MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Tuesday, September 27, 1994

Broadcast: By 1000 ET


94-570 - Delaware Water Gap (New Jersey/Pennsylvania) - Employee Death

Fee collector Ed Rish, 48, suffered a heart attack and passed away at his home
on the evening of September 23rd.  Rish had worked in the park at the Route 209
fee collection stations since 1992.  He is survived by his wife, Kathy, and his
15-year-old son, Christopher.  A private funeral is planned.  Cards of
condolence may be sent to the Rish's at 134 State Street, Nanticoke, PA 18634. 
[Barry Sullivan, Acting CR, DEWA, 9/26]

94-571 - Petersburg (Virginia) - Homicide

On the afternoon of September 24th, a local resident found the body of a man in
his mid-twenties near Fort Conahey, one of three forts within the park's Long
Flank Road unit.  The unidentified victim had been shot through the right
temple and may have been dead for one or two days.  The investigation is being
managed by the county sheriff's office with assistance from the park and state
police.  [Bill Fluharty, CR, PETE, 9/16]

94-572 - Presidio (California) - Special Event

On September 21st, Western Region's all-risk incident management team under
incident commander Dwayne Collier assumed management of the many events
associated with "From Post to Park", the official transition of the Presidio of
San Francisco from the Army to the National Park Service.  The event began with
a kick-off on September 24th that featured a reception by Secretary Babbitt and
a speech by Vice-President Gore.  A week of events will follow, culminating
this weekend with appropriate ceremonies and interpretive programs.  Other
events include Vietexpo, a Vietnamese trade show scheduled in lower Fort Mason
(which is expected to bring demonstrators), an intertribal Friendship House
pow-wow, an international multi-hull regatta, a motorcycle rally, several
festivals and fairs, and the annual Bridge to Bridge Run, which draws many
thousands of runners.  The finish line for the latter has been moved to the
Parade Ground on the Presidio.  Several protest marches, rallies and/or
demonstrations are anticipated from a variety of special interest groups.  This
event also coincides with San Francisco Fleet Week, featuring visits by Navy
vessels and aerobatic demonstrations by the Blue Angels.  [Phil Ward, RCR,
RAD/WRO, 9/22]




                                                     Mon     Tue    %   Est
State    Area               Fire             IMT     9/26    9/27  Cont Cont

 WY    Yellowstone NP   Robinson              T2    2,036   4,300   55  NEC

 MT    Bitterroot NF    Ward Mountain         T1      200     400    0  NEC
       Kootenai NF      Koocanusa Cx          T2   11,520  13,520   90  NEC
                        Cabinet Cx            T2    3,596   4,000   77  NEC
       State            Peter's Ridge         T2      150     100    0  NEC

 OR    W.-Whitman NF    Fox Point             T2      500   2,000    9  NEC
       Malheur NF       Reed                  T2      500   1,000   20  NEC
       State            Sprignette Butte      ST    1,360   1,510   92  9/27

 ID    Boise NF         Thunderbolt           T2   24,108  25,153   75  10/15
       Payette NF       Corral Creek -
                         Blackwell Cx         T1  152,940 154,210   67  10/12
                        Chicken Cx            T1   96,675  97,675   53  NEC
       Clearwater NF    Siam                  T2    1,067   1,514    0  NEC

 CA    Klamath NF       Specimen              T2    5,790   5,915   40  9/29


     Fire     Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this report). Cx =
     IMT      T1 = Type 1; T2 = Type II; ST = State Team.
     % Con    Percent of fire contained.
     Est Con  Estimated containment date.  NEC = no estimated date of
              containment; CND = fully contained; NR = no report.

3) FIRES -

                NPS     BIA      BLM     FWS    States     USFS      Total

Number            0       4        3       0        85       28        120
Acres Burned      0     102      200       0       449    2,649      3,400


               Crews     Engines     Helicopters     Airtankers     Overhead

Federal          196       166           78               7          1,314
Non-federal      116        80           15               2          1,160

                                      CY 1994            Five Year Average
                                    Year-to-Date           Year-to-Date

Number of Fires                        61,486                  59,330     
Acres Burned                        3,683,509               2,334,466

6) SITUATION - Initial attack activity continued yesterday, but was not as
intense as over the past few days.  Several large fires continued to burn
actively due to hot and very dry conditions.  Mobilization of resources through
NICC continued to increase.

7) OUTLOOK - Fire activity is expected to continue due to persisting hot, dry

[NIFCC Incident Management Situation Report, 9/27]


Indiana Dunes (Indiana) - Wild Turkey Restoration

The park is considering restoration of the wild turkey within its boundaries in
the near future.  Analysis suggests that the park's east unit could provide
optimum habitat for wild turkey restoration based on state guidelines.  The
park's staff would appreciate suggestions and ideas from other parks that have
conducted such restoration programs.  Please contact GIS specialist Eddie
Childers via cc:Mail.  [Eddie Childers, INDU]


No notes.


No memoranda.

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

Telephone: 202-208-4874
Telefax:   202-208-6756
cc:Mail:   WASO Ranger Activities
SkyPager:  Emergencies ONLY: 1-800-759-7243, PIN 2404843