MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Tuesday, November 22, 1994

Broadcast: By 1000 ET


94-650 - Mount Rainier (Washington) - Illegal Commercial Use Convictions

During the 1993 climbing season, rangers conducted an investigation into a
company that was guiding visitors on summit climbs of Mount Rainier without a
commercial use permit.  The park was concerned about both legal issues and the
safety of visitors being guided up the mountain.  The company, Yeti, Inc., is
owned and operated by T.B., who was convicted of guiding without a
permit in 1990 and has been engaged in an intensive letter writing campaign
with the park ever since.  The investigation encompassed several incidents in
which the company attempted to guide visitors on climbs of the mountain, and
culminated in the issuance of violation notices to T.B., several guides in his
employment, and the owner of a second, related guide service in Alaska.  The
last of a series of trials was held this September; three parties were found
guilty, and the district court judge issued the following sentences in October:

* T.B. received a year's probation, 48 hours in jail, a $500 fine,
and was barred from entering the park during the probationary period.
* Do.B., a guide for Yeti, Inc., was fined $250.
* S.R., another guide for the company, was also fined $250.

Charges were dismissed against D.B., owner of Alaskan Extreme
Adventures, an associate of Yeti.  D.B. had spent several days in jail for
failing to appear in court on NPS charges.  At his arraignment, the U.S.
attorney's office dismissed charges against him, as they felt it was not worth
the expense of moving D.B. from Alaska to Washington for a trial.  [Bill
Larson, MORA, 11/15]

94-651 - Mammoth Cave (Kentucky) - Disorderly Conduct Arrest

On November 14th, ranger Conley Armour arrested a 17-year old student at a
Great Onyx Job Corps Center dormitory for disorderly conduct and interfering
with agency functions.  The student was combative and had threatened staff
members, and Armour was forced to employ OC-10 after four staff members were
unable to restrain the individual and after repeated warnings from Armour.  The
student was easily controlled after that, and was treated along with a staff
member in accordance with established decontamination procedures.  Both
recovered quickly.  The juvenile student appeared in court on November 15th,
was released with time served.  An investigation into the incident is under
way.  [Bill Springer, RAD/SERO, 11/16]

94-652 - Natchez Trace (Alabama/Mississippi/Tennessee) - Assault Arrests

On the morning of November 12th, a 17-year-old male was assaulted on the
parkway.  The victim suffered over ten slash and stab wounds which required
over 300 stitches.  Two men, M.W., 54, and L.Y., 43, both of
Florence, Alabama, were charged with public intoxication pending investigation
of the incident and are being held in Lauderdale county jail.  Based on victim
and witness statements, they were subsequently charged with assault with deadly
weapons.  On November 16th, a bond hearing was held in magistrate's court in
Huntsville.  Bail was denied based on community ties and prior histories of the
alleged assailants.  L.Y. has been arrested for driving under the influence
over 20 times since the 1960s, and also has convictions for drug use and
assault; M.W. has a record of over 20 criminal charges and seven DUI
convictions over the past ten years.  A grand jury hearing will be held on
November 29th, at which time the assistant U.S. attorney will ask for
indictments for attempted murder.  [Gordon Wissinger, CR, NATR, 11/16]


Yellowstone (Wyoming) - Bison Control

The continuing controversy over Yellowstone bison leaving the park and
threatening Montana livestock has moved into prime season.  Depending on the
severity of the winter and with the bison herd population at an all-time high
of approximately 4,200 animals, many bison are expected to leave the park over
the next few months.  As per a cooperative agreement with the state of Montana,
Yellowstone's rangers will be primary shooters of any bison that leave the
park.  Nineteen bison were shot in November, eleven of them by rangers, all of
whom are from the park's special operations team.  It is hoped that a long-term
bison management plan will be completed by the winter of 1995-96.  [CRM, YELL]


No notes.


No memoranda. 


The Coming Events calendar appears in the morning report every other Thursday
(it's early this week because of the holiday).  If you know of a significant
event of Servicewide interest, please forward the listing to WASO Ranger
Activities.  Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event. 
Asterisks indicate new entries; brackets at end of entry indicate source of

12/2-4 -- "Christmas Past, Herbert Hoover NHS, West Branch, IA.  Special
events in the adjacent historic downtown business district include
craft market, activities for children, horse-drawn wagon rides, and
an open house with entertainment at the Presidential
Library-Museum.  Contact: HEHO, 319-643-2541  [Candy Madsen, HEHO]

12/7* -- National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, The Ellipse, President's
Park, Washington, D.C.  The First Family traditionally joins in
lighting the tree.  This year's entertainers include Aretha
Franklin, Trisha Yearwood and Willard Scott.  Contact: President's
Park, 202-755-7798.  [Maura Vaughn, NCRO]

12/8-1/1* -- Pageant of Peace, The Ellipse, President's Park, Washington, D.C. 
Open to the public daily from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. to visit the
decorated National Christmas Tree and trees representing all U.S.
states and territories.  Evening entertainment runs from Thursday,
December 8th, through Friday, December 30th, from 6 p.m. until 8
p.m.  There is no live entertainment on December 24th and 25th. 
Contact: President's Park, 202-755-7798.  [Maura Vaughn, NCRO]

12/27-29* -- Annual Christmas candlelight tours of the White House, President's
Park, Washington, D.C.   These evening tours, which run from 5 p.m.
until 7 p.m., show the White House decorated for the holiday
season.  Contact: President's Park, 202-755-7798.  [Maura Vaughn,

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

Telephone: 202-208-4874
Telefax:   202-208-6756
cc:Mail:   WASO Ranger Activities
SkyPager:  Emergencies ONLY: 1-800-759-7243, PIN 2404843