- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Friday, December 2, 1994
- Date: Fri, 2 Dec 1994
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Friday, December 2, 1994
Broadcast: By 1000 ET
94-658 - Glacier Bay (Alaska) - Poaching Convictions
In May, 1993, rangers Rick Mossman and Mike Sharp investigated the poaching of
a brown bear on a remote section of the park's outer coast. Clues found at the
scene led them to suspects in Fairbanks, where rangers and Fish and Wildlife
Service special agent Mark Webb subsequently served search warrants on two
residences and an airplane. Evidence found in one of the residences tied the
suspects to the crime. Lengthy interviews and further investigation resulted
in charges being filed against L.Z. and a companion. L.Z. is a
constitutionalist who believes that all state and federal laws and regulations
are illegal except for those spelled out in the constitution. During the
search of his house, loaded firearms and ammunition were found in almost every
room; an illegally possessed, mounted walrus head was also found and
confiscated. Following a lengthy review of the case with the U.S. attorney's
office, a violation notice was issued to L.Z. in August, 1994, for violation
of the Lacey Act through transportation of a bear which had been illegally
taken in the park. L.Z. paid a $5,000 fine and forfeited the bear's hide and
skull and the walrus head. L.Z.'s companion was fined $2,500. The companion
has not paid his fine yet and has a court date within a month. [Rick Mossman,
DR, Yakutat District, GLBA, 12/2]
94-659 - Fire Island (New York) - Resource Violations
Over the past two months, a number of white tailed deer have been found dead
from poisoning within the park. Investigation revealed that the poisoning
occurred because of improper application of rat poison in several communities
located on Fire Island, most recently in Fire Island Pines. Using information
provided by a confidential informant, a joint investigation was begun by
rangers, resource managers and state conservation officers which led to the
identification of the sources of the poisoning. Fines totaling $3,000 have
since been levied against various island contractors for improper commercial
application of rodenticides and for failure to obtain state licenses. An
investigation into similar incidents in other communities is underway. [CRO,
FIIS, 12/2]
94-660 - Delaware Water Gap (New Jersey/Pennsylvania) - Shooting Incident
On the afternoon of November 17th, W.G., 49, was hunting pheasant in
the New Jersey District when his 12 gauge shotgun accidentally discharged and
he was stuck in the abdomen and left arm with bird shot. W.G. wrapped his arm
with a dog leash, packed a roll of toilet paper into his abdominal wound, then
walked about a mile to his car and drove to a nearby residence for assistance.
W.G. was medivaced to a medical center, where he was admitted and listed in
serious condition. Doctors discovered that several pellets perforated his
colon; he will therefore be held for a few months so that he can be monitored
for infection. He may also face reconstructive surgery. [CRO, DEWA, 12/2]
No field reports today.
No notes.
"Reducing Internal Management Regulations Within the National Park Service",
signed by Deputy Director Reynolds and sent to all employees with a reply due
date of January 20, 1995. The full text follows:
"The National Performance Review (NPR) is in full swing since its initiation
last year by President Clinton and Vice President Gore. Several Presidential
Memoranda and Executive Orders were signed giving instructions to all agencies
to ensure that specific mandates are met. Several of these Orders have
specific time tables assigned to them. Executive Order 12861 - "Elimination of
One-Half of Executive Branch Internal Regulations" is an example. This Order
instructs all agencies to reduce the number of internal management regulations
within the next three years. Internal management regulations include agency
directives or regulations that pertain to its organization, management,
personnel matters, manuals and any other material that prescribes procedures
and processes (i.e. reports). The Executive Order states that 'reductions in
agency internal management regulations shall be concentrated in areas that will
result in the greatest improvement in customer service.'
"As the NPS proceeds in our reorganization efforts I believe all employees must
take a vested interest and actively participate in the changes that are
occurring. It is our plan to involve all employees in the reengineering and
reorganization process and the overall NPR effort. With this in mind, I am
asking each of you as individuals to survey the vast array of all NPS internal
management regulations/processes and determine those that are either 'barriers'
or 'burdensome' in getting you job done in the most efficient and effective
manner and submit those responses to the Washington Office of Policy. I am
asking the same of any task forces or working groups (such as the Vail groups)
that have recommendations or have done work on this subject. (Although you
may have submitted a report, we are asking you to highlight this information
for us). For those of you who worked on or are familiar with 1) Reports of
Delegation of Authority Streamlining Subcommittee Report (also known as the
McCrary, Uberuago and Byrne Report); 2) Southeast Regional Director's Coleman's
Report (discussed at the first National Leadership Council's meeting); 3)
'Almost Instant' Survey on NPS Reengineering Effort - we have these on file so
there is no need to resubmit them. This is an opportunity to add anything new
and different. If specific items submitted requires a change in the
Departmental Manual, regulations or law we would like to know. We will
consolidate all comments and coordinate with other reengineering efforts to
determine what regulations/processes can be eliminated and/or reduced.
One of the major initiatives of NPR is to provide quality service to our
customers. Vice President Gore has stated that customer service will be his
number one priority regarding NPR. The Department firmly believes that
reducing internal management regulations and the customer service initiative
are inextricably linked and must be taken together. Government, as we know, is
a service organization, whose primary purpose is to provide public service.
All of our internal management regulations, therefore, must be designed
ultimately to improve the quality of the services that we provide.
"Please submit all comments to the Office of Policy via cc:mail (WASO Policy
Chief), fax (202) 208-4260 or by mail ATT: Policy Chief, Room # 1226. If you
should have specific questions or would like to receive a copy of the Executive
Order, please contact Acting Chief, Office of Policy Geraldine Smith or Peggy
Sandretzky at (202) 208-7456. All comments must be submitted no later than
Friday, January 20, 1994.
"Thank you in advance and we look forward to hearing from you. Your
involvement in reviewing all NPS internal management regulations is important
and can make a difference in the way we do business in the future."
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
Telephone: 202-208-4874
Telefax: 202-208-6756
cc:Mail: WASO Ranger Activities
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