- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Monday, January 9, 1995
- Date: Mon, 9 Jan 1995
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Monday, January 9, 1995
Broadcast: By 1000 ET
95-04 - Grand Canyon (Arizona) - Significant Assist; MVA With Fatalities
On the afternoon of January 4th, state police asked the park for assistance on
a serious motor vehicle accident which had occurred during a severe snow storm
about seven miles south of the park's boundary. Twenty-one rangers in two
ambulances, a fire engine, and a rescue unit responded. A Jeep Cherokee had
slid into a pick-up truck, trapping three of the four family members in the
Jeep. The roof of the Jeep was removed within six minutes and the occupants
were extricated. The mother and five-year-old daughter died at the scene; the
father and surviving daughter were transported to the park clinic along with
the two passengers from the truck. The father is not expected to survive. The
remaining victims have survivable injuries. A critical incident stress
debriefing was conducted for all emergency service personnel. [GRCA, 1/6]
95-05 - Dry Tortugas (Florida) - Diving Fatality
Park staff at Fort Jefferson intercepted an emergency radio message regarding a
missing diver from the sailing vessel Tabitha in the Garden Key anchorage area
on the afternoon of January 5th. When park personnel arrived on scene, they
found a diver surfacing, holding the victim, identified as N.C., 20.
N.C. had no pulse and was not breathing. CPR was begun with the help of a
physician's assistant, a pediatrician and another doctor. A Navy helicopter
transported N.C. to a hospital on Key West, where he was pronounced dead.
N.C. was a Honduran student who was traveling with a couple who'd been
doing ministry work in his country. [Reed Detring, CR, EVER, 1/6]
Yellowstone (Wyoming) - Update on Bison Management Operations
During the period from December 26th to January 6th, rangers assisted game
wardens from the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks with bison
control operations just north of the park boundary in the Reese Creek area on
five occasions. Bison migrating out of the park into Montana are considered by
state and federal livestock agencies as potential threats for the spreading of
brucellosis to cattle. During these operations, a total of 66 bison were shot
and killed by wardens and rangers, including 41 on January 5th. Fifty-nine of
the carcasses were turned over to Indian tribes for their use; seven were
auctioned off by the state on days that no Indian tribes were on hand to assist
with the operations. Several hundred bison remain present near the park
boundary. [Mike Murray, ACR, YELL]
No notes.
No memoranda.
Calendar appears in the morning report every other Monday. If you know of a
conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please forward the listing to WASO Ranger Activities. Entries
are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event, EXCEPT in instances in
which registration dates close much earlier. Asterisks indicate new entries;
brackets at end of entry indicate source of information:
1/13* -- Call for Presentations, "Preservation: A Capital Opportunity",
annual meeting, Association for Preservation Technology,
Washington, DC. The meeting will be held from October 29 -
November 5, but the deadline for proposals is January 13th. For
further information on themes and format, contact Thomas A.
Vitanza, Williamsport Preservation Training Center, (301)223-7872,
X135 or by cc:Mail at WPTC Architects, Vitanza. [Tom Vitanza,
1/18-20 -- "Understanding and Using the Internet: Managing Internet Usage in
Business and Government Organizations," Marriott Hotel, Washington
D.C. Contact: US Professional Development Institute at 1738 Elton
Rd., Suite 304, Silver Spring, MD 20903; 301-445-4400, 301-445-5722
(fax), or e-mail to "uspdl@aol.com". [Diane Vogt O'Connor,
1/26-28* -- "Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act:
Implications and Practical Application", sponsored by University of
Nevada (Reno), Honolulu, HI. The cost is $450. Contact: To
register call 702-784-4062; for information call 702-784-4046; or
fax 702-784-4801 or write Cultural Resource Management, Division of
Continuing Education/048, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
89557-0024. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
2/2* -- "The Role of Vegetation Management in Conservation Biology", Weed
Science Society of America, Seattle, WA. Contact: Bob Masters,
USDA-ARS, 344 Keim Hall, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68583;
402/472-1548. [Kathy Jope, PNRO]
2/2-4 -- "Preservation of Outdoor Sculpture and Monuments: The Workshop
Series", San Diego, CA. The course will be held at other locations
nationwide; announcements will appear in future calendars.
Contact: 1-800-422-4612. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
2/13-16 -- "Energy and the Environment: Application of Geosciences to Decision
Making", McKelvey Forum, U.S. Geological Service, Washington, DC.
