MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date: Tuesday, October 10, 1995 

Broadcast: By 1000 ET


95-620 - Virgin Islands - Follow-up on Hurricane Marilyn

As hurricane recovery operations wind down, the IMT is beginning the process of
reducing incident personnel, primarily in overhead support.  The number of
incident personnel dropped from 77 on Sunday to 64 yesterday.  Materials are
also being released, and the finance section is initiating contracts for long-
term servicing of the 50-plus generators powering government houses and
buildings on St. John, St. Thomas and St. Croix.  Three contractors are making
progress removing storm debris at several park locations; two other contract
requests are pending.  Many areas are still closed because of facility and
utility damage and restoration work currently underway.  Fallen trees and
debris still litter many trails and roadsides.  The Cruz Bay visitor center is
open, but all park programs have been suspended until the end of the month. 
Beaches at Hawksnest, Maho, Leinster and Francis Bay are clear of debris and
open to the public.  Park concessioners have not yet resumed business.  The
private campground at Maho Bay will open by mid-November; the park's campground
at Cinnamon Bay will open in January.  The ferry service from park headquarters
at Red Hook on St. Thomas to St. John is running and on schedule.  The
Hurricane Marilyn IMT will be on line on American On Line at 9 p.m. EDT
tonight.  [Nancy Gray, IO, IMT]

95-669 - Yosemite (California) - Rescue 

On the evening of September 26th, Wawona District rangers received a report of
an injured woman at lower Chilnualna Falls.  L.F., 32, had fallen about
30 feet onto a granite slab and sustained multiple injuries.  Two park medics
provided advanced life support; a rescue team comprised of 14 employees,
including the Wawona fire crew, performed a difficult litter evacuation in
darkness to get her to a waiting ambulance.  Doctors determined that L.F. had
suffered a punctured lung, broken ribs, ruptured spleen and fractured humerus,
elbow, clavicle and toes.  Alcohol is suspected as a contributing factor. 

95-670 - Isle Royale (Michigan) - Rescue

Seasonal ranger Dean Martinson was traveling by boat up the Rock Harbor channel
at the northeast end of the park on the night of September 23rd when he saw
flashing lights from the lakeshore trail.  Upon investigation, he found that
several visitors were seeking help for an ill hiker at Three Mile campground,
several miles from the shore.  Martinson hiked to the campground and found that
F.G. of Mankato, Minnesota, was suffering from an acute abdomen and
that his vital signs were deteriorating.  Drug therapy was begun, and an air
ambulance was summoned from St. Mary's hospital in Duluth.  The helicopter
picked F.G. up at 1:15 a.m.  This was the first use of the St. Mary's
service by the park, which only recently established a working partnership with
the hospital - specifically because of the hospital's twin engine and night
flying capability, crucial to the park because of Isle Royale's isolated
location and distance from shore.  [Peter Armington, CR, ISRO]

95-671 - Grand Canyon (Arizona) - Assist; Attempted Assault on Ranger

On the evening of October 5th, ranger Nancy Mecham was transporting a prisoner
to Flagstaff in a marked patrol vehicle.  While on Highway 64 about 18 miles
south of the park, Mecham came upon a Dodge Ramcharger heading north in the
southbound lane.  Mecham pulled him over.  When she approached the vehicle, the
driver - later identified as 53-year-old A.B., a construction worker
at Grand Canyon - tried to hit her with his vehicle.  Mecham was able to evade
him, however, and eventually removed him from his vehicle at gunpoint and held
him until a county deputy could arrive.  A.B. was found to have eight weapons
in his vehicle, at least four of which - a .357 revolver, a 20 gauge shotgun, a
12 gauge shotgun, and a semi-automatic - were loaded and within his immediate
reach.  Minutes before Mecham encountered A.B., he'd been involved in a hit-
and-run head-on collision.  The victims of that accident were pursuing A.B.
and witnessed his attempted assault on Mecham.  Arizona state officers
subsequently arrested A.B., who will likely be charged with DUI,
endangerment, leaving the scene of an accident, and aggravated assault on a
peace officer.  Federal charges are also possible.  [Kent Keller, GRCA]




