MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Thursday, June 2, 1994

Broadcast: By 0930 ET


94-261 - Bighorn Canyon (Montana/Wyoming) - Death of Employee

Nancy McClain, the park's administrative officer, died unexpectedly of a
heart attack on the night of Sunday, May 29th.  The heart attack occurred
while she was at home.  Park EMTs transported her to the Big Horn County
Memorial Hospital in Hardin, Montana, but she passed away within minutes of
arriving there.  Funeral arrangements have not been completed.  Condolences
can be sent directly to "Mac" McClain, Nancy's husband, at P.O. Box 7866,
Fort Smith, MT 59035.  [Dean Garrett, North Unit Manager, BICA, 6/1]

94-262 - New River Gorge (West Virginia) - Falling Fatality

Rangers responded to an emergency call from the Fern Creek area of the park
around 2 p.m. on the afternoon of May 29th.  They found K.W., 19, of
Centerville, Ohio, lying face down and unconscious in a waterfall.  K.W.
had been hiking with friends when he slipped, fell about 40 feet, and
suffered extensive head and body injuries.  He was pronounced dead at the
scene.  An investigation into this death is underway.  [Lizzie Watts, PIO,
NERI, 5/31]

94-263 - Lake Mead (Nevada) - Burglary Arrests

At 2 a.m. on May 29th, a security guard at the Lake Mohave Resort observed
two people, one in a wetsuit, swimming among the boats in the resort's
marina.  The two swam away when the guard approached and asked them to
identify themselves.  One of them eluded arrest, but the other, a 17-year-
old male, was apprehended as he tried to leave the water.  Ernie Soper, the
park's criminal investigator, interviewed the young man; Soper determined
that the pair were in fact in the process of burglarizing boats, and that
his partner was probably hiding back at their camp in the sand dunes.  The
partner, E.B., 18, was apprehended and questioned regarding the
pair's activities that night and about prior burglaries in the area.  The
two men stated that there was also a third party, who was the group's ring
leader.  They provided descriptions of property that had been stolen in
prior burglaries, and the house in which these items were stored.  A search
warrant was secured and served on a residence in Bullhead City, Arizona. 
Numerous items were discovered, including property stolen in burglaries in
the Katherine area.  J.F., 18, was arrested and charged with
criminal trespass, theft, and tampering.  The juvenile was on parole from a
juvenile facility in Phoenix and was therefore turned over to the county. 
Charges are pending against E.B.  Bullhead City police and Mohave County
deputies are continuing the investigation and hope to clear many more
burglaries.  [Bud Inman, LAME, 6/1]




State  Agency     Area            Fire               6/1       6/2   Status

 FL    FWS     Lake Woodruff   * Woodruff              -       400   CND

 NC    USFS      -               Fish Day - T1    24,600    24,600   CN 6/1

 AZ    BLM     Phoenix         * Mackenzie             -     2,000   CN 6/4
       State   -               * Abbey                 -       300   CND

 NV    NPS     Lake Mead         Spirit              100        86   CN 6/2
       BLM     Las Vegas         Jumbo               500     2,070   CN 6/1


- Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this report). T1 and T2
  indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.
- Status - The following abbreviations are employed:

  NR - No report received      MS - Modified suppression strategy
  CL - Controlled              MN - Being monitored
  CS - Containment strategy    NEC - No estimate of containment
  CND - Contained              CN (date) - Expected date of containment


Spirit Fire, Lake Mead - The fire, which was probably started by lightning,
was flown yesterday morning and the acreage was adjusted down to the current
level.  The fire is in extremely steep terrain on the side of Spirit
Mountain, running from 3500 to 5200 feet.  The fuel is moderate to heavy
brush.  Assigned to the fire are four Type I USFS handcrews, 2 Type III
helicopters, and about 20 NPS and USFS overhead.


                NPS     BIA     BLM     FWS     States     USFS      Total

Number            6      10      28       1         70       42        157
Acres Burned    451      74   2,213       -        796       66      3,600


               Crews     Engines     Helicopters     Airtankers     Overhead

Federal           14        34           10              13           309
Non-federal        0        21            0               0            56

6) CURRENT SITUATION - Initial attack activity was reported yesterday in the
Great Basin, South and Southwest, with one large fire reported in Arizona. 
Airtankers flew on many initial attack missions, particularly in Arizona. 
Large fire suppression continued in the Great Basin.