There will be oral and poster presentations addressing energy
resources of the future, the environmental effects of energy
resource development, and the environmental impact of naturally
occurring oil, gas, and coal. There will also be a panel
discussion on the environmental, technological, economical, and
political aspects of energy resources of the future, with panel
members ranging from the Sierra Club to the National Coal
Association. WASO Mining and Mineral Branch staff will have a
poster presentation titled "Reclaiming the scars of Energy's Past,
Examples from the National Park Service." Contact: Bruce Heise,
WASO-MMB, through cc:Mail or at (303) 969-2017. [Bruce Heise,
2/26-28 -- "Restoration 95, Affordable Preservation", Boston, MA. Emphasis is
on architectural preservation. Contact: 617-933-9055. [Diane Vogt
O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
2/28 & 3/14* -- "Evolving Concepts in Forest Management", Society of American
Foresters. The society will conduct a two-part videoconference on
these two days which will be broadcast nationally. The
videoconference will examine the evolving concepts of biological
diversity, conservation biology, ecosystem dynamics, ecological
restoration, and ecosystem management. The objective of the
session is to further define these concepts. Presentations will
include lectures, panel discussions and participant interaction by
telephone. A brochure with registration information and the
location of over 100 down-links may be obtained by calling
301-897-8720, extension 109, or by fax at 301-897-3690. Discount
rates are available for groups or five or more, otherwise, the
individual fee is $115 for nonmembers and $95 for members. [Peter
Keller, WASO]
3/1* -- Call for Papers, Midwest Oak Savanna Woodland Ecosystem Conference,
Springfield, MO. The meeting will be held from September 27 - 29,
but the deadline for papers is March 1st. For further information
on paper contents, contact Sybill K. Amelon, Mark Twain NF, 108 S.
Sam Houston Blvd., Houston, MO 65483; 417-967-4195\4. [Steve
Cinnamon, MWRO]
3/7-9* -- Symposium on Monitoring, Assessment, and Science Policy, Chapel
Hill, NC. Contact: Tom Waddell, EMAP Center (MD-75), U.S. EPA,
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711; 919-541-2957. E-mail:
waddell.thomas@epamail.epa.gov. [Kathy Jope, PNRO]
3/8-10 -- Introduction to Environmental Conflict Resolution, Banff Centre for
Management, Barrie, Ontario, Canada. Contact: Carole Stark or
Debbie Stephan, Banff Centre for Management, Box 1020, Station 45,
Banff, AB, Canada T0L 0C0 (Phone: 403/762-6327 or -6133). [Kathy
Jope, PNRO]
3/13-14 -- "Moving Archives", National Archives Annual Preservation
Conference, College Park, MD. Contact: Conference Coordinator,
Preservation Policy and Services Division, NARA at College Park,
College Park, MD 20740-6001; 301-713-6705. [Diane Vogt O'Connor,
3/15-17* -- "Environmental Regulation and Prescribed Fire: Legal and Social
Challenges", Tampa, FL. The conference will enable practitioners
and regulators to discuss their respective roles in maintaining
ecosystem health, reducing hazardous fuels, and protecting air and
water quality. Contact: Diane Otts, Environmental Regulation and
Prescribed Fire Conference, Center for Professional Development and
Public Service, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
32306-2027; 904-644-7543. [Kathy Jope, PNRO]
3/16-18* -- "Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act:
Implications and Practical Application", sponsored by University of
Nevada (Reno), Natchitoches, LA. The cost is $450. Contact: To
register call 702-784-4062; for information call 702-784-4046; or
fax 702-784-4801 or write Cultural Resource Management, Division of
Continuing Education/048, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
89557-0024. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
3/19-21 -- Annual conference, Virginia Association of Museums, Richmond, VA.
The conference will focus on technology, administration, exhibit
design, partnerships, conservation, legislative advocacy,
collections management, visitor services, education, and
evaluation. Contact: 804-367-1079 for further information. [Diane
Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
3/24-29 -- North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference,
Minneapolis, MN. Contact: Lonnie L. Williamson, Wildlife
Management Institute, 1101 14th St. NW, Suite 801, Washington, DC
20005; 202/371-1808. [Kathy Jope, PNRO]
3/30-4/1* -- "Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act:
Implications and Practical Application", sponsored by University of
Nevada (Reno), Juneau, AK. The cost is $450. Contact: To register
call 702-784-4062; for information call 702-784-4046; or fax
702-784-4801 or write Cultural Resource Management, Division of
Continuing Education/048, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
89557-0024. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
4/3-7 -- National Interagency Workshop on Wetlands, New Orleans, LA.