                                                   Fri     Tues  %    Est
State    Area            Fire/Incident      IMT    10/6    10/10 Con  Con  

 GA   Crestview (FL)     Hurricane Opal      T2   Manage distribution center

 VI   St. Thomas/John    Hurricane Marilyn   T2   NPS team - repair, support


Fire     * = newly reported fire (on this report).  Cx = complex.
IMT     T1 = Type 1; T2 = Type II; ST1 = state Type 1; ST2 = state Type 2.
% Con   Percent of fire contained.
Est Con Estimated containment date.  NEC = no estimated date of
        containment; CND = fully contained; NR = no report.


                NPS     BIA      BLM     FWS    States     USFS      Total

Number            1       0        1       0        19       10         31 
Acres Burned      0       0        4       0        23        1         28


               Crews     Engines     Helicopters     Airtankers     Overhead

Federal          2           1            1               0            182
Non-federal      0           0            0               0            180

5) SITUATION - Initial activity continued yesterday in California.  There was
little activity elsewhere.

6) OUTLOOK - Only minor activity is expected.

[NICC Incident Management Situation Report, 10/10]


No field reports today.


No notes.


The following activities will be taking place in Congress during coming weeks
on matters pertaining to the National Park Service.  If you would like further
information on any of these hearings or bills, please contact Stacey Rickard in
WASO Legislation at 202-208-3636.

October 12

House Resources' Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Lands (Hansen):
Hearing on H.R. 2081, to recognize the validity of rights-of-way granted under
section 2477 of the Revised Statutes.

October 17

House Resources' Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Lands (Hansen):
Markup of H.R. 1838, to provide for an exchange of lands with the Water
Conservancy District of Washington County, Utah; H.R. 1163, to authorize the
exchange of NPS land at Fire Island NS for land in the Village of Patchogue,
Suffolk County, NY; H.R. 826, to extend the deadline for the completion of
certain land exchanges involving Big Thicket NP; H.R. 1129, to amend the
National Trails System Act to designate the route from Selma to Montgomery as a
National Historic Trail.

October 24

House Resources' Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Lands (Hansen):
Hearing on H.R. 1342, to provide for conveyance of certain lands within the
Cook Inlet region in Alaska, for reconveyance to village corporations under the
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.

October 26

Senate Energy and Natural Resources' Subcommittee on Parks, Historic
Preservation and Recreation (Campbell): Hearing on S. 231, to modify the
boundaries of Walnut Canyon NM; S. 342, to establish the Cache La Poudre River
National Water Heritage Area; S. 364, to authorize the Secretary to participate
in the operation of certain visitor facilities associated with, but outside the
boundaries of, Rocky Mountain NP; S. 509, to authorize the Secretary to enter
into agreement with the town of Grand Lake, Colorado, to authorize the town to
maintain a cemetery within Rocky Mountain NP; S. 608, to establish New Bedford
Whaling NHP in New Bedford, MA.

November 2

Senate Energy and Natural Resources' Subcommittee on Parks, Historic
Preservation and Recreation (Campbell): Hearing on S. 873, to establish the
South Carolina National Heritage Corridor; S. 944, to provide for the
establishment of the Ohio River Corridor Study Commission; S. 945, to amend the
Illinois and Michigan Canal Heritage Corridor Act of 1984 to modify the
boundaries of the corridor; S. 1020, to establish the Augusta Canal National
Heritage Area in Georgia; S. 1110, to establish guidelines for the designation
of National Heritage Areas; S. 1190, to establish the Ohio and Erie Canal
National Heritage Corridor in Ohio.

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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Telefax:   202-208-6756
cc:Mail:   WASO Ranger Activities
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