MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Friday, February 24, 1995

Broadcast: By 1000 ET


95-78 - Organ Pipe Cactus (Arizona) - Drug Arrests and Seizures

Recent activity along the international border within the park indicates that
smuggling of drugs by individual packers or "mules" is still a preferred method
for bringing drugs into the United States.  Between January 27th and February
4th, rangers were involved in three separate smuggling incidents - two in which
illegal aliens packing marijuana across the border and one in which a lone
rider on horseback was apprehended with 173 pounds of marijuana.  Investigation
reveals that once the individual packers have made it a reasonable distance
from the border they are picked-up by a vehicle and driver on the main highway
that goes through the park.  The drugs are then taken to a stash house.  A
total of over 400 pounds of marijuana was confiscated in these incidents, which
involved rangers and Border Patrol and Customs officers.  [Cheto Olais, ORPI,

95-79 - Sagamore Hill (New York) - Oil/Hazmat Spill

On February 22nd, a 225-gallon tank was being removed from the park by a
contractor when it was found that the tank bottom had decayed and failed.  The
tank was located approximately 100 feet downslope from an out-of-service
drinking water well, where trace quantities of the substance TCE had been
previously reported.  Representatives from the state's Department of
Environmental Conservation subsequently determined that an unknown quantity of
pesticides and petroleum had been released into subsurface soils.  Through
interviews with the park's maintenance staff, it was determined that pesticides
and related substances had been transferred into the tank from the mid 1950s
through the early 1980s.  Both the National Response Center and the state
received formal notification of the spill.  A contracted hydrologist is on
site, and will be conducting environmental sampling.  An engineer from the
regional office is also on site.  [Hank Brightman, NARO, 2/22]


No field reports today.


1) Albright-Wirth Fund - Applications are now being accepted for FY 96
Albright-Wirth Fund grants.  Any employee can apply who has a current
satisfactory performance appraisal, five full years of NPS work experience, and
his or her supervisor's endorsement.  Applications must be submitted by mail
(no electronically transmitted applications will be accepted), and must be
postmarked by April 28th.  For further details, contact either your local
employee development officer or Victoria Clarke at 202-523-9079.


No memoranda.

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

Telephone: 202-208-4874
Telefax:   202-208-6756
cc:Mail:   WASO Ranger Activities
SkyPager:  Emergencies ONLY: 1-800-759-7243, PIN 2404843