MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date: Thursday, October 13, 1994 

Broadcast: By 1000 ET


94-572 - Presidio (California) - Follow-up on Special Event

On September 21st, Western Region's all-risk incident management team (IMT)
assumed management of the many events associated with "From Post to Park", the
official transition of the Presidio of San Francisco from the Army to the
National Park Service.  During the period from September 24th to October 2nd,
the team managed a number of events, including a ceremony on September 24th
with Vice President Gore, Interior Secretary Babbitt, Congresspersons and other
dignitaries; the transition ceremony itself; and a variety of associated events
which were attended by Director Kennedy and a number of other dignitaries. 
Additional special events supported by the team during the two-week period
included Vietexpo, an intertribal Native American pow-wow, an international
multi-hull regatta, a motorcycle rally, a blues festival, several other
festivals and fairs, and the annual Bridge to Bridge Run, which draws many
thousands of runners.  Each event drew crowds numbering from several hundred to
several thousand.  Some 14,000 attended the various transition events on
October 1st alone, when about 300 resource persons were working under the
management of the IMT in support of the activities.  [Dwayne Collier, IC,


Fire reports have been suspended due to the general lack of activity
nationwide.  They will reappear if and when warranted. 


No field reports today.


No notes.


No memoranda.


The Coming Events calendar appears in the morning report every other Thursday. 
If you know of a significant event of Servicewide interest, please forward the
listing to WASO Ranger Activities.  Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR
months before the event.  Asterisks indicate new entries; brackets at end of
entry indicate source of information:

10/1-30* -- Anniversary (October 7th) of Death of Edgar Allan Poe, Edgar Allan
Poe NHS, Philadelphia, PA.  Features special tours each Friday,
Saturday and Sunday entitled "In The Master's Ghastly Grip: The
Terror of Edgar Allan Poe", and a Saturday children's program,
"Poe's Masquerade", through the end of the month.  Contact: EDAL,
215-597-8780.  [EDAL]

10/15 -- "Forge and Furnace: An Exhibition of the Arts and Industries of
Metal Working", Saugus Iron Works NHS, Saugus, MA.  Exhibit of the
unique and diverse uses of metal in today's world.  Co-sponsored by
New England Blacksmith Association and area schools.  Contact: Phil
Lupsiewicz, SAIR, 617-233-0050.  [Reed Johnson] 

10/23 -- Calabasas Pumpkin Festival, Santa Monica Mountains NRA, CA. 
Contact: SAMO, 818-597-1036 ext. 232  [Jean Bray, SAMO]

11/6 -- "Caring for Kids" trail run, Santa Monica Mountains NRA, CA.  Co-
sponsored by the park, the Landon Pediatric Foundation and the
Children's Lifesaving Foundation.  5K, 10K, and one mile fun
run/walk.  Contact: SAMO, 818-597-1036 ext. 232  [Jean Bray, SAMO] 

11/10 -- Dedication of Backbone Trail, Santa Monica Mountains NRA, CA. 
Marks the completion of the 65-mile-long trail.  Contact:  SAMO,
818-597-1036 ext. 232  [Jean Bray, SAMO]

12/2-4* -- "Christmas Past, Herbert Hoover NHS, West Branch, IA.  Special
events in the adjacent historic downtown business district include
craft market, activities for children, horse-drawn wagon rides, and
an open house with entertainment at the Presidential
Library-Museum.  Contact: HEHO, 319-643-2541  (Candy Madsen, HEHO)

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

Telephone: 202-208-4874
Telefax:   202-208-6756
cc:Mail:   WASO Ranger Activities
SkyPager:  Emergencies ONLY: 1-800-759-7243, PIN 2404843