MORNING REPORT

Morning Report Readers:

Several alert readers have already noticed two fairly noteworthy typos in
the Morning Report for August 31st:  

* Incident 95-577 refers to the group selling T-shirts at Haleakala as
"Earthguard, Fiends of Hawaiian Aina".  This should have read
"Friends".  The slip, as far as can be determined, was innocent and
not Freudian, as has been alleged.

* Incident 95-573 regarding the illegal hunting arrests at Shenandoah
notes that some of those arrested were pinched for selling a "dear",
which, of course, should have been "deer", as no sweethearts were
known to have been poached.

Unfortunately, WordPerfect has no "context check" to protect
insufficiently caffeinated editors from lapses in attention span while