Contact: U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Wetland
Research and Technology Center, Attn: CEWES-EP-W, 3900 Halls Ferry
Road, Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199; 601/634-2569. [Kathy Jope, PNRO]
4/17-22* -- "An Introduction to Archival Research", American Indian
Museum Studies Program, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, DC.
Offered to American Indians charged with gathering information for
use by American Indian cultural centers, tribal museums, tribal
histories, archives, or public programs. Successful applicants
receive a tuition waiver and a travel/lodging stipend. Apply in
writing by FEBRUARY 13th to the American Indian Museum Studies
Program, Office of Museum Programs, Arts and Industries Building,
RM 2235, MRC 427, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC 20560;
202-357-3101; fax: 202-357-3346. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
4/22-26* -- Tenth Annual U.S. Landscape Ecology Symposium, University of
Minnesota, MN. The symposium will critically examine landscape
ecology as a means of addressing ecological consequences of human
activity. Registration fee is $125; a $40 late fee will be assessed
for registrations received after February 1st. Contact: Call
612-625-3850 or write 1136 Registrar, Professional Development, 235
Nolte Center, 315 Pillsbury Drive, S.E., University of Minnesota,
MN 55455-0139. [Steve Cinnamon, MWRO]
4/25-28 -- 1995 Department of Interior Conference on the Environment and
Safety, Colorado Springs, CO. The conference will be a forum for
DOI staff to meet and exchange information on technology for the
clean-up or prevention of pollution, technology for safety and
health, and natural resource damage assessment and restoration. In
order to promote communication and cooperation in these areas, the
Department's Hazardous Materials and Management Conference and the
Health and Safety Conference have been combined and a separate
track on Natural Resource Trust has been added. Contact: Tracy
Brown, Engineering and Safety Services Division, WASO,
202-343-7036. Tracy Brown, ESSD/WASO]
5/21-25* -- Annual meeting, American Association of Museums, Philadelphia, PA.
Scholarships are available (complementary registration and a
stipend of up to $500); applications for same are due by FEBRUARY
10th. Contact: Dean Phelus at 202-289-9113, or write to him at
AAM, 1225 Eye St., NW, Washington, DC 20005; fax: 202-289-6578.
[Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
5/21-27 -- First World Congress, International Ranger Federation, Kasprowy
Hotel, Zakopane, Poland. The agenda for the meeting includes guest
speakers; full day sessions on resource management, human
management and balancing conflicts between the two; a raft trip in
Pieniny National Park; and a banquet and dance. IRF is a
federation of national and state ranger associations, including the
Association of Nation Park Rangers (a founder) and the California
State Park Rangers Association in the U.S. Other members include
national ranger associations from England, Scotland, Ireland,
Northern Ireland, Italy, Paraguay, Denmark, Honduras, Kenya, Costa
Rica, South Africa, the Dominican Republic, and Romania. The
meeting has to date been endorsed and supported by IUCN's
Commission on National Parks and Protected Areas, the European
Federation of National Parks, Scottish National Heritage and the
National Park Service. Registration should be made by JANUARY
31st. Contact (for registration forms and informational
brochures): Bill Halainen, ANPR, 4032 Conashaugh Lakes, Milford, PA
18337, or by name on cc:Mail. [Bill Halainen, DEWA]
6/18-29 -- Meeting, The Institute for the Editing of Historical Documents,
Madison, WI. The application deadline is MARCH 15th. Contact (for
forms): NHPRC, Room 607, National Archives, Arch I, Washington, DC
20408; 202-501-5610. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
6/25-7/14 -- "Leadership in Revolutionary America," seminar, co-sponsored by
Monticello, Stratford Hall Plantation, and the University of
Virginia. Meetings will be at Monticello, Stratford Hall, and a
number of other sites. Applications are due by MARCH 13th.
Contact: Summer Seminar Staff, Stratford Hall Plantation,
Stratford Virginia, 22558; 804-493-8572. [Diane Vogt O'Connor,
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
Telephone: 202-208-4874
Telefax: 202-208-6756
cc:Mail: WASO Ranger Activities
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