.  The 22-pound, 19th
century cannonball was unearthed during restoration of the wharf.  A
military EOD team was summoned and removed and demolished the shell.  [Tom
Schley, SAMA, 5/13]


At the request of the national fire offices of the Departments of Interior
and Agriculture, NICC is changing the format and content of its morning
incident management situation report.  That report has accordingly been
discontinued until the necessary changes can be made.


No field reports today.


No notes.


No memoranda.


Calendar appears in the morning report every other Monday.  If you know of a
conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please forward the listing to WASO Ranger Activities.  Entries
are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event.  Asterisks indicate
new entries; brackets at end of entry indicate source of information:

5/23-24 -- "Rural Datafication II: Meeting the Challenge of Providing
Ubiquitous Access to the Internet", Hyatt Regency Minneapolis,
Minneapolis, MN.  Contact, via Internet: ruraldata-info-  [Betsy Chittenden, ITD/WASO]

5/23-25 -- "Evolution and the Aquatic Ecosystem: Defining Unique Units in
Population Conservation", Monterey, CA.  Fee: $160 to $220. 
Contact: Christine Gan or Cindy Carpanzanao, University of
California, Berkeley, 510-642-7525.  [Kathy Jope, PNRO]

5/28-30 -- Planning Section Chief: Search and Rescue, Town and Country
Hotel, San Diego, CA.  Participants must have completed an MSF
or MSO and basic ICS courses.  For emergency responders with
backgrounds in ICS who manage the SAR planning function. 
Contact: NASAR, 703-352-1349.  [Bill Wade, SHEN]

5/31 -- Planning Section Chief: Search and Rescue [Instructor], Town and
Country Hotel, San Diego, CA.  Must have NASAR basic PSC course,
individual membership with NASAR and letter of recommendation. 
Contact: NASAR, 703-352-1349.  [Bill Wade, SHEN]

5/28-30 -- Incident Commander: Emergency Response, Town and Country Hotel,
San Diego, CA.  Must have basic understanding of ICS.  For
emergency managers and those who have day-to-day
responsibilities for managing emergency operations.  Contact:
NASAR, 703-352-1349.  [Bill Wade, SHEN]

5/28-30 -- ISAR/FUNSAR Instructor Course, Town and Country Hotel, San
Diego, CA.  Must have basic NASAR FUNSAR course, individual
membership with NASAR, and letter of recommendation. Covers
NASAR educational operating procedures and policies, instructor
methodologies, and practical applications of the skills required
for both courses.  Contact: NASAR, 703-352-1349.  [Bill Wade,

5/30-6/4 -- International Rock Art Congress, Flagstaff, AZ.  Topics include
research, education, preservation, and conservation.  Contact:
The American Rock Art Research Association, PO Box 65, San
Miguel, CA 93451, 805-467-3704 (Fax: 805-467-2532).  [Cal
Cummings, AD/WASO]

5/30-31 -- Mantracking: The Step-by-Step Method, Town and Country Hotel,
San Diego, CA.  Instructed by Ab Taylor.  Contact: NASAR, 703-
352-1349.  [Bill Wade, SHEN]

5/31 -- Incident Commander: Emergency Response [Instructor], Town and
Country Hotel, San Diego, CA.  Must have NASAR basic ICER
course, individual membership with NASAR and letter of
recommendation.  Contact: NASAR, 703-352-1349.  [Bill Wade,

5/31 -- SAR TECH III and II Exams, Town and Country Hotel, San Diego,
CA.  Any individual who successfully meets the requirements for
this scope of performance will be certified by NASAR as
possessing the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for
that performance.  Contact: NASAR, 703-352-1349.  [Bill Wade,

6/1 -- SAR TECH Coordinator/Evaluator Workshop, Town and Country Hotel,
San Diego, CA.  Must have SAR TECH II certification, individual
membership with NASAR, and letter of recommendation.  Covers
procedures used in coordinating and evaluating SAR TECH III and
II exams.  Contact: NASAR, 703-352-1349.  [Bill Wade, SHEN]