7) OUTLOOK - Fire activity should decrease in the Southeast, except for
Florida, and should increase in southern California and the Southwest.

[NIFCC Incident Management Situation Report, 6/2; Ken Hay, WRO, 6/1]


No field reports today.


No notes.


No memoranda.


The Coming Events calendar appears in the morning report every other
Thursday.  If you know of a significant event of Servicewide interest,
please forward the listing to WASO Ranger Activities.  Entries are listed no
earlier than FOUR months before the event.  Asterisks indicate new entries;
brackets at end of entry indicate source of information:

6/11-12 -- 130th Anniversary, Battle of Cold Harbor, Richmond NBP,
Richmond, VA.  Civil War encampment, trail dedication.  Contact:

6/11 -- 50th Anniversary Celebration, Big Bend, TX.  Special events
include dedication of CCC commemorative plaza, music and
entertainment.  Contact: BIBE, 915-477-2251, extension 101.

6/16-10 -- 12th Annual Fur Trade Rendezvous, Fort Union Trading Post,
Williston, ND.  Features traders row and early 19th century
buckskinners camp, speakers, films and cultural skill
demonstrators.  Contact: Fort Union, 701-572-9083.

6/17-19 -- Indiana Lincoln Festival, Lincoln Boyhood, Lincoln City, IN. 
Features Lincoln-related educational activities.  Contact: LIBO.

6/19 -- Army March Out, Valley Forge, Valley Forge, PA.  Commemoration
of the Continental Army's 1778 march out of Valley Forge after a
six month encampment to pursue the British.  Contact: VAFO, 610-

6/23-26 -- Homestead Days, Homestead, Beatrice, NE.  Demonstrations of
pioneer crafts and traditions and a variety of interpretive
programs.  Contact: HOME.

6/25 -- African American Culture Festival, National Colonial Farm,
Accokeek, MD.  Noon - 6 p.m.  Highlights unique aspects and
contributions of the African culture to American society through
music, dance, storytelling, arts, crafts and ethnic foods. 
Contact: NCR PAO, 202-619-7226. 

6/28 -- Carolina Day, Fort Moultrie (unit of Fort Sumter), SC. 
Anniversary observance of colonists' victory over British naval
forces in 1776.  Contact: Rick Hatcher, 803-883-3123.

6/29-7/3 -- 50th Anniversary Celebration, Harpers Ferry, WV.  Fiftieth
anniversary of the park.  Special events include the opening of
a new museum and trails, musical concerts, 19th Century period
performances, and fireworks.  Contact: HAFE, 304-535-6298.

7/1-3 -- Establishment Day Hawaiian Cultural Festival, Pu'uhonua o
Honaunau, HI.  Features royal court, chants, hula, crafts,
games, food preparation and tasting, canoe rides, and hukilau. 
Contact: PUHO, 808-328-2326.

7/2-4 -- Veiled Prophet Fair, Jefferson National Expansion, St. Louis,
MO.  "America's largest birthday party" - entertainment, theme
booths, fireworks.  Contact: JEFF.

7/4 -- National Independence Day Celebration, Washington, DC.  Various
park locations.  Parade, concert and fireworks.  Contact: NCR
PAO, 202-619-7226. 

7/23-24 -- Northern Plains Indian Culture Fest, Knife River Indian
Villages, Stanton, ND.  The event will encompass a wide range of
activities exemplifying the Northern Plains tribes that
frequented the Knife River area from several thousand years ago
to the present.  Contact: KNRI, 701-745-3309.

8/6 -- American Camp Lantern Tour, San Juan Island, WA.  An 1860s U.S.
Army encampment is the setting for an evening guided walk and
drama presented by park staff and volunteer reenactors. 
Contact: SAJH, 206-378-2240.

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone: 202-208-4874
Telefax:   202-208-6756
cc:Mail:   WASO Ranger Activities
SkyPager:  Emergencies ONLY: 1-800-759-7243, PIN 2404843