6/1-4 -- Response '94, Annual NASAR Conference, Town and Country Hotel,
San Diego, CA.  Over 150 workshops, 100 topics, and 75
presenters in seven different subject-matter tracks - urban SAR,
remote area SAR, water SAR, medical, incident command and
coordination, preventive SAR and personal safety, and canines in
SAR.  Contact: NASAR, 703-352-1349.  [Response Magazine, NASAR]

6/7-10 -- Fifth International Symposium on Society and Resource
Management, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO. 
Contact: Michael Manfredo, Human Dimensions in Natural Resources
Unit, CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523.  [Kathy Jope, PNRO]

6/9-12 -- International Hazardous Materials Response Teams Conference,
Fairview Park Marriott, Falls Church, VA.  Contact:
International Association of Fire Chiefs, 703-273-0911, ext.
340.  [Response Magazine, NASAR]

6/13-17* -- Southeast Region Superintendents' Conference, Ponte Vedra Beach,
FL.  [Bill Springer, RAD/SERO]

6/17 -- "Unexplored Aspects of the Black Military Experience from 1775
to the Spanish-American War", symposium, Lincoln Theatre,
Washington, DC.  Contact: NCR Public Affairs, 202-619-7226. 
[Earle Kittleman, PAO/NCR]

6/17-19 -- Second Annual Western Regional Conference, Forest Fire Lookout
Association, Rigdon Ranger Station, Willamette NF, OR.  $12 fee. 
Replies due by May 15th.  Contact: Ron Johnson, 503-782-2311 (or
R06F18D05A on USGS Data General).  [Mark Forbes, RAD/PNRO]

7/12-14* -- Wetland Plant Identification Training, Jamestown, ND.  Sponsored
by EPA.  Only a few positions are available.  Requests must be
submitted to NPS Water Resources TODAY.  Contact: Leslie Krueger
or Joel Wagner, 303-969-2815/2955.

7/12-15 -- "Sustaining the Ecological Integrity of Large Floodplain Rivers:
Application of Ecological Knowledge to River Management,"
LaCrosse, WI.  Contact: Penny Tiedt, University of Wisconsin -
LaCrosse, 608-785-6503.  [Kathy Jope, RAD/PNRO]

7/19-21* -- Wetland Plant Identification Training, Jackson, WY.  Sponsored
by EPA.  Only a few positions are available.  Requests must be
submitted to NPS Water Resources TODAY.  Contact: Leslie Krueger
or Joel Wagner, 303-969-2815/2955.

7/26-28* -- Southeast Region Chief Ranger/Chief Interpreter Conference,
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL.  [Bill Springer, RAD/SERO]

8/3-6 -- Little Bighorn Legacy Program, Billings, MT.  Contact: Doug
McChristian, Little Bighorn, 406-638-2621.

8/9-14 -- "Saving All The Pieces", Society for Ecological Restoration
Conference, Lansing, MI.  Contact: Robert Welch, 517-483-9675. 
[Kathy Jope, PNRO]

8/17-19* -- Hydrovision 94, Phoenix, AZ.  Conference addressing natural
resources issues related to hydropower.  Contact: HCI
Publications, 410 Archibald Street, Kansas City, MO 64111; 816-
931-1311.  [Janet Wise, RMRO]

8/18-21 -- 67th Pecos Conference, Mesa Verde, CO.  Contact: Linda Towle at
Mesa Verde at 303-529-4510.

8/28-9/3 -- Annual Interagency Wilderness Conference and 30th Anniversary of
the Wilderness Act, Albuquerque, NM.  Contact: Alan Schmierer,
WRO, 415-744-3932.  [Kathy Jope, PNRO]

8/28-9/3* -- "Cultures Connected: Automating Museums in the Americas and
Beyond", Washington, DC.  Two consecutively scheduled meetings
to explore the many facets of automation in the museum
environment.  Contact: Museum Computer Network, 8720 Georgia
Avenue, Suite 501, Silver Spring, MD 20910; 301-585-4413.

8/29-31 -- Sustaining Rangeland Ecosystems, La Grande, OR.  Contact: John
Tanaka, 503-963-7122.  [Kathy Jope, PNRO]

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone: 202-208-4874
Telefax:   202-208-6756
cc:Mail:   WASO Ranger Activities
SkyPager:  Emergencies ONLY: 1-800-759-7243, PIN 2